This post is all about Honeywell’s Quietest Table Fan! It has been a very nice summer so far, in the Pacific Northwest. No complaining from me at all! In fact, for the past 5 days, we have been getting VERY hot weather. I absolutely love it and so do my kids!
*Product was received. Opinions are mine. This post contains my personal affiliate links.
Honeywell’s Quietest Table Fan
We do have central air in our home, but some rooms, for some reason, get the cold air quite a bit more than other rooms. So, for the rooms that do not get very much cool air, I have fans.
At night, we also sleep with fans on, to circulate the air (and we like the sound). I was sent a fan from Honeywell and it is a very quiet fan. It is called the Honeywell Quiet Set Table Fan.
This fan comes fully assembled so that is nice! Just plug it in and feel the breeze on your cheeks (your facial cheeks..)! This fan is sleek-looking and looks great in any room. The fan rotates around the room for a nice, comfy breeze or you can just have the fan blowing in one spot, your choice. It sits about 13″ tall and has 4-speed quiet set controls.
The four speeds are Sleep (which is just a really soft, quiet fan), White Noise (which is a bit louder fan with more breeze), Refresh (which is even louder fan noise and a harder fan blowing), and the Power Cool (which is the fan at full force). There is also a one-year warranty which is nice.
It is very quiet, but it still has a nice soft ‘fan’ sound. Still eliminates some sounds and is helpful in falling asleep. I have always used fans in my room, to drown out other sounds and this one still does that. This table fan is also pretty inexpensive. It retails for only $39.99.
AEKZ2 says
I stay cool by going shopping in the nice air conditioned stores.
Sarah L says
I swim a lot to keep cool. It’s been not too hot this summer.
Thanks for the contest.
Bryan E. says
Thanks for the giveaway…we stay out of the sun, jump in the pool & consume large volumes of iced tea with lemon slices to keep cool.
vivian says
drink lots of water.
Beverly M says
I use fans, but I could really use a larger one for my bedroom. Thanks for having this contest.
Linda G. says
We go to our local beach to cool off
kelly mcgrew says
i don’t!!! i am burning up over here!! haha
kathy pease says
I usually swim in our pool or crank up the AC
tina reynolds says
Open the windows and use a phone
Donna L says
I enjoy swimming in our pool to cool off.
Stay in the house where it is cool a lot….also go swimming.
Breanne says
Holly Kennedy says
I have to sleep with a fan on.
Ed says
I run through the sprinkler.
Dara Nix says
I live in Florida and it is really difficult to stay cool without running up an electric bill the size of the national debt! We DO keep all of the ceiling fans on and that helps — but we are never actually cool — just comfortable!
Chrystal D says
With a window air conditioner and a floor fan.
Vicki D. says
We use fans in the house. When it gets too hot, then we turn on the air conditioning. My son could really use this desk fan.
will m says
Other than the AC? Cool drinks and plenty of pool time!
Leela says
Cool drinks and fans.
Jennifer says
We keep all of our ceiling fans on high speed during the summer.
Lorena Keech says
Were fortunate, our house is built below ground so it stays cool naturally.
Daniel M says
usually stay inside with the ac
Cori Westphal says
Our AC and our pool keep us cool!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Jill Myrick says
We spend a lot of time swimming or spending time at the lake to stay cool during summer.
But when we’re not able to we spend time inside with the air on.
Tina W says
I drink a lot of herbal iced tea.
Deb Ford says
We are lucky we have a pool so when it gets too hot we jump in!
Robin says
We go swimming and drink lots of water.
nannypanpan says
I rnjoy going to the beach
Kimberly Hilbert says
To keep cool we use fans and the a/c. We also try to keep cooking to a minimum.
Laura J says
I try to use the crockpot often so we do not have to heat up the house with the oven on! I run the dishwasher and clothes dryer late at night, or in the early morning h0urs!
Leigh Anne Borders says
I try to stay as close to water as possible!
Stephanie Grant says
I stay in the house under the air conditioner during the hot summer days but we have been super lucky and it hasn’t been unbearably hot here this summer so I’ve been doing a lot of swimming to keep cool.
Mary Cloud says
I try to stay indoors as much as possible
annabella @ centurytel dot net
Anita L says
I often keep cool during summer months by staying indoors with an air conditioner or fan.
Alina Moore says
We keep cool during the hot summer months with central air and table fans.
joni says
Stay in, shop, see a movie.
Michelle says
Stay inside or go swimming.
janetfaye says
I stay in and put the air conditioner on when I can’t stand the heat.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Elle says
I keep cool with cold drinks like iced tea or water with ice.
Becca says
I keep cool by drinking lots of water and sometimes going for air conditioned drives!
Amanda Alvarado says
We like to swim or just stay inside in the AC during the hottest part of the day!
June S. says
I close the house up and run the air conditioner, oh and go swimming once in awhile too.
Cassandra Eastman says
We stay cool by going swimming!!
Dawn Monroe says
We dont have A/C so there are certain rules for summer time. No dryer, hanging to dry is better anyway. No oven, grill out or sandwiches and if it’s real hot we do chores real early or real late.
Georgette says
I usually stay very hydrated, dress light, and if I can, have the air on.
Nicole Dz says
I keep cool by visiting the local lakes and beaches with the family and getting in the water. Also having a cool drink on my patio helps me cool down in the shade.
Rita Spratlen says
We use a fan most of the time. A squirt bottle with water is nice too. It has been in the 90’s in Portland lately and hot.
Kristi C says
I stay inside and go to the lake.
Nancy says
I stay inside and drink ice water!
Robin Wilson says
I used to be able to handle the heat. But it seems the older I get the less and less I can. So I have to stay inside during the hottest part of the day and since we cannot afford to run our AC nonstop we do use fans throughout the house.
Deborah Dorris says
Getting in cool water; wearing lighter clothes; drinking or eating cold foods and drinks; using a cool, wet headband or cloth around my neck; and using fans inside house for better air cooling.
Kathy Detweiler says
I have to have the ac on and a fan blowing on me. I just seem to not be able to cook off anymore without a fan blowing on my all the time.
Cynthia C says
I stay indoors or go out on the deck with a glass of iced tea.
Ann Fantom says
We stay cool in the summer by going swimming or going to the movies/shopping.
Cynthia R says
We use the ceiling fan a lot, we stay inside, in the shade, etc. We keep the temp around 77 when we are home and 80 when we aren’t.
Christina Foley says
We swim… a lot.. in the pool, at the beach, at the springs. Then enjoy the A/C and fans inside.
shelly peterson says
stay inside during hottest part of day, drink water and sit in front of the fan.
HS says
Swimming and stay indoor.
Karen Glatt says
I can not afford indoor air conditioning. What I do is drink lots of ice water, sit in front of a fan and wear light colored clothing. I stay out of the hot sun during the daytime!
Deborah Wellenstein says
It gets really hot here, so I turn on the AC, and don’t venture outside!
Maryann D. says
I do have central A/C, but I try not to keep it too cool due to the high cost of electricity, but at night I will keep it cooler to sleep.
Mary Beth Elderton says
Air conditioning and fans throughout the house. For outdoor activity, we like to swim
Marti Tabora says
I use a lot of fans and try not to run the air conditioner too much because it makes my power bill so expensive.
Margaret Smith says
Swimming and spritzing myself with water
Renee Walters says
Stay in the pool and drink a lot of water.
Barbara Montag says
Hot summer months we go to the lake for a cooking swim.
thank you
Rebecca Parsons says
I try to drink a lot of water and have a bunch of fans.
karson says
Beach time deffinatly
latanya says
stay hydrated and jump in the pool