School certainly stops for Summer, but learning never should, right? I think so. My little kids are curious about EVERYTHING and so learning is something they do everyday. I was introduced to Carson-Dellosa’s Summer Bridge Activity books and we love them!
We received the Carson-Dellosa Summer Bridge Activity book for Pre K-K. There is so many wonderful activities for my son in it. We have been doing a little bit every day since we received it. My son knows that when I get this book out, it is learning time with Mommy. He gets very excited and loves the one on one time with me.
This book has many learning opportunities in it. From tracing letters and recognizing them to counting and learning shapes. It also has little star stickers in the very back of the book, so when your child does good, you simply peel off the sticker and stick it on that page. I let my son do this, and he is eager to do well on his assignment, because he knows he gets to have a sticker! Simple to me, but important to him. There is also a certificate in the back of the book that your child gets when all his assignments are completed. My son is very excited to work towards that. These little “incentives’ are much better then offering candy for a job well done, don’t you think?
A bit about Carson-Dellosa’s Summer Bridge Activity Books (taken from the press release):
An award-winning resource for children and parents for over a decade, Summer Bridge Activities is designed for preschool through eighth grade to help children maintain the skills and knowledge they learned in the classroom during the previous school year and to prepare them for the next grade.
The original, award-winning workbooks consist of daily activities in reading, writing, math, science and social studies for grades Pre-K through 8th. The series includes games, full-color flash cards, incentive calendars to keep kids motivated, and a certificate of completion. Each of the workbooks reviews the year the child has just completed and previews the year they are about to enter.
Carson-Dellosa boasts a proud heritage of reaching children and motivating parents to get involved in maintaining active bodies and minds during the summer and throughout the school year,” said Carson-Dellosa Publishing President Dave Hewitt. “We are pleased to offer the latest edition of Summer Bridge Activities, a workbook series that has been embraced by teachers and parents for more than a decade.”
The workbooks have a suggested retail price of $14.95 and can be purchased at major book sellers, such as Barnes & Noble, Borders and Walden Books, teacher supply stores, as well as Carson-Dellosa’s online site at
I honestly cannot find anything wrong about this book. It is a great help to my son, in learning his numbers, letters and other valuable things. I highly recommend this to any parent.
Buy It!
You can purchase these great learning workbooks, by visiting , or on!
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I was sent the Carson-Dellosa Summer Bridge Activity Book to review and keep. These are my own honest opinions of this book, thanks!