Today we talk about how to control insects with Combat Max Ant & Roach Killing Foam Spray! Do you have an ant or roach problem in your home? When we first moved into our home, last March, we had no clue what to expect in terms of insect problems.
In our past homes, we had an ant problem in one of them, but the other two were fine. Any kind of insect problem in a home is scary and gross.
I hated our ant problem in our old home! It was not a fun thing to get under control. However, we were able to get it under control with Combat Max Ant & Roach Killing Foam Spray.
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Now that we are in this house, and we are settled in, I now know what to expect when it comes to insects in my home. For the first time ever in this house, I saw a lot of ants!
It brought back horrid memories from our old home! Gah! I thought to myself, not again! I will not let these little devils take over and get the best of me.
Control Those Insects With Combat Max Ant & Roach Killing Foam Spray
The ants were coming in from my oldest son’s bedroom window. There were TONS of them and I had not seen them before because his blinds are always down, covering that area.
Well, one day I went into his room and lifted his blinds to air out his room and lo and behold ANTS! No no no! Not okay!
Under the tiny black ants were a TON of ant EGGS!!! I was completely horrified that this was happening in MY home, right under my nose! How on earth? I clean my home, we are clean people! So, this was a nightmare and really scary for me to have to deal with.
At the time, I did not have a way to kill them, to take care of them. So, I used a shop vacuum and vacuumed them up (I let my hubby clean out the shop vac after that!) and then I wiped down everything really well. Of course, that was not going to control a growing problem, but at the time that was the best I could do!
When my can of Combat Max Ant & Roach Killing Foam Spray arrived at my doorstep I knew exactly where I was going to use it. I went straight to my oldest son’s bedroom window and sprayed like a madwoman!!
I saw a lot of ants! It was a nightmare having to clear ants from the yard at my parent’s place, that is why I never wanted to take on the task of exterminating them again. It brought back horrid memories…
The Combat Max Ant & Roach Killing Foam Spray was working! I could see those dang ants dying before my eyes, thank heavens.
There was not a whole lot of them left after I cleaned them out earlier this summer, but there were some strays that thought they could once again, create a kingdom in my son’s windowsill. Nope, not this time!
The foam spray was enveloping the ants and killing them off very quickly. I was pleased to see how fast it was working! There are a lot of little nooks and crannies in my son’s windowsill, but the foam spray was getting into those hard-to-reach spots and killing the ants.
I was SO happy to see it working so well. The foam literally expands into those hard-to-reach areas where those pesky ants like to hide and wait.
After a while, I went back to check on the ants and I was pleased to see they were DEAD. And, the Combat Max Ant & Roach Killing Foam Spray dried invisibly! Plus, this will keep on killing those ants for up to 10 months!! Yay!!
No more filthy ants in our home! Gosh, I was happy about how well this product worked for taking care of our ant problem.
That is the only part of our home that had an ant problem, thank heavens and now I can feel confident that the ant problem no longer exists. Of course, I will keep a watchful eye on that area, but for now, all is good!
The Combat Max Ant & Roach Killing Foam Spray does have an odor to it but it will go away quite quickly. Just make sure that you have some ventilation. But, as I said, the smell goes away quickly!
I have not used this on roaches as we do not have any around our home, but if I ever find one, this will be the first product I reach for to take care of those pesky roaches. Our ant problem doesn’t exist anymore and I am so grateful!
You can purchase Combat Max Ant & Roach Killing Foam Spray online at
Do You Have A Roach Or Ant Problem In Your Home?
Tasia Allen says
We have yet to have an ant problem. Leary of spraying chemicals if we do get them
Dandi D says
Thankfully, we don’t have bug problems right now, but this will be good to remember.
Sarah Hayes says
we dont have this issue right now but this looks like a great product. I will remember it for the future
Katie Bellamy says
We get ants in the Summertime! This looks like it will help!
donna l holder says
ants are hell
Nancy says
I don’t have a bug problem at the moment (THANK GOODNESS!) but I’ll keep it in mind for the future. Thx.
Kimberly O says
We currently do not have this problem but it’s GREAT to know this is available! Thanks!
Cheryl says
We don’t currently have an ant or roach problem in our home. We used diatomaceous earth to get rid of ants in our garage before. We’ve always had good results with Combat products for flying insects.
Lesley F says
Luckily we have had no problems but I would try this if we did
Victoria Scott says
I have heard excellent things about this product! Perfect for under the kitchen sink, where bugs hide!
Jerry Marquardt says
It is definitely hard to live with insects of any type so when I see ants, I need something like this product to help rid the house of them,
Rosanne (@rosannepm) says
I had a little bit of an ant problem in my sun room-the little small grease ants but we have an exterminator once a year
Debbie Welchert says
Sounds like a great product. We didn’t have an ant problem this year, thank goodness. But now I know what product to get if we have a problem with ants next year.
Darcy L Koch says
I will try anything to get rid of nasty insects. I despise them. I’m open to trying this product.
bethelderton says
I need this near my kitchen door for ants! Those little black “sugar ants” (we always called them) are so hard to get rid of.
Mary Beth Elderton
slehan says
I like that this is in a foam so it can get into cracks.
slehan at juno dot com
Heather says
We definitely have an ant problem from time to time. I usually find myself treating a couple time a year to keep them away. I love the foam!
vickie couturier says
i dont have a problem but i do have to be very carefult,,my grandson is very allergic to ants
Ashley Dionne says
This would be helpful at my house….I could use a whole can and those little guys will still be running around!
Sandy Klocinski says
I do not have an ant or roach problem. When I first moved into the house I had some ants in the kitchen and a few spiders in various areas. Believe it or not, I got three of those electronic gizmos that you plug into the electrical outlets (didn’t really believe that they would work but only 20 bucks so worth a shot). Haven’t had a problem since. I also spray around the exterior of my house with an insect repellant/killer