In this post, we talk about how to take care of your washing machine. Most people know how to take care of their clothes, but what about the machine that keeps them clean? Your washing machine probably needs more care and attention than you realize, especially if it’s not smelling as fresh as it once did.
But even if everything seems to be in good working order, if you’ve never put any thought into maintaining your washing machine, it’s high time you pay it a little bit of TLC.
But if your washing machine won’t spin or it doesn’t switch on, then it’s time to call in an expert to help it get back on its feet. Below are ways you can take care of your washing machine to ensure it will last a long time.
How To Take Care Of Your Washing Machine
Don’t use too much washing powder
While you might think more is better when it comes to washing powders and gels, you might be overdoing it. Not only will too much detergent prevent your clothes from being as clean as they could be, but it can clog up your machine.
Washing powders can leave behind a lot of residues when they aren’t measured out correctly, so always pay attention to guidelines that come with your machine and on the back of the box. If you suspect you’ve been using too much detergent, try and run your machine a few times without detergent to clean it out.
Leave the door open
When your washing machine isn’t being used, try to leave the door open to encourage better air circulation. This can help to prevent bad smells and discourage any mildew, which thrives in damp environments.
Once these smells build up in the drum, they can easily linger on your clothes after you’ve washed them. Make sure you’re checking the machine’s rubber seal too, as mold can build up around here and stay hidden for a long time.
Clean your washing machine
Lots of people assume their washing machine is always clean, after all, it’s being used to clean their clothes. But your washing machine can collect a lot of grime over months and years of use – where do you think all the dirt from your clothes is going?
You can buy special washing machine cleaners but may also be able to run a cycle with vinegar and baking soda to clear out any old residues.
Ensure your machine is on a level surface
Washing machines that are placed on a wonky floor can get damaged when in use. They’ll be prone to rocking side to side, which can cause dents on your floor or even on the machine itself. If you don’t have a level area of your home to store it, you can raise the legs so that it sits more securely.
Address any leaks
It can be tempting to ignore leaks until they become so serious that you can’t anymore. Like a dripping tap, a washing machine with the occasional puddle is easily swept under the rug.
But in the long run, these leaks could damage your machine or mean that your clothes aren’t being cleaned properly. Address leaks sooner rather than later.
If you liked this post then you might like my other post about the best portable washing machine on the internet! Yay!