In this post, we will talk about the reasons to consider pre-planning your funeral. Funeral homes are wildly available, and most people tend to contact them once their loved one has passed away and they need to organize their funeral as soon as possible.
But, have you ever considered pre-planning your own funeral? Of course, it’s a morbid subject to consider, but there are a few reasons why you should…
One of the main reasons why people plan their own funeral services is because they want their final wishes to be followed. If you already have an opinion regarding how you want the service to go, or how you want your remains to be disposed of, then you may wish to put together a funeral plan to express this.
This could include anything from declaring you do not want a funeral ceremony, to choosing the music that is played, to expressing your preference for a cremation or burial.

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Reasons To Consider Pre-Planning Your Funeral
Some people also pre-plan their funeral so that they can assume the financial responsibility for it. They do not want their family to be left with the costs. In fact, easing the burden on the family is also something to consider.
It can be very difficult for a family member to plan a funeral for the one they love. If you have a family member who is going through a difficult time, for example, if they are in outpatient alcohol rehab or they are going through a divorce, you may want to make sure they do not have more stress on their shoulders.
Family members can often disagree over what their loved ones would have wanted. You can take away all of these disagreements and confusion with a careful plan that outlines everything.
It is important to remember that a funeral is a vital event for a family that is grieving, and you can ensure the funeral is fitting if you have planned it, which will help your family to start the healing process. Sites like make this so easy you can compare prices, choose the best fit for you, and pay for it all from the comfort of your own home.
What Types Of Funeral Are Available?
Funeral director choices can incorporate all types of burial and cremation services that you may require. These funeral choices may be based on the deceased wishes or perhaps your own. Whatever type of funeral you decide on, though, you need to know your loved one is in safe hands.
Services at crematoriums are popular with mourners across the country. Cremation remains one of the most popular ways of saying goodbye to a family member, although it is far from the only option.
For instance, traditional burial is still a regular funeral choice, as family members find comfort in visiting a grave. Be careful when considering this option, however, as different cemeteries have different rules, particularly if you’d like an unusual headstone.
You may also consider a woodland burial service offered by some funeral services. This normally involves a tree being planted to mark the site of the grave, with the service generally being quite informal.
This can be an environmentally friendly way of saying goodbye to a relative and is often chosen due to its focus on nature and the deceased becoming part of the landscape. It is also open to all faiths, ensuring that no one is left out by the religious nature of some funeral options.
Remember, when you choose a funeral director, ensure that they’re willing and able to accommodate your requests, whether these are requests about the type of funeral service you wish to have or the religious aspects of it.
Why You Need Funeral directors
Funeral directors may seem like an unnecessary expense to some people. Surely you can avoid hiring a funeral director and sort out everything yourself? Of course, there is nothing stopping you from doing this, but it is a lot more hassle than you may initially realize.
Arranging a funeral alone is challenging to say the least. Do you really need this stress placed on your shoulders during such an upsetting time?
To understand why funeral directors are a must, we need to take a look at what is involved in arranging a funeral, and what you need to do if you didn’t take advantage of the professional funeral services.
Firstly, you would have to take care of the deceased. You will need to call an ambulance or a doctor to get the medical certificate.
You then need to register the death within five days at a registry office. You won’t be able to make any more arrangements until this is done.
Once you have received a Certificate of Registration of Death (form BD8) and a Certificate for Burial or Cremation, you can proceed with organizing the funeral.
You will need to choose a coffin or a shroud. If the person wished to be cremated, you will then need to book the crematorium, which involves completing several forms.
And, we haven’t even got to the ceremony yet – if you indeed want to have one. You will also be responsible for the transportation of the body. All of this is a lot to take on, which is why hiring a funeral director is a wise move.
What Makes The Best Funeral Directors?
Funeral directors are widely available, but this does not mean that you should go for the first or cheapest company you lay your eyes on.
You need to make sure they are going to provide you with exceptional service and help you to say goodbye to your loved one in a fitting manner.
So, what should you be looking for when comparing funeral directors? Firstly, make sure the company is experienced. You don’t want to take a risk on a business that is just starting out when it comes to something as important as planning a funeral. You also need to make sure that the funeral director you select is a member of an industry governing body.
You also need to discover what funeral services are incorporated in the price quoted. Funeral directors should take care of everything from paperwork to taking care of the body. They should ask you plenty of questions to make sure that everything is exactly how you want it to be.
If the funeral director does not communicate with you, this is a bad sign. Finally, make sure they have a good reputation by reading reviews that have been left by those that have used their services before. These people were once in your shoes and, therefore, their insight can be very useful.
Help With Repatriation: Pre-planning Your Funeral
Funeral directors are generally experienced in all areas of the funeral organization. Their usual work includes burials and cremations.
However, there are also instances where people die far away from home. In this circumstance, you will need a director with experience in repatriation, whether it’s inbound or outbound.
When someone dies abroad, it can feel like a minefield. Sometimes, you will need assistance in organizing the repatriation of a loved one from a foreign country.
Funeral services can aid you in this, allowing you to bring your loved one home to a crematorium, for example, if that’s the type of ceremony they wanted.
Experienced funeral directors are well-versed in dealing