Pampers’ Give the Gift of Sleep. This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers.
I know when I had my kids, any help AT all was soooooo appreciated! Having meals brought in was a huge thing as well as just having someone around to hold your new baby while you take a much-needed shower!
I also loved having all the supplies needed, to ensure my baby had what he/she needed. Fresh diapers, baby wipes, lotions, bath wash and more. I also loved having things for ME. My mom always made sure I was taken care of. I received candles, body lotions, comfy pajamas, and socks. All of those things truly are appreciated!!! It is especially hard when the baby is sick 🙁
So, when I found out my sister-in-law was pregnant with her first, I stocked her up on MANY MANY baby things to ensure her and her little one were set! Then, I found out my best friend from childhood was pregnant with her first and again, I gave her SO much stuff!!! I absolutely LOVE giving. It not only makes me feel so happy, but I love seeing my friend’s faces light up! It is so worth it!
I recently had the opportunity, through the Pampers’ Give the Gift Of Sleep Campaign, give to a new mommy in my community. I went shopping (that was the fun part!!!) and grabbed some new stuff lying around my home and put together an AMAZING basket that any new mommy would drool over! I then gave it to a woman in my community. She did not have much for her new baby and was THRILLED beyond anything, to receive such a generous basket of necessities!!!
Needless to say, I fill fulfilled by being able to make yet another new mommy feel special! I love campaigns like these! They are right down my alley!
I have ALWAYS used Pampers Swaddlers on all of my new babies and I was thrilled that Pampers Swaddlers now come in bigger sizes! They work so well and I truly would not use anything else (except for the occasional cloth diaper, I cannot lie!!!) on my babies bums! This is a great gift idea for a baby registry!
About Pampers:
By interviewing over 9,000 moms about what was important for their baby, Pampers found the number one unmet need is a diaper that provides superior overnight dryness. Pampers incorporated this firsthand insight, as well as the brand’s deep understanding of baby and baby’s needs, to design a diaper that both mom and baby can count on for up to 12 hours of overnight protection.
Pampers Swaddlers are Pampers softest diapers and the #1 choice of hospitals. They are now available up to size 5!! So excited! Pampers Cruisers are also more absorbent and offer Pampers’ best fit for all the ways babies play freely.
I also just have to add that if you do use Pampers like I do, they have a rewards program, gifts to grow. I have racked up some serious points and have redeemed my points for some great toys and other things! I am now back up to 2000 points and am saving them for another Christmas gift for my newest baby boy! You should check it out if you use Pampers!
Lily Kwan says
I would help my friend with errands so he can have more time to sleep.
christina givens says
I take the dog for a run on sunday mornings so hubby can sleep in.
Sand says
A family member, my sister who had a baby last month.
Heidi says
I would baby-sit for my sister so she could get some much needed sleep!
Julie Hawkins says
By watching their kids so they could rest
pinky sade says
By gifting them this prize package and babysitting.
steve says
By babysitting for family members.
mariem says
free babysitting is always nice!!!! doesn’t hurt to run the vac, fold clothes or other little chores while you can- frees up their time so a nap can happen!
Buddy Garrett says
We give the gift of sleep by babysitting children of family members, friends, and neighbors.
Allison says
My sister can leave my new niece or nephew with me!
Bryan E. says
Thanks for the giveaway…we would give to a close family friend who has a 6 month old daughter.
Roxann says
I would offer to babysit so they could get some sleep.
Harriett Daniel says
I would offer to babysit!
Laurie Emerson says
I would offer to come over and sleep in the baby’s room 3 times a week so my friend could get some much needed sleep as I know she would do the same for me!
Alycia says
My sister is due next month and I know that one of the things that I appreciated the most during maternity leave was when people came over and took care of my son and let me take a nap. Often times, they’d bring food and throw in some laundry for me too. It was wonderful and so helpful!
Storm, the Psychotic Housewife says
I would gift to a friend with a new grandbaby.
rose paden says
I would babysit for the night and give them a gift card for a night out for dinner!
Terry Cross says
I would babysit to give them a break
Richard Hicks says
I would give my sisterinlaw some relief by babysitting for her a day.
brich22 at earthlink dot net
Jill says
I would offer an day of babysitting and cleaning so that she could sleep on and off all day.
angie p says
I’d give the gift of sleep by offering to babysit.
