Needed for Video Chats on 6/14!
Video Chat Network is conducting video chats this coming Monday, June 14 among eBay Shoppers and Holiday Gift Givers.
To see if you qualify for one of our video chats, we need you to fill out the attached questionnaire and return it to David Grossman at videochatnetwork@gmail ASAP!
As always you need a working webcam with a microphone and a strong broadband connection to qualify.
These chats will last one hour and we will pay all participants $100 each.
Thank you for your ongoing interest in Video Chat Network and please send us back your filled out questionnaires ASAP!
David Grossman
[email protected]Fill this out and send it to David:
Please take a moment to fill out all the questions below and return the completed questionnaire to David Grossman at [email protected] ASAP so we can see if you qualify!
Highest level of education you have achieved (check one)
High school graduate__________ Student______________
College graduate___________ Other (please specify)___________________________
Advanced degree____________
Where you currently reside (city/state)_______________________________
Phone number where we can most readily contact you______________________________________________
Please check whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about holiday gift giving:
Agree Disagree
I want my gift to show that I obviously know about the recipient ________ _________
I want it to appear that I put some thought into it,
and looked around before I found it ________ _________
If I had the skills, I would build a gift for the recipient ________ _________
I like to give gifts that have an emotional meaning attached ________ _________
I put a lot of time and thought into my gift selections ________ _________
When I give a gift, I really like the surprise factor, so I try to pick
gifts that the recipient does not expect ________ _________
Please check which of the following statements about eBay best applies to you personally:
I love EBay_______
I have no opinions one way or the other about EBay_____
I have negative feelings about EBay_________
And finally, please tell us in an average year how often you use eBay and when you most recently used it:
Number of times use eBay in an average year___________
When you most recently used eBay (please be as specific as possible)_______________________________________