Johnson’s Baby: Your Promise Is Our Promise
We have used Johnson’s Baby products, always. Ever since I was small, I can remember my mom using it on us and any new baby’s in the house. I just have such fond memories of these products and the scents bring back some fun memories!
Now that I am a mommy, I use Johnson’s Baby on my baby too. I have more bottles of Johnson’s Baby products than I can count, yep, that many. I love the scents, I love the feeling it gives my baby’s skin and I love how it makes my skin feel too. Ya, I use it often on MY skin 😉
One of the reasons I just adore Johnson’s Baby is because they listen to their customers. They listened to parents and took a stand and changed their formulas to give moms a piece of mind. I received their newly formulated products and adore them.
As the new products hit the shelves, Johnson’s Baby has launched a heartfelt campaign called: “Your Promise Is Our Promise“, as their way of expressing their ongoing commitment to moms! Just as moms make promises to their children, JOHNSON’S® Baby also makes promises so moms don’t have to worry about the products they use on their little ones! I love this campaign, I really do, and think it is a great way to show us moms the dedication Johnson’s Baby has to us mommies and our littlest ones!
A Promise I Made To My Babies
I know that being a parent is tough. And I am sure there are many promises that we make to our children and they are not kept (yep I am guilty of it, sigh..). But one promise I made to my babies, a long time ago, is that THEY COME FIRST, no matter what. If there is something that is bothering them or something they just need or want to ask me, they come to ME and I will drop everything and listen to them wholeheartedly.
They KNOW this about me and I love that for them. After all, they are MY babies and MY responsibility. No one else (well, hubby too!! and he is a good daddy!). So, my being there for them, is SO important to us all. That is my promise to my sweet kids and that will NEVER change!!
The New And Improved Products!!!
The Johnson’s Baby Family is super excited to introduce to you all, their 7 newly reformulated products! Yay!
o JOHNSON’S® Baby Lotion
o JOHNSON’S® Baby Shampoo
o JOHNSON’S® Baby Shampoo and Conditioner for Thick and Curly Hair
o JOHNSON’S® Baby Shampoo and Conditioner for Thin and Straight Hair
o JOHNSON’S® Baby Shampoo with Calming Lavender
o JOHNSON’S® Baby Soothing Vapor Baby Bath
What do you think of these newly reformulated Johnson’s Baby products? What did you think about the heartfelt video? Please let me know, in the comments below!
Danielle @ We Have It All says
I love what Johnson’s Baby is doing, so glad to hear about their reformulation. This is definitely a step in the right direction.
Alesha @ Full Time Mama says
I have always loved J&J products. The Lavender Baby Wash is my favorite, and I still consider buying it for my kids to use even though they’re older. lol
Kecia says
Loving the new Johnson’s Baby products! It’s great when companies take their customers’ fears and worries into consideration.
Debra says
I didn’t realize they re-forumulated, but we always use Johnson’s products here. It really is the only shampoo that doesn’t make my kids tear or cry!
krystalskitsch says
I’m way shocked they are changing their formula. Good for them for listening to their customers!
Rosey says
We love Johnson & Johnson’s. Quality is the most important reason, but they smell good too, and I love that fact.
kristin says
Oh how sweet! We love the bedtime bath, its a must for moms and babies!!!
Janell Poulette says
This is really great information. My babies are alittle older but we still use many J&J products!
Pam says
You don’t have to be a baby to love and use these product. We still use them. They are simply the best. I loved the video.
Angela S says
This is so good to hear. I am loving the video they put out for this!
Lauren says
I was so happy to hear that they changed their formula! That is great news.
Brandy says
Johnson’s baby wash is the best! I used their purple one for my first born when she was a baby to sooth her to sleep, I love how far they have come since back then!
Tami says
One thing I remember about Johnson’s products is the smell. After their bath, my aunt would use the products on my cousins. After which they would want to cuddle to get ready for bedtime. The smelled good and they were so sweet. Priceless!
Ann Bacciaglia says
I love Johnson’s baby products. I used to use it all the time when my kids were younger. Glad to hear they still have such fabulous products.
Terry says
I used Johnsons products when my daughter was young. That was over 40 years ago. Johnsons is still a name I trust.
Jaime says
We love Johnson’s products in our home. My son is almost 3, and we still use several of their products.
Lisa says
Love this new message and have loved J&J forever. I think it’s fantastic that they are doing this.
Dawn says
When my son was a baby, I decided to cheap out and try a house brand “no tears” shampoo. Guess what? If it’s not Johnson’s it is NOT “no tears”. I learned that one the hard way.
Nicole Ramage says
I’ve always loved Johnson’s baby products. They were the only thing that my son could use without breaking out.
Debbie L. says
I love Johnson products – I use the bath wash – it is perfect for my sensitive skin
Jennifer says
I was so happy to hear that they made/are making the changes to their products. We’ve always loved JOHNSON’S Baby so I was sad when I had to stop using them.
Pam says
I have always used Johnson and Johnson for my children. It’s great they are listening to their customers and getting rid of parabens.
Katrina says
I’ve used Johnson’s products sense the kids were babies. I still use their shampoo with the boys and the curly hair formula for my daughter. They are a brand I instinctively trust.
Everyday Living with Chrys says
I’m a sucker for Johnsons. We used the tear free shampoo for the longest time for kiddo. Every once in a while I will get a trial size lotion to keep in my purse. It’s great lotion for the summer but not so good for Michigan winters.
Rob says
We used Johnson products on all three of our kids and its awesome to see that people are still using the same products to this day. It just shows that they make a quality products that people believe in.
Virginia @thatbaldchick says
We use Johnson’s daily. I even use it. I am so excited that they are reformulating to remove the parabens!
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
When my boys were babies, Johnson’s products were the only things I would use. They are truly the best.
Jeanine @ says
I’m so glad to hear! I used Johnson’s products long ago and quit when the stories came out. I would love to go back to trying! They really did have great products!