I Have a Case of the Knee Tickles!
Yep! You heard me right! I have a bad case of the silly knee tickles! I don’t know if it is because it is spring, and my knees are feeling the huge need to have hay fever all of a sudden, or if it is just because they need attention… I am feeling quite betrayed by them…
I am trying to get it all figured out, but in the meantime, my knees are being skinned alive! They are red and burning and ITCHY!! What is going on?
I am off to drag them on the floor, then use a Brillo pad on them…Do you Have a Case of the Knee Tickles????
blueviolet says
Oh my gosh, that’s a sure sign of warm weather!
Tamara B. says
Awe, poor things and it reminds me so much of me when I was a little girl. My knees were always skinned up 🙂
Brandy says
I have itchy nose 🙁 Good luck with knees. HUGS!
Zippy Sandler says
Hate to say Benedryl cream…but it works.
Penelope says
Lol, you are so cute…don’t use a brillo pad though!
Rachel says
Yeah — try the oatmeal bath. I hate having itchy legs –but I have that problem in winter.
Dee @ Cocktails with Mom says
Poor you. Hope you feel better soon and get some relief.
Dee says
LOL! Poor thing!! I wish I had some advice!
lisa says
we haven’t been warm enough to see our knees yet this season 🙁
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy says
Maybe try soaking in an oatmeal bath…
erin says
Itchy knees. You know, I had that with my ankles the other day. I finally ended up spraying them with athletes foot stuff and the itchiness stopped. Weird, right?
Have you tried googling it? 🙂
Theresa @ Faith And Family Reviews says
Ok, that’s weird, but maybe this is weirder (if that is even a word!) my forehead is itching me, so what’s up with that? I put fennel on it earlier, but have used it before without any adverse affect. And no, I did not drag my forehead on the floor….don’t your knees hurt now? Ouch. Or are you even serious?
I thought your post was going to be about spring boo boos when I first glanced at the picture…never expected itchy knees! Thanks for the smile just before I go to bed. 🙂
I need to catch some zzzzzs before it’s morning and my boys are up goofing around. So much for getting to bed earlier….ha!
monique says
LOL! They do look a bit under the weather! Go put your feet (and your knees) up. They can’t get boo boos that way.