This is a story I have been meaning to share but have never had the time to actually sit down and write it, until last night. Every Mama should read it and share it with her Mama friends. This is the story of The Day My Daughter Was Almost Taken From Me…
The Day My Daughter Was Almost Taken From Me…
I Started Bleeding…
I cannot make this brief, so I will not. It all started when I was six weeks pregnant with my daughter, Presley. On Saturday, April 21, 2007, I started bleeding bright red blood. (I have had two previous miscarriages, so I knew…) I started crying & knew what I was experiencing, yet again. I then started passing huge blood clots.
And this is where my nightmare began…
I screamed for my husband. He came running and he knew just by looking at me, what was going on. We actually had friends over at this time, and my friend was pregnant with her first and about 2 months ahead of me.
They were so sad for us and left. I called my mom and my brother came over to watch our then, 1-year-old Zaden. We left for the ER. My mom met us there and they already had a room for me, my mom made sure of that.
At The Hospital
When I got to the ER examining room, I was told to put on a gown and wait, they were going to give me a full exam. They also ordered an ultrasound.
After the exam, I went to the bathroom and again started passing huge clots, many of them, and blood everywhere. I was brought into the u/s and I and my husband watched as they searched my uterus for our baby.
Me and my husband “thought” we saw a little one, but the technician said otherwise. Then the technician went on to my left side and saw a “suspicious” thing. I said “Like an ectopic pregnancy” and she said “Yes“.
Could This Be An Ectopic Pregnancy???
I got back in the exam room, and the doctor comes in and confirms that it was/is indeed an ectopic pregnancy. We were heartbroken, again…
She said there were two options, one was to take medication to dissipate the pregnancy without surgery (which for “some” reason I said no to) and the second was to have surgery immediately and have the ectopic pregnancy removed.
She said she recommended the second one because of the size of the “ectopic” pregnancy. I told her how I felt about surgeries that I don’t do well with them or the meds (when I had a c-section with my son I had an anxiety attack).
But still, she made me feel it was very important to have this immediately done. So, I signed the papers for surgery and was emitted to the hospital and scheduled for surgery at ten the next morning.
Surgery: They Took Out My Fallopian Tube
The next day I went in for surgery. When I came to there were two nurses at my side, neither of them spoke of my surgery at all.
I thought that to be kinda weird. When I got back to my room it was my husband who told me what really happened. He said that the surgeon came in and told him that the surgery ended up not being necessary. It ended up NOT being an ectopic pregnancy, but a tumor (non-cancerous).
The doctor also told my husband that they had to end up taking out my left fallopian tube. I could not believe what I was hearing. He also said that the surgeon was apologizing?! What?!
So, later the surgeon came in and told me the same thing. I was in shock. They also said that my vitals all looked good and that I could go home if I wanted to. I decided to because they made me feel like I “should“.
Sending Me Home Quickly
So, I got my discharge papers and was wheeled to our car. Halfway to the car I started puking, a lot. The nurse just kept on wheeling me and did not stop, I was so sick! I had to tell the nurse, in between puking, to stop pushing me!
You would think that after seeing me puke everywhere and being so sick, that she would make a judgment call to keep me in the hospital, after all, I had “just” had abdominal surgery that day!!! Everyone in the ER waiting room was staring at me as she continued to push me to our car and let me go home.
Am I Dying? (The Day My Daughter Was Almost Taken From Me…)
When I got home I went straight to our room and lay on the bed. I immediately felt my body giving up. I thought I was dying, I really did.
I screamed as loud as I could for my husband, but could not get sounds out, I was too weak. I finally threw a lip balm at the closed door and my 1-year-old son heard it somehow and told Daddy. He finally came to check on me.
I told him to call an ambulance because I think I am dying. I was tingling everywhere and was faint and had such shallow breathing and I thought this was it.
Back At The Hospital And Another U/S
The ambulance arrived and they carried me out onto the stretcher and again, I was back at Kaiser ER. They took all of my vitals, and blood work gave me my 10th IV ( my arms looked like that of a drug user), and gave me a chest x-ray and an EKG.
I finally got a room, the same room I was in earlier, in Labor and Delivery mind you (why do they put grieving moms in there???) I got the same dang nurse too!
In the morning I went to yet another u/s. Still, it showed not much, but it did show a lot more from the day before, and my HCG levels were still tripling.
The doctors and specialists all were miffed and said my “case” was very, very rare and they did not have any answers for me. So, again, I stayed at the hospital with no answers.
