I came across this very new and exciting website called the “Gift Elephant”. It is a great website to help you organize and
keep track of gifts you have given, to whom, if you sent out a thank you card and more! Say goodbye to all of those annoying
post it notes and hello to Gift Elephant, the new “easy” way to remember these things!
First of all, it is completely FREE, ya major great thing! Secondly, it takes no time at all to set up an account and get started right away!
A bit about “Gift Elephant” and the people behind it (taken off their site):
The folks at Gift Elephant love to give (and receive!) gifts. But not so much to keep track of them. We could never remember
if we bought Bill a sweater for his birthday last year… or if our niece or nephew is the Harry Potter fan… or if we ever sent
Angela and David a thank you note.
So we created Gift Elephant, a simple site to:
Keep track of gifts given to friends, family, co-workers & clients
Remember who gave what for your birthday, holidays & wedding
Note individual gift preferences and gift ideas
Receive reminders for upcoming gift-giving occasions
Make sure you gift everyone in the family equally (eg. so all nephews get comparable presents)
Organize your thank you notes, and mail personalized postcards directly from the site
Will Gift Elephant change the world? Probably not. But, at the very least, we hope it removes some anxiety from the gifting
And why “Gift Elephant”? Elephants have stellar memories and strong family bonds. Plus, elephants are cool.
Visit Gift Elephant today, and NEVER have one of those “opps, did I regift her gift back to her” moment again!
You can also find Gift Elephant on Twitter, follow them and share tweets!