Have you heard of the Switch Witch? Think Elf on the Shelf, but for Halloween! I know, just another thing parents have to do, to make things magical for their child, right? Wrong!
Since when did doing something special for your child become so hard to do? This world we live in today is pretty lazy, that is all I have to say! If you can’t do nice things for your kids then something might be up with you as a parent.
Who is the Switch Witch?
Switch Witch and her friends are here to bring their magic and fun to all good boys and girls on Halloween! Switch Witches need your child’s candy (not all of it, but some!), to heat their homes and make their Witchy World go round.
Buy a witch doll to create a new, Halloween tradition in your home! On Halloween night your Switch Witch will use her spell to Switchcraft your candy for a special surprise! She will replace your child’s candy with non-candy items such as; books, toys, breakfast in bed, or whatever you decide!
Switch Witch is also a really good idea for kids with food allergies! That way, kids with food allergies can still look forward to Halloween and get some fun things from their witch! I absolutely LOVE this!
This can be a really fun way to make Halloween extra special this year for your kids! With COVID still rampant, not a lot of fun activities have been accessible this year. This seems like such a fun way to have fun with your kiddos and make them smile!
Meet The Switch Witches!
There are 4 different Switch Witches to choose from! They are all cute, but each one is different just like us! You can find out more about the different Switch Witches here!
Switch Witch #1: Fluer

Step #1: Get Your Witch!
These cute witches live in Witchy World high above the clouds. Your witch might just appear in your home, or someone might adopt one for you. Either way, when she shows up, she can’t wait for you to read her story! You can buy your Switch Witch HERE! She comes with a Switchcraft book and is all ready for Halloween! Switch Witch retails for $29.99.
Step #2: Name Your Witch!
This is the fun part! Your child gets to name her little witch any name he/she wants! Kids love being able to make decisions, especially when it comes to naming something!
When you adopt a Witch, she becomes part of your family forever and is yours to name. You can get inspired by meeting all the Switch Witches or, check below to get some name ideas!
Some Fun Switch Witch Names:
- Greta
- Martha
- Jane
- Sessy
- Janet
- Catherine
Step #3: Write A Letter To Your Witch!
This is where your child can get creative and have some more fun! They get to write a heartfelt letter to their new witchy friend! If they can’t write, you as a parent or caregiver can help them!
Suggestions might be; Write a letter to your witch, making sure to add the surprise you are wishing to Switchcraft for! You can also tell her some of your family’s favorite things to do in the fall, and how you are doing Halloween-at-home! As I said above, get creative! You can write to your letter online on the Switch Witch website! Just click on the ‘Send your letter‘ button on their website! Easy, peasy!
Can I Touch My Switch Witch???
Every Witch is different. Some like to be part of the family and go on trips to school and the store. Maybe out for a Hayride. Others prefer to watch and observe the family from afar, or hanging from a light fixture perhaps. Your instincts and your Witch will let you know! Let’s increase the amount of Halloween excitement and creativity this year for our kids! They deserve it!
After Halloween

vera wilson says
Received mine today. Cuie. Thanks!!
stella methvin says
my granddaughter would love this!!
Audrey Stewart says
I would give it to Samantha, our youngest.
Kathy Pease says
I would give this to my granddaughter
heather says
I would give this doll to a friend in need if I won.
Wendy R. says
One of my little friends – thanks!
ashley emerson says
i would give this to my 6 year old little girl whom would love this 🙂
Donna L Holder says
my nephew would love this
Edye says
I’d give this to my cousin!
jennifer bowen says
i think i give it to my grand child.
Tony Platz says
I would give it to my niece .
Mia E. says
I would give this switch witch to my grandkids.
Amy D says
I would love to give this to my 2 daughters who are 5 and 7 years old. They love books. It would be something special for them, as we will not be trick-or-treating this year.
Darlene Carbajal says
My niece will love it 🙂
I would give it to my daughter.
I’d give it to my daughter.
Laura says
I would give it to our kids! 🙂
monique s says
If I won, I would give this to the kids. They’d have fun with it for sure. They love halloween.
Kim Blevins says
this would go to boyfriends grandkids