Sarah Hall says
My daughter would get the gift.
tim says
Take the television out of the bedroom
trixx says
I would give the gift of sleep to my sister
crystal smith says
I would love to give the gift of sleep to my brother and sister in law by babysitting my new nephew- unfortunately we live a few states away from each other 🙁 but if I won Id be sending them this package!
joseph gersch says
helop them with sleep hints
Michelle H says
I’d give it to a family member.
Michelle H says
Such a great giveaway for the new mommy!
Lisa L says
I would give the gift of sleep to my best friend..she sure could use it!
Jenny says
I make a meal for my friends and family when they have a baby so mom and dad can get a little extra rest.
gina says
I would send them a sleepy time gift basket with soothing items in it.
Ava Chavez says
I would give the gift of sleep by offering to babysit.
Alicia says
I would give the gift of sleep by babysitting for a friend.
Sarah Stevens says
Having a 9 week old myself I would give the gift of sleep by offering to babysit!
Karen Drake says
I will donate it to a community outreach program in my area.
April V. says
Depending upon why someone needs sleep – I could get them a hotel room, offer to babysit or help with some daily chores.
Brenda Elsner says
I would give the gift of sleep to my best friend’s daughter who just had a baby.
Breanne says
My cousin
Susan Smith says
I would offer babysitting services to a friend who just had a baby so she could have some me time.
Daniel M says
for my niece!
kim burnett says
I would give it to my daughter
Robin says
I would give it to my daughter
Denise C says
I’d offer to help out my friend who is about to have a baby.
Nancy says
I would give it to a coworker who is expecting a baby in December.
Wendy R says
I’d give it to a family member!
sylvia says
I would donate some supplies to a new mom to help ease her burdens. Not sure if it will help them sleep (especially in the early days), but a dry baby is a happier baby. 🙂
Kayla says
I would give this to someone in my community who isin need
Jill Myrick says
I would offer to take my best friends baby for a night or two so that she could sleep in and get some rest.
Trisha says
This would be a gift to my niece. She just had her 3rd baby.
tina reynolds says
I would be giving to my brother and sister in law who are expecting
Desiree Dunbar says
I would give this to my sister-in-law.
Sarah says
Me! I have a daughter due early January and am going to need all the help I can get!
Stephanie Phelps says
I would give to a neighbor we just met so I guess you could say she is a stranger! 🙂
Debra Brewer says
I have several that are expecting right now. This would help soooo much.
Jennifer says
This would be perfect for my neighbor who is pregnant for the first time!
Heather B says
I would give it to a friend of mine who just had twin boys
Wild Orchid says
I would give the gift of sleep to my good friend, who expecting her FOURTH baby, because I know that sleep is sooo important…especially for a new mom!
Entered the rafflecopter as “Wild orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Jessica H. says
Taking the kids so she/he could have relaxation time. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
Rita M says
I think a baby monitor would give the new parents peace of mind.
Hannah Fischbach says
Hope I win!!!!
Lesley m says
Offer babysitting services, take meals to them, etc
Lisa V. says
I would offer babysitting services to my cousin who is a new mommy.
Carrie says
I would give this gift to my sister in law who is expecting and hope it helps get her little one to sleep better
Natalie F says
When friends have kids, I bring them a meal. And if they want, I snuggle with the baby so the mom can sleep. Or if they have older kids, I like to take care of the older kids so the mama can get 1:1 time with the baby.
Tami Vollenweider says
I usually cook some meals for them,so they have some relaxing time! I would give this to my Nephew and his Wife,who’s raising 5 kids
Lasonda says
I would give it to my daughter.
Tammy S says
I would give the gift of sleep to my sister. My nephew is still not sleeping through the night. she is tired all the time.
naomi c says
i like to try to offer babysitting as often as i can
latanya says
my mother in law
Stephanie Larison says
I’d offer to babysit so mama could get some rest!
Donna K says
Watch her kids so she could sleep.
Carol says
I would watch the babies for a night or two.
Tara says
I give my SIL the gift of sleep by watching her LO, so she can get a nap.
Natasha says
I would keep it for myself! 🙂
Karen Glatt says
I give the Gift of Sleep to my sister who is sleep deprived from my nephew. She is a good mother and I have helped her, but she could use a day off again.
Contest Kim says
My husband and I take turns sleeping in on the weekends!
[email protected]
debra b says
I’d offer to babysit or just help out with anything she needed and let her rest
Thanks for the great giveaway
Desiree H says
I would give the gift of sleep to my mom for her birthday! I would take her out to dinner, get her a massage, and get her nails done for her. I think she really deserves this! Thanks so much!
