*This is a sponsored post. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Are your children picky eaters or begging to switch things up? Each day provides a new challenge when it comes to keeping bellies full and happy. Kraft Heinz cares about the effort you put into making meals for your family and would like your help inspiring new products!
Join The Kraft Heinz Community And Earn Rewards!
Kraft Heinz and their research partner, C-Space, want to hear from you and other parents as they seek participants for an exclusive, secure, moderated online community. Those who participate will get the chance to learn from other parents in the community and will serve as honorary Heinz advisors by providing feedback directly to Kraft Heinz decision-makers.
In this community, explore as you answer surveys, participate in discussions, have a sneak peak at what’s coming next and share your thoughts before it’s released to market. As a dedicated consumer, your opinions are valued and celebrated and deserve to be heard.
In addition to the opportunity to impact the brand, members will receive Amazon gift codes each month for participating! In additional to the monthly gift codes, there are chances to earn even more each month by participating in specific projects and activities geared just towards you!
If you have a lot to share on what it’s like to prepare meals for your family, and how you stay ahead of the game to keep things simple, Heinz wants your voice to play a role in their future.
Spots are limited so signup today to start talking all things food: http://bit.ly/2lIwa2h
Good luck!
tridingermckee says
I love this opportunity! The rewards sound like something I’d definitely work toward and don’t seem impossible like other reward programs.
Dana MATTHEWS says
I love these communities! This one sounds a little different. I’ll sure be attempting to get in!
Elicia Polacek says
Have not seen this program. Thanks.
Terry says
I have never heard of this before but what a great idea as well as the rewards.
Saki AB says
This is a first time for me to hear about this rewards program! Thanks
donna porter says
I have never heard of this program but it sure sounds great! I will be checking into this!
slehan says
Looks like it’s geared toward parents, but I’m not a parent.
slehan at juno dot com
Sonya Allstun says
What a neat opportunity. Thank you for sharing!
gracefulcoffee says
What a cool community!
Catherine Lewis says
Great idea, but I don’t have a big family.
Jessica W. says
I am a part of a couple of survey programs to earn rewards. This one might need to be added to the list!
monique s says
Such a great source for recipes and I love there are rewards too
Lula Ruger says
I have not heard of this program i am going to check it out now I hope it is still avaiable
kcgmorris says
This sounds like a fun opportunity! I’m going to try for it. These are brands we already use and love and I like the idea of having my voice heard about how we cook!
Angela Ingles says
I didn’t know this existed. I’ll have to check it out!
jberry says
Great concept. Like the idea of being rewarded via amazon.
vickiecouturier says
I belong to this program
Maryann D. says
This on-line community does sound interesting to check out. Amazon codes would be nice to get also.
Debbie F says
Sounds great! I’d join but I only eat certain things (can’t have gluten, grains, etc) so my meals are pretty specific.
Marcie W. says
Great opportunity! I always enjoy learning new ways to score rewards.
Kim K says
Sounds great if you are a parent.
Michelle M says
Thanks for sharing. Hoping to get picked!
kayla sheehan says
thank you for sharing!
Wehaf says
If I had kids I would definitely be interested in doing this. 🙂
According to Ashley Bree says
this is awesome!
Laura says
What a neat opportunity. Thank you for sharing!
texasinak says
This sounds like its definitely worth checking out. I love that they include so many rewards for their members.
Mia says
Sounds like an excellent program with good rewards for participation.