All Moms know, that when it comes to “Me” time, that really does not exist anymore. The days when primping in front of the mirror, giving yourself a manicure, or simply putting on some blush and mascara, is just not happening’ every day anymore.. sigh…
We still love to look our best, I know I do, but some days it just does not seem like it is possible! I was getting frustrated, so I wound up searching the internet for a quick fix and that is when I came across “Mommy Makeup“. Oh ya, this is EXACTLY what I was looking for!
Makeup products made by a busy Mommy for a busy Mommy! So, I contacted Mommy Makeup, as I was so very intrigued and excited, and they agreed to let me review a couple of their products! Yeah!! Mommy Makeup – Look Divine in Half the Time! Look how absolutely ADORABLE the boxes the makeup comes in, is! So cute!!!!
Mommy Makeup Review
Mommy Makeup is makeup that busy Moms on the go, actually have time to apply! It takes one to two easy steps as opposed to 5 different steps to get “your” look back. I received in the mail, Mommy Kisses lip gloss in color “Hannah” and a Mineral Dual Powder that is foundation and powder in one, color “Due Date“. Even the names of the colors are associated with Mommy 🙂 How cute?!
So, I tried the Mineral Dual Powder, and I love it! What I do is I use the mineral powder with a tiny bit of facial lotion to smooth it all into my face. The look is absolutely beautiful, and I love this color!! Powder, Foundation, and protection in one compact!
It diffuses light with natural reflecting properties found in minerals to create a soft-focus finish. The adjustable formula makes it a foundation and powder in one! So, step one is done, I have makeup on my face, for once, and now all I need is my mascara and some gloss and I am good to go! So far so easy!!
Next, I used the Mommy Kisses Lip Gloss in “Hannah“. What I really like or should I say LOVE about this lip gloss is that it has the lip liner in the lid!!! All you have to do is pull it out of the lid, use it, and then put on the gloss and what do you know, you just put your lips on in less than 30 seconds!! Love it! Also, no more losing your lip liner in the bottom of the diaper bag or purse! Excited yet?!
Mommy Makeup does not just end at the products I received, no way! They have a lot of products that you have to check out, which are amazing! Anything that can make me look and feel good in as little as five minutes is definitely something I am willing to look into!
Another product that I am definitely going to invest in from Mommy Makeup is their Any Wear Creme! It takes multi-tasking makeup to a new level! Designed to be worn on the eyes, cheeks, and lips, this incredibly versatile creme dries to a budge-proof, smudge-proof, and waterproof powder finish. Um, what Mom could not benefit from that?
About Mommy Makeup (taken off their site):
Award-winning makeup artist and New York City Mom, Debra Rubin-Roberts, created Mommy Makeup to simplify the busy woman’s daily beauty routine. She had her “light bulb moment” about a new makeup line almost immediately after giving birth.
She realized she no longer had time to apply 13 individual items just to get a basic polished look. And unscrewing and screwing caps of the product after the product was eating up valuable time. She needed makeup that was quick and easy to apply — and if she needed it, surely other women did too!
After 2 and a half years of development, those 13 individual products became 6 multi-tasking products and her brainstorm MOMMY MAKEUP became a reality! Now you too can “Look Divine in Half the Time” with Mommy Makeup!
Debra has over 15 years of experience as a professional makeup artist and has worked with some of the best in the cosmetic industry, including Bobbi Brown, Prescriptives, Laura Mercier, Nars, Smashbox, and Estee Lauder.
Her work has been featured in various publications including The Daily News, Avenue Magazine, and Manhattan Bride Magazine. Her clients have included women (and a few men) of every ethnicity. Debra has worked on studio shoots, fashion shows (including “7th on 6th”), video, and television.
Her work has appeared on “60 Minutes” and “CBS Sunday Morning“. You may have seen her on E! Entertainment Network and “The Maury Povich Show“. In addition to being the founder of Mommy Makeup, Debra is still a working makeup artist as well, but her most favorite thing is being Jeremy’s wife and Daisy & Riley’s mom!
The Mommy Makeup Review
1) Makeup kits that do your ENTIRE FACE in minutes from start to finish. The Clean-n-Casual and Pretty-n-Polished kits contain 5 or 6 products that do your ENTIRE FACE in about 6 minutes! From your first touch of concealer to the finishing touch of lipgloss, it’s all included.
2) Multi-purpose products – All Mommy Makeup products are multi-purpose so they save a mom time and money. You will be amazed by how much time you can save by NOT having to screw and unscrew caps of various individual items! And all Mommy Makeup products are made in the USA, allergy tested, hypo-allergenic, and certified cruelty-free.
3) PRESSED Mineral Powders – Mineral Powders are naturally oil-free, talc-free, and fragrance-free making them ideal for sensitive skins (and for women who find their skin going through hormonal changes). They also give nice coverage but feel weightless on the skin. However, most mineral powders on the market today are loose powders, making them a MESS, especially with a baby or toddler around. That’s why Mommy Makeup’s mineral powders are all pressed… so you get the benefits and coverage of mineral powders with on-the-go convenience and NO MESS!
4) “Paint by Number” Instructions and Face Chart – Each kit contains “Paint by Number” Instructions and Face Chart to allow mistake-proof application every time! Using the products in the kits and the application technique Debra developed allows a woman to apply her makeup in about 6 minutes. There are other makeup kits out there, but they either do just your eyes, just your lips, or just foundation and bronzer but not the entire face and not in 6 minutes. All products are cruelty-free and Made in the US of A!!!
You can buy Mommy Makeup by going to their site HERE! And, all orders $25 or over get free shipping (the US addresses only)! Also, buy one product, and get one 1/2 off through the month of August!!!
Check out this ‘mommy-friendly’ makeup too! Love it! I hope you liked my Mommy Makeup Review!