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
I would give them some teas with camomile, and I believe Celestial Seasonings has a sleepy time tea.
Yona says
I’d give the gift of sleep by offering to babysit for a friend.
Kelly Nicholson says
How would you give the gift of sleep to a friend, family member or stranger?
beyond earplugs?..pat em on the back and tell em good job
Rebecca Orr says
I would give the gift of sleep to my step daughter. She has a two and a half year old son and twin 1 year old boys. She doesn’t get much sleep! Neither does their dad. They sure could use it.
Maria Iemma says
I would give the gift of sleep to my daughter in law who has twin boys and does not get much rest.
nannypanpan says
i’d give it to my sil who is about to have a baby
nannypanpan says
and because we live far away i’d send advice on sleep when the baby sleeps
Sarah L says
For my friend’s grand daughter who has a baby.
Thanks for the contest.
Katherine says
Sleep on the couch and let them have athe night off
Kelly Elswick says
A gift of sleep to myself! I have a 3mth old, and a 5 yr old and 2.5 yr old. 🙂
Kristie says
I’d offer to cook a meal and babysit.
Annmarie W. says
Lots of lavender bubble bath for everyone…and nice warm blankets!
Jennifer T. says
I’d try to find a way to babysit my pregnant friend’s children so that she can get a long nap.
Meghan Finley says
I love to bring homemade food so save them time and effort
Seyma Shabbir says
help by bringing cooked meals!
Amanda Alvarado says
I’d take my nieces so my sister could take a nice long needed nap! She has 2 yo twins and a 4 month old!
Nicole-Lynn says
I like cooking a nice meal with dessert and breakfast for the next morning for my friends who have just had a baby! That ensures they get a good night’s sleep and the right nutrients for feeding their baby and gives them the energy, too!
I’m expecting my first baby in November, thanks for the opportunity!
[email protected]
Katie K says
To my best friend
Paige Chandler says
i would give the gift of sleep to a friend by babysitting and letting them have much needed alone time,
Kerry G. says
I’d offer to watch their baby while they took a nap.
Carla S says
I would give the gift of sleep to my friend by keeping his pets quiet while he sleeps during the day.
Rebecca Graham says
I would give this to my niece.
Evelyn says
I would give a friend the gift of sleep by watching her child for her
MIchelle Fosnaugh says
To a family member!
lana says
I would give he gift of sleep to my sister in law
Kimberly Schotz says
I would give the gift of sleep to my eldest daughter
traci says
I would give the gift of sleep to my best friend…newly single and 2 babies.
Kiara says
I would give it to my sister.
I would give the gift of sleep to my sister.
Ani says
I’d offer to do anything that would give her time to sleep – babysit, cook a meal, run errands, etc.
greg says
offer to babysit anytime they needed a break
Stacey B says
I’d give the gift by bringing over some pre-cooked meals
steve weber says
I would give the gift of sleep to my sister, she’s got a 9 month baby girl.
Christina says
I would give the gift of sleep by helping friends and family clean, run errands for them, making meals for them… so they can sleep or rest when baby sleeps.
Cynthia C says
I would babysit for my niece to give the gift of sleep.
Marcie W. says
I would save this awesome gift of sleep prize pack for my sister when she has another baby, so I can give it to her.
Cynthia R says
i would give the gift of sleep to a neighbor friend, thankyou!
Cheryl F. says
I would offer sleep over babysitting services for one night.
Renee Walters says
I would give the gift of sleep to my sister.
Rebecca Parsons says
Let her get some sleep when she brings her baby home from the hospital by watching her baby.
I would give it to my daughter.
nickie says
I would give it to my sister
jennie sanderson says
I would watch the babies for a night or two!
Shannon Baas says
by babysitting for a couple of nights.
Melissa M says
I would offer to babysit and take a few meals over
Heather Hayes Panjon says
I’d Gift My Sister A Relaxing Spa Day And Much Needed Sleep By Offering To Watch The Kids
rod jackson says
I would give it to my sister
Jessie C. says
I would give the gift of sleep to my sister.
Elena says
I would babysit their kids to give parents the gift of sleep
Lisa Brown says
i would give it to my sister because she is always tired and works hard
Margaret Smith says
I’d offer to babysit or do errands for her.
Janet W. says
I’d give the gift of sleep to a family friend of ours by doing the new mother’s household chores so she can take a nap!