This post is all about the 3 Ways To Stay Active This Winter! Are you feeling sluggish and lazy after the holidays? It is a new year now and it is time to get out of that sluggish feeling and start doing something fun! How can you stay active during the winter?
I have a few suggestions, actually, I have 3 ways to stay active this winter, that I thought would help you. I have issues with getting active myself, but since getting the Courtside Portable Basketball Hoop, our family has had no issues getting active AND having fun!
*This post includes my affiliate link
Do you own a basketball hoop? If you don’t and you have a little space outdoors or in a shop, I recommend getting one. They are not only great for kids to help get them active, but it can be a fun family thing too.
Ever since getting our Courtside Portable Basketball Hoop, my son who is ALWAYS on his games is now in our shop shooting hoops with his sister! In fact, on new years eve, our whole family was in our shop playing basketball together. What a great way to stay active this winter!
3 Ways To Stay Active This Winter
1. Play Basketball. This is so much fun. I used to be on an all-boys team when I was about 12 years old and I had so much fun! Basketball not only gets your blood flowing but it is also about teamwork and coordination. You can have a lot of fun shooting hoops while being active too! Great way to get out of the house this winter. Check out the Lifetime Courtside Portable Basketball Hoop, if you are in the market for one! Retails for $299.99 (grab the coupon below for 10% off!!).
2. Play Outside! Do something with your kids, with your family! If you have snow, build a snowman or snow fort! Around here, we have snow drifts about 6 feet tall against our fence, and in our front yard, we have snow drifts about 3-4 feet tall. So, building a fort or igloo is super easy for us! We just start digging into the snow drifts and then make a little room in them! So much fun and keeps you active, while you hang with your kids, make memories, and have fun!
3. Too Cold To Go Outside? That is okay. There is plenty to do in your home, you may not realize it. Pull out old blankets and let your kids go to town building forts. My kids LOVE LOVE LOVE building forts. I get a ton of boxes because I am a review blogger after all…, so my kids use those boxes and then put blankets over them and they really create some great forts! Or, you can be like me and put up a HUGE 8-man tent in your living room for your kids to enjoy. That was SO much fun!
There are so many more things you can do, to stay active during the winter. The things I mentioned above, are just a few things our family does to stay active. Do you have anything to add?
Grab Your Lifetime Courtside Portable Basketball Hoop Code!
Use Coupon Code: shopmama10 and it will give you 10% off this basketball hoop, until 1/31!
I hope you enjoyed my post about 3 Ways To Stay Active This Winter! How Are You Staying Active This Winter? Let me know in the comments below!
Richard Hicks says
All are good ideas for staying active, I give my aerobics cycle a good workout in the winter!
Dana MATTHEWS says
We live in Mississippi so we have about as many 70 degree days as we do 40 degree days during the winter. But it does take effort on those cooler days to get out and be active. The kids have riding toys and we spend time outside when the weather permits so that they can play and work off some of that excess energy kids have!
Victoria Scott says
It doesn’t get super cold here and if it does, it doesn’t last long. So we bundle up and take family walks 🙂
Tammy Catterton says
Great time of year to do walks love the suggestions thou
Debra Clifford Gifford says
I have COPD so I have to stay inside & can’t go out with my grandkids. As for me, I am walking the stairway as much as I can & will soon begin pulmonary rehab. My grandsons have a basketball hoop at their home & it’s great for their family. As a child, we made many forts & my grandkids love to do this too.
vicki lorenz says
I am usually not that active in the winter. But…we are now getting our home ready to sell. We are getting into things that normally we don’t do. It’s good to be active!
laurie murley says
my kids are always out side I would have to drag them in at nights to get baths and supper and bed
Ellen Beck says
Lots of great ideas. Whoa you must have a pole barn for that basketball setup! I was on the BB team for years and love playing.
Jill Hanson says
I like the tent idea as a kid I made !one with blankets and chairs.
Cindy Peterson says
It has been so snowy this year I have stayed active by shoveling snow EVERY DAY.
Tiffany Dayton says
I stay active at work. I do not like the winter.
