If you need to do some work under your car, even if it is a routine oil change make sure you do so safely. There are hundreds of accidents each year caused by people who do not know how to work safely under your car, by taking necessary safety precautions when working on their vehicles.
How to work safely under your car
In order to be safe, first, make sure that the weight limit specified on the jack is under the weight of your car. Make sure the jack is positioned in the correct place as specified in your owner’s manual. Ensure you put on the emergency brake.
You should never work under a car with just a jack. In order to be safe, you need to have jacks stands as well and they need to be placed in the exact places specified by your owner’s manual. Another precaution you must take is blocking the rear wheels, don’t just trust the emergency brake.
Instead of a jack, you can use a trolley or hydraulic lift, but you still need the axle stands and the blocks. You really need to have three different types of support devices if you plan on going under.
You should never do it on grass, gravel or any uneven or soft surfaces. The only really safe place is on the pavement and not soft asphalt. The car can start sinking if it is on a soft surface or slide if it is uneven.
The ground must be level. It’s very easy for a jack to come loose, so you should never leave your car jacked up when you’re not working on the car just in case there are children or pets around.
I hear way too many horror stories about people working under their vehicles and getting hurt or worse, killed. Whenever my husband is under a vehicle working, I always keep asking him how he is doing and keep the door wide open so I can see and hear him. You can never be too safe, ever.
Plus, when you have a good running vehicle, it is not only safe for all who ride in it but when it is maintained the way it should be, you will have lower fuel costs.
So many advantages to having a good running vehicle. I think that is why my husband is always under the hood, to ensure our vehicles are always safe for us to drive!
What About You? Do You Know How To Safely Work On Your Vehicle?