Is Your Baby’s Formula Causing Allergies? In this blog post, we will discuss 5 Signs It’s Time to Switch to Hypoallergenic baby formula. Getting the right nutrition for your baby is often at the top of every parent’s mind.
It helps them grow, develop, and stay healthy. Baby formula is a crucial part of many parents’ nutritional provision for their babies but many babies suffer from allergies or sensitivities towards it.
If that’s the case, the normal formula isn’t the best option, and potentially a hypoallergenic formula may be recommended.
Is Your Baby’s Formula Causing Allergies? 5 Signs Your Baby Needs Hypoallergenic Baby Formula
Below, we’ll explore some of the typical symptoms displayed by a baby that is allergic to formula, but first, let’s explain what hypoallergenic baby formula actually is.
What is Hypoallergenic Formula?
Hypoallergenic formula is specially designed for babies that have allergies or are sensitive to particular proteins that are found in regular formula.
These specially adapted formulas are made with hydrolyzed proteins, which have been broken into smaller pieces.
These smaller pieces are far less likely to trigger an allergic reaction and are usually recommended to babies that have a family history of allergies or those that have shown allergic reactions to standard formula.
There are 3 main types of hypoallergenic formulas:
*Partially Hydrolyzed Formula: This formula uses cow’s milk formula but breaks the proteins into smaller pieces.
They’re not technically fully hypoallergenic and cannot be used for babies that are Lacto intolerant.
Furthermore, if babies have shown they are allergic to traditional formulas, partially hydrolyzed formulas won’t help.
*Extensively Hydrolyzed Formula: Precisely the same as above, but the pieces are even smaller and therefore easier to digest. Babies that are allergic to cow’s milk can use this.
*Amino-Acid Based Formula: The proteins are broken down even further, to the point that the only remaining pieces are amino acids.
The babies that use this formula receive all the same nutrients but without needing to break down the proteins internally.
Top 5 Signs Your Baby Needs Hypoallergenic Baby Formula
Vomiting or Diarrhea
Vomiting and diarrhea are the most common symptoms of formula allergies. The reaction happens when some babies react to certain proteins in regular formula and struggle to digest them.
There are chances that the vomiting may seem like fairly standard reflux, but if it is persistent and after every feed then it’s likely to be an allergic reaction. Especially if both vomiting and diarrhea are present at the same time.
If vomiting or diarrhea is persistent it’s important to talk to your doctor, especially if other symptoms are present at the same time.
Skin Rash
It’s perfectly normal for a baby’s skin to take time to adjust to life in the fresh air. Dry skin is a relatively standard symptom for babies to have, but it’s worth judging when this develops into harsher conditions such as eczema.
If you know that your baby already has eczema then they are far more likely to develop allergies to the formula than children without eczema.
As with all rashes, monitor them closely, and if you’re concerned that it is becoming more frequent, more intense, or is spreading consult your doctor. Keeping track of rashes and feeds can help diagnose if the rash is a reaction to formula.
Wheezing or Other Respiratory Issues
Breathing issues, however small, are always a scary thing to see in an infant. The moment you notice a wheezing or breathing difficulty, seek medical help as soon as possible.
Babies tend to recover quickly but can also deteriorate just as fast. Anything related to breathing should be dealt with rapidly.
Once treatment has been completed, you may be asked to switch to a hypoallergenic formula as a process of diagnosis.
High Level of Irritability
Babies get irritated, any parent can happily tell you about that. Remember that newborn babies can communicate in very few ways, and crying is their main way to express themselves.
Consistently long periods of crying or if the baby is inconsolable could be symptoms of an allergic reaction.
Talk to your doctor and they might ask you to keep a diary of particularly irritable times, this can then help rule out if a formula is an issue.
Family History of Food Allergies
Simply because your family has a history of allergies it doesn’t mean your baby will too. That said, there are definitely some allergies that might be predisposed to certain genetic makeups that can be passed from parent to child.
If you, your partner, or your family suffers from Lacto allergies, then there’s a higher chance your baby will too.
Key Takeaways
These symptoms could be indicators of a baby being allergic to formula, but they could just as well be symptoms of another issue. If in doubt, always contact your physician or pediatrician for specialist advice.
*Tracking symptoms over a course of a few days will help with diagnosis.
*There are many different types of hypoallergenic formulas and trialing a few might provide the best results.
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