Lori Welham says
Great ideas!
Audrey Stewart says
I hate the cold! I hate snow! My cats hate it also!
Sonya Allstun says
It is so hard for me to stay active in winter with all the aches and pains
christina hounshell says
dorturner says
The vitamin D and fresh air of playing or being outside is really important to keep you going. If you can’t get outside, get a vitamin d lamp so at least you can get those happy rays!
susan byrne says
Great ideas here!!
Ashley M says
I am staying active by raising four children (haha, seriously though) and also taking walks and doing simple exercises at home!
Brett Lally says
How cool!
Meghan Finley says
We play a lot of fort this time of year
LeAnn H says
My boys would love to have this basketball goal.
Bridget O'Donnell-Breslin says
We do a lot of mall walking and playing in the snow this time of year. Staying active in the winter is so difficult! I just want to hibernate!
carol clark says
Maryann D. says
My son absolutely loves Playing Basketball. That is a fun sport for him. We shovel a lot of snow in the winter and that keeps us active too!
Catherine Lewis says
Yes, we stay active by taking the dog for a walk around our 40 acres every day. Even when it snows!
MaryAnn says
Staying active in winter can definitely take some creativity.
Matt says
These are so fun!
Jaque says
My kids love making forts too. They love having their own places to hide and imagine. For myself, I dance with my dog, with my children….everyone loves to dance! 🙂
vickie couturier says
i walk the dog several times a day an have been doing some winter cleaning
Kiersy says
I love walking in the snow, plus it keeps me active 🙂
Kristi Kellberg says
These are some great trips! I have a problem staying active in the winter as well. I would like to try the basketball hoop so I get in some cardio moves.
gracefulcoffee says
Great tips! Staying active is very important 🙂
Elizabeth Balesteri says
Thankyou for all your blogs and contest. I enjoy them
Darlene Carbajal says
I exercise during the cold, but it’s hard sometimes. Haha.
Lesley F says
These are some great ideas
Jenna Hudson (@HudsonJenna) says
I could go for the tent idea. Maybe even a homemade fort. Temperatures here are crazy chilly and it doesn’t take too long to get frost bite!
Laura says
I used to LOVE playing outside during the winter. Now that I’m older, I just get so cold! It’s important to have the little ones go play outside though. Seems like they’re more resilient to the weather!
erika says
What a great blog! I wish I could do all these things! Certainly something I’d like to give a try!!
taylawrites says
Blanket forts will always be the most fun!
Chrissy says
Child care is very affordable at our gym and they will watch my daughter for 2 hours! Sometimes getting a break from her really motivates me to go to the gym – that and since I’m paying for it I definitely want to get good use out of it!
Emily Ann Benzing says
I love the idea of building forts and making something fun out of it. I do this with my boyfriend!
tat2gurlzrock says
These are all great ideas and great ways to get kids to actually play like I did when I was young.
Mia says
I can see how having the basketball hoop would be very motivating for kids and adults to go and play.
Cindy fredrickson says
My daycare children love making forts and having ‘magical tents’. The areas become a deserted island, a ship, kitchen, etc. imagnations at their best.
kathi bennett says
Inside forts are the best, we made them from couch cushions and sheets when I was little.
Geena Jean O'Banion says
Such a cute addition and very practical. I love it…..perfect for a small space.
Jackie says
My kids loved building forts with blankets. I remembering doing it as a kid and also loved it.
Kimberly snyder says
Great ideas, I have small stationary bike pedals to put by the sofa or computer, we can pedal with doing other activities
texasinak says
These are some great tips. It was always harder for me when I lived in the north. Now the summers are hard because its so hot where we live.
cindy schierl says
Good suggestions! Staying active in the winter is hard!
Darcy Koch says
I will stay active by doing a LOT of clearing out closets and cupboards. I do this every winter after Christmas to make room for the new gifts. It takes me a few weeks because I do a very thorough job. Then I haul everything in good condition to Goodwill. I get a lot of exercise doing this.
According to Ashley Bree says
I think this is great!