An essay is a creative work, and therefore it is important that it be done with interest. And genuine interest is possible only with excellent knowledge of the topic. The first children’s text begins with the question “How do I write my essay?”. These are stories about native nature, interesting cases in life, walks, games, work processes.
It should be based on personal impressions of the surrounding life, observations of the outside world of young authors. However, the works of children do not reflect personal impressions about a particular subject, a phenomenon of the real world.
Reasons to Teach Kids to Write Essays
But the sum of knowledge about it accumulated from various sources and some life experience of the child. This is especially true of essays on nature.
It is easy to notice that in these works there are no personal observations of children, nor their own thoughts and feelings. Here are general phrases about the signs of autumn or a retelling of excerpts from works of art placed in school textbooks.
Why It’s Important to Teach Essay Writing to Children
Correct and beautiful speech in a child is an important task. But it is difficult, requiring an integrated approach. Imaginative, bright, constructed speech is the primary indicator of a child’s intellectual level. By transmitting minor stories the child enriches written speech, develops logical thinking.
In elementary school, it paid a lot of attention to composition. On the one hand, it is an exciting activity. Working on an essay requires certain skills and abilities that are advanced.
An essay is a creative work, and therefore it is important that it be done with interest. And genuine interest is possible only with an excellent knowledge of the topic.
Teaches to think
Thinking on paper a person stimulates the thought process. Very often it is difficult for us to say something out loud or plan a thought.
A letter or a printed text helps to concentrate by fixing all the ideas that appear in our heads. We can highlight the main thing and somehow plan the essence, the main idea. Oral reflection and communication also develop the brain.
The ability to articulate your thoughts clearly
It develops the skills of analysis and formulation of conclusions. It helps to see not only individual parts but also the complete picture.
A quality without which you cannot become a leader, a successful business manager, or simply not build a professional career.
The ability to notice not only individual elements and trifles. But also to see the whole environment, to have a broad outlook and vision of the situation.
It is very important for a person to think competently and express his thoughts as clearly as possible. A person is a biosocial being, and it is through communication that it can realize a person.
Successful speech in several steps is the key to dating, employment, the opportunity to share experiences, and much more.
This quality develops best when you work with a large amount of information and identify the main thing by putting it down on paper. That is why it is one of the most effective ways to develop analytical abilities.
Develops logic
Working on any text develops logic. Along with other school subjects, the creation of texts develops logical thinking. The ability to express a thought competently, consistently, and logically is the basis of persuasion skills.
This is a quality that is indispensable for a successful professional. People with the gift of persuasion are more successful than others and are always in the lead.
Structures information
When there is a lot of information, thoughts scattered, ideas vary, it is easiest to fix everything in writing. By writing everything down on paper, you automatically highlight the most important thing.
Try to follow a certain order, either according to a previously created plan or intuitively. Thus, writing a text teaches you to structure any information.
This is not a simple process, and he needs to learn in advance. Even writers and journalists are trained to write texts, and not everyone gets it interesting and exciting.
Also, it is important to find the right words, express your thoughts clearly and easily. You should also have a good command of synonyms so that the words in the text do not repeat themselves, and the text itself does not look primitive.
Memorization and memory development
It helps to merge the material passed. After all, to write the characteristics of the characters or to retell the events, you need to read the work and comprehend it.
In addition, the essay can significantly improve the literacy of the student. Visual memory will help you remember the rules of punctuation and spelling, so the more a child reads, the more competently he writes.
Writing essays is an art that helps to develop a fruitful imagination, teaches you to feel and think deeply. You can order a great speech in and see what a properly constructed essay looks like.
All they develop the child’s creative abilities, bringing up his harmoniously developed personality. The ability to translate his thoughts into the verbal form will definitely be useful to him in adult life and will help to reveal many talents.