Doctors Told Me I Might Have Cancer
The next day, I woke they take my blood AGAIN and send it in to see where my levels were. In the meantime, my doctor comes in and sits down. She tells me it could be one of two things.
First, it could be a pregnancy somewhere else in my body, like my abdomen, or somewhere it should not be and they need to locate it. Secondly, it could be cancer. I started crying hysterically as you can imagine. ( I was also all alone, as my husband was home with our baby boy).
This whole ordeal has been a nightmare and it is only getting worse, with no answers. My doctor comes back and sits down again. She says that she has ordered a d & c for later that evening to get out what “mass” she sees in my u/s that is in my uterus.
One Last Ultrasound Before Doing a D&C
She said that it could be internal bleeding or just clots that need to come out. I told her the only way I would allow for another d and c (I have had two already from previous m/c’s), is if they did another u/s immediately on me. She agreed, though thought it to be unnecessary, and ordered me one last one.
Before I went to my u/s, a nurse came by to give me medicine to prep me for the d and c and calm my nerves. (for some reason the whole time I was in this hospital, I hardly accepted any pain medication, but did not know why..).
Finally, I said to her, “Sure, give it to me!” Then I was wheeled into the u/s room. There was a screen facing me that was turned off. I told the technician that I wanted it turned on so I can see what is going on too.
Wait…Is That A Heartbeat?!
She hesitated, then turned it on and we started. As soon as she put the camera in me (vaginal u/s, oh joy…) I saw it… My baby’s HEARTBEAT!!!
Oh, my gosh.. oh my gosh!
There plain as day was my six-week-old baby measuring EXACTLY that, six weeks with yolk sac and all! The heartbeat was 114 beats per minute. The technician tried to tell me that it was an artery in my uterus and that was MY heartbeat!
I started laughing at her and said, “So here I am just having a shot of Vicodin and falling asleep, and you think my heart rate is 114 bpm?!”
She looked at me dumbfounded and immediately dismissed that thought (this is the ignorance I have had to deal with since day ONE)
When I got back to my hospital room, I demanded food, to feed my baby! (I had not eaten, nor had I felt like eating since the previous day and I was starving!). I called my whole family. My husband came to pick me up and take me home.
I went back frequently to be checked and have my blood drawn and numerous u/s. Now, a new thing was going on, and again, no doctor knew what it was…..
What Is That Mass In My Uterus With My Baby?
When I went into my u/s, the doctors found a perfectly healthy fetus, but with this fetus, sharing its space, was a “mass” of something.
No doctor could figure out what, but with each u/s and visit the mass was growing and was now larger than my baby. I searched frantically online to no avail.
I had no clue if my baby was going to be alright. I had no clue if this mass was taking nutrients from my baby. I had no clue if this mass was perhaps another twin that did not make it. I just had no clue, and neither did my doctors, but they NEVER had answers for me, ever.
A Father’s Blessing For A Healthy Baby And Mama
I was set up to go and see a specialist for an in-depth u/s to look at this mass. My dad, who holds the priesthood and is a Latter-Day Saint, gave me a priesthood blessing along with a wonderful man, Brother Schouten. Alongside them, I sat, and with their hands upon my head, a blessing and prayer were given.
During that blessing, I can still remember, the wonderful feeling of love and just that everything was going to be alright, EVERYTHING.
The feeling was so intense and wonderful, that I cannot fully explain it. I started crying, and everyone in that room did too.
Where Did That Mass Go?
The next day, my parents took me to the specialist appointment and my mom went in with me to the u/s. On the screen, we were shocked to see no mass, nothing but a healthy, bouncing-around baby with a very strong heartbeat.
That mass was COMPLETELY gone. The specialist was confused as he gazed at the other u/s previously taken. He said that he has not seen anything like this!
He also said, had I just come to him without him ever seeing my previous u/s or knowing my history, he would have thought this to be a perfect pregnancy. The BEST news I have heard throughout this whole pregnancy so far!!!
I and my mom ran out and told my dad, we were all in tears! On the way home I called my whole family and told them all the wonderful news, “I am pregnant!” I could finally say it and mean it!!
I was 12.5 weeks pregnant and now could look forward to 28 more wonderful weeks until I got to meet my “little Miracle baby“.
A Healthy Baby Girl Is Born!
I gave birth to Presley Ann on November 30th, 2007. She decided to make her appearance three weeks early! She came naturally, well with the help of an epidural, and is PERFECT in every way!!
She weighed 6lbs 9 ozs and was 18 1/2 inches long! We could not have been happier! She was born with two sacral dimples and needed to have back surgery for a tethered spine, but everything is fine now, and no other surgeries that we know of in the future.
We thank God every day for our little miracle girl! Her brother and she are best friends!!
ALWAYS Trust Your Gut!!!
I wanted to share my story and tell EVERY mommy out there, that even though the u/s shows you nothing, try try again. LISTEN to your body, no one knows it better than YOU do. If you doubt what the doctors say, get a second, third, or even fourth opinion!!
After my ordeal with my pregnancy, I could not help but wonder how many grief-stricken mommies have had to endure an unnecessary d and c, only because they are told that their baby is no longer with them.
It makes me SICK to think of the “what ifs” like what if I never asked for that last u/s? I would have NEVER known, ever. My daughter would not be here.
I would not know her, she would not know her mama. She would not know her daddy’s love or her brother’s friendship and love…
If I could ever pass an act or law, it would be that ALL women getting a d and c would have to have one last u/s to determine if there is indeed no pregnancy. I would call it “The Presley Act“.
The Day My Daughter Was Almost Taken From Me… is about my journey of trusting my gut and getting second opinions. I was not taking no for an answer. My gut feeling is what saved my baby girl from being taken away from me!
“My daughter is here because I followed my heart. I believe in miracles, because I have one”… Kim Delatorre
Have you ever experienced something like this? Do you know of someone who has? I would love to talk with you! You can email me at [email protected]
Teddi says
Hey girl! Hope you are doing well! I enjoyed meeting you today. I will keep you in my prayers that your prayers are answered and I will be watching here!
I am so sorry about your bad experience. It is appalling. I am glad to see that you finally named it and it was not where I work!
Blessings to you my friend.
Kim says
It was a pleasure meeting you today too!! Thank you for your kind words and for making today not so bad!!! Praying it helps me conceive again!! <3
Brandy says
Kim I’m so glad you got a happy ending out of this and I can’t believe how you were treated at the hospital 🙁
Tammy says
What a miracle 🙂
Lisa @ Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy says
wow! I have long been a champion of following your gut when it comes to our kids, mother intuition is amazing!!! I am sorry for what you went through but I hope that it will helps others in your sharing!
Kim says
Thank you Lisa!!!
Kim says
Thank you SO Much my sweet friends. Your comments and prayers are something I really need. I am so thankful for my little miracles and hope and pray another miracle is in my near future. Again, thank you!!!!
Jess says
Oh my goodness! Why have I not read this post before now? This gave me chills! I had a similar incidence with my guy (same name as yours) and then with my daughter, I had the IUD in & got preg so the nurse practitioner did a vag U/S & there was NO baby she searched everywhere & no baby. She said well guess your not pregnant anymore go ahead & get dressed. As I started dressing she said wait lets try to do it over the tummy & bam there she was. So they are my little miracles.
I do/have/will continue to pray that heavenly father will bless you with another miracle!
Kim says
Wow. Very similar!!! HUGS to YOU and your sweet miracle babies!!!!
JaKell says
You have been through so much, my heart aches for you again and again. You have been in my thoughts and prayers often. You should have your father give you another blessing to help you at this time and comfort your grieving heart. I know it helped me so much. I have seen soooo many blessed by just that. Yesterday with my mom going through horrible seizures etc. She was able to calm down and they lessened so much after her blessing. So thankful for the gospel in my life. You have three special angels watching over you each day, in the life here after you will be able to raise those sweet children. I am looking forward to that day to finally meet my little one as well. Wishing you the best & understanding nothing can ease the pain you are going through but want you to know you are thought of daily. take care.
Kim says
Thank you sooo sooo much, JaKell!! Love you girly!!!
Rebecca Orr says
Kim, I was just reading your miscarriage post today and thought I would take a look at this post as well. I am 25 and my fiancée is 42. He has a 22 year old daughter that I am very close to. She just found out that she is pregnant but was going through the exact same symptoms as you. EXACT. She had a “mass”. She had blood tests and multiple u/s. All done within a few days. Then I took her to the ER to get another u/s done and there is was…a fetus. With a heartbeat. Her numbers were doubling and tripling like they should. Supposedly the mass is still there but the baby is growing as it should. Now there is something wrong with her liver and she is going to a specialist to have that checked out. I just hope that she has the same outcome as you…a healthy baby. Thanks for sharing your story.
Kim says
Praying for your step daughter. I JUST read this, so please forgive me. I hope everything has turned out for her and baby. HUGS.