*This post is brought to you by The White Company. Opinions and tips are my own.
Tips for a good nights sleep
I have heard it before and I am sure I will hear it again, parents do not sleep very well! You go to bed early enough, but with kids, you are constantly not able to actually ‘sleep’ because your little ones need you throughout the night. I have a 16 month old and he wakes up CONSTANTLY throughout the night. He tosses and turns and whines up a storm! Some nights I wonder why I even crawled into bed at all :/
However grateful I may be for my precious little miracles, I really don’t get much sleep! I have come up with a few ways that DO help me get comfy and sleepy in my bed though. Perhaps my tips for a good night sleep (or tips for at least making you comfy?) will help some of you parents, who are so ready for a good nights sleep, like I am!!!
Here Are Some Tips For A Good Nights Sleep:
*Invest in some nice Bed Sheets! I use to sleep on the very cheap bed sheets and that was awful. It REALLY does make a huge difference on the way sheets feel on your skin. If they are rough feeling or stiff, it can make for a very uncomfortable night. We like the Egyptian Cotton sheets.
*NO Electronics in bed!! Seriously, this is something I REALLY had to work on. If you use electronics or even watch t.v. right before bed, it can actually keep your mind active! You don’t want that! You want a sleepy mind. Trust me, I have tried it both ways and no electronics before bed seems to work and I get sleepier, quicker.
*Essential Oils! Ya, I am sure you have heard about the essential oils. I heard that diffusing Lavender in your room in the evening, can not only help you relax but help you sleep better at night. So, I bought a diffuser and I have been using lavender essential oil in my diffuser, nightly, starting around 8pm. The first night I used it, I could not keep my eyes open! So far, so good! You can also rub the lavender essential oil on the bottom of your feet, I do this for my kids when they are hyper at night time and it seems to calm them down.
*White Noise Machine! I absolutely cannot live without my white noise machine. I have to have it on EVERY single night or I will not be able to sleep. My kids are the same way. We have a sound machine in each room and it works wonders. I highly recommend getting one, if you can’t sleep at night due to sounds of the night!
If you try any of my tips/suggestions above, please let me know if they work for you and your family. They are nice and simple ways to help you fall asleep and (maybe?) stay asleep!
Do you have any tips for me? Do tell!
Lily Kwan says
These tips for a good nights sleep are very helpful. Thanks for sharing!
Amanda Sakovitz says
I totally agree with the no electronics in bed. It definitely keeps me up when I’m trying to sleep
Lisa Jones says
I also stand firm to the no electronics in bed, and I also have a few bed raiders (two toddlers) and my best tip is to keep it cool. Everyone here seems to sleep so much more sound when they are nice and cool.
Deborah Gardner says
I like your tip to use a white noise machine.
sheila ressel says
I use lavender on a diffuser in the room and blackout curtains. Reading in bed always makes me sleepy too.
Cynthia R says
Avoid bright lights, even turning on bright lights brushing teeth and stuff wakes you back up. I have lamps or night lights to get me to bed.
Betty says
We were stationed overseas and lived in a major city. Who knew the buses ran all night on the street by the bedrooms. The white noise machine helped cover the sound of bus brakes for both the two year old and mommy and daddy. After coming back to the states, I used the white noise machine so the baby would not be so easily disturbed by normal noises in the house during nap time.
Robin Wilson says
You’ve got me convinced. I’ve done everything except the white noise machine and I’m getting one of those!
Leela says
I’m so in need of a good night’s sleep.
brenda robinson says
NO TV before bedtime
shaunie says
I don’t have any tips to share only that to stay on a great schedule. I love your ideas I would love to borrow the “No electronics in bedd” tip. I will try that one to see if it works for me.
Cynthia C says
I know everyone says no electronics, but honestly watching tv relaxes me and makes me drowsy.
Dana Rodriguez says
Those are great tips! I have to have a fan running to block noise so I can sleep.
Caroline Wampler says
No electronics in bed is a big one! I struggle to fall asleep if i am on my phone for awhile so I know kids would struggle too! Great tips!
Rita Spratlen says
I think the white noise machine is something I have to look into for my husband. He wakes up a lot. I have no problems sleeping usually and can nap at any time if I want to. It is weird! Thanks for the great tips!
Janet W. says
I have a white noise machine and so do my grandsons in their bedrooms. It’s definitely a must have!