So, I did it, I took the Skintactix Clear Skin Challenge!! Woohooo! Anything to better my skin, the happier this gal will be. I received a small kit in the mail to review. The kit contained the following products:
*Anti Bacterial Cleanser: For most skin types. Provides extraordinary acne benefits with maximum bacterial control against P. acnes and other undesirable bacteria and their acne promoting lipases.
*Gycolic Exfoliator: For excessively oily skin types, with or without acne. Keeps follicles clear of cellular debris and has minor antibacterial properties.
*Green Tea Poultice: For most skin types. Poultice action literally pulls infection and developing infection up and out of the skin. Provides extraordinary acne benefits against P. acne and other undesirable bacteria and their acne promoting lipases.
I really liked the Anti Bacterial Cleanser. It felt like it cleaned my face really well. It rinsed of clean and my face felt very clean and tight after using this cleanser. The Gycolic Exfoliator is also great. It really feels like it is working. When I put it on my acne or blemishes, I feel it sting kind of and I know it is killing the bacteria in that area. Green Tea Poultice I used, but was unsure about. I felt weird leaving it on my face, as it was kind of heavier feeling. But I did, and to my surprise, was not that big of a deal. Not sure if it did anything, but my face did appear to be less acne prone during the time I used this kit.
Are you a blogger and want to take the Skintactix Clear Skin Challenge? If you do, just visit and sign up to take the challenge today! They will send you a one month supply kit to try it out for yourself!
Buy It!
Not a blogger? No fear, you can follow Skintactix on Twitter and score a 10% off coupon code good towards your purchase of Skintactix! No one loses!! AND, order right now, and get a free box of gourmet chocolates (cuz we ALL know, acne is NOT caused by chocolates…) when you order two or more items and you also get a flat shipping rate of $5.95!!!! Woohoo!! Oh, you can also “Like” Skintactix on Facebook!!
I was sent a kit to try out, these are my own honest opinions, thanks!!!
Pamela S says
I have two teens who both have acne off and on. I’d love to try this out for them. Thanks.
Allison Greene says
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Allison Greene says
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Rachael Ashcraft says
Also entered other contests. Dryel. rach60504 at gmail dot com
Rachael Ashcraft says
Would love to win this contest! rach60504 at gmail dot com
Allison Greene says
daily tweet 1!/kitraz13/status/44120272827195392
april mckeen says
i would love to win this prize package!
shawna says
I would love to try this and see if it helps with my acne.
Allison Greene says
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Aleksandra says
I’d love to try this. I am a lotion and potion junkie! Thanks!
Allison Greene says
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Leah Walker says
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Leah Walker says
I love that this is anti bacterial. I want to win for my 15 year old daughter and that’s exactly what she needs. Sadly, I need to share it with her. Lol. My skin is in worse shape now than it was when I was a kid. It got bad around the holidays and has only gotten worse. I’m not sure what happened but I would love to win for both of us to try.
Allison Greene says
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Allison Greene says
I would LOVE to win this! I have such a problem with acne
styleezta says
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styleezta says
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styleezta says
I really want to try this. need to control my breakouts and nothing i buy has worked 🙁
victoria lester says
I entered the LifeNest Sleeping System giveaway
flophasit at yahoo dot com
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victoria lester says
I entered the Borghese’s Bel Viso Facial Skin Care giveaway
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victoria lester says
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I made a comment on your Feb. 24th post on fb. I’m victoria liester on facebook.
victoria lester says
I like Skintastic on facebook – I’m victoria liester
flophasit at yahoo dot com
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victoria lester says
I like you on facebook – I’m victoria liester
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victoria lester says
My teenage daughter has Acne and this product appears to be something w/ it’s Anti bacterial Cleanser agents.
flophasit at yahoo dot com
Thank you for the chance to enter!
Angela K says
entered Olio giveaway
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Regina T. says
I entered the Borghese giveaway.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
Regina T. says
I entered the Popcorn Factory giveaway.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
Regina T. says
I entered the Down East Basics giveaway.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
Regina T. says
I entered the Dove giveaway.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
Regina T. says
I entered the Simply Organic giveaway.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
Regina T. says
I entered the General Mills giveaway.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
Regina T. says
I am always open to try new skin care products.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
Mindi says
Mindi says
I like you on facebook!
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Mindi says
It would great to have a travel kit rather than carrying around big bottles when traveling!
hj says
I feel like I have tried everything for my skin– I’ll happily give this a go too! thanks.
hmcnaron at gmail
Sarah says
I left a comment on the brownie heart cakes post, entry 2
Sarah says
I left a comment on the brownie heart cakes post, entry 1
Sarah says
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Sarah says
I so need this! (I wish I didn’t, but I do!) Thanks for the chance!
Angela K says
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renee says
entered Pocoyo giveaway
renee says
entered Dryel giveaway
renee says
My poor husband still has acne and needs to try this stuff. I was blessed with mostly acne-free skin, thank God.
Angela K says
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Amber says
i follow them on twitter as DragonFlySweetN
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i like you on facebook as Amber MacDonald
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Amber says
this would be great to try i sure hope i win
Judee says
I have tried so many products, I would love to try this to see if it works for me.
Angela K says
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andrea d says
i would love to try this..God knows I need it =)
drea8685 at yahoo dot com
yasmeen says
Hey I really need this! My acne is horrible & at the moment im trying proactiv been using it for about a months & no results 🙁
Enter me please! Thank ya soo much
Angela K says
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Angela K says
entered Meet the Fairies giveaway
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entered Pocoyo giveaway
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entered Herbal Calming Collar giveaway
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entered Hoover carpet cleaner giveaway
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entered Ceramide Elizabeth Arden giveaway
Angela K says
I follow Skintactix on Twitter @BountyHunter338
Angela K says
I follow you on Twitter @BountyHunter338
Angela K says
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Angela K says
I’d really like to try this & see if it helps my skin!
Callie says
Follow Skintactix on Twitter
Callie says
I tweeted!
Callie says
I still (at 28!) fight acne so this would be great to win!
Gloria Nicholson says
I would love to get this for my granddaughter.
Sara B. says
The mask sounds intriguing. I’d love to try this set on my acne issues.
Elizabeth K says
I would love to try this.
Kathleen says
I would love to try this as I have adult acne and not much seems to help.
kport207 at gmail dot com
HilLesha says
My skin needs it! 🙂
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy says
I feel like a teenage girl with all the acne I’ve been getting lately. I’ll have to check it out.
blueviolet @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
I kinda like knowing it’s working too. I don’t like the sting, but yet it’s a signal.
Kim says
I know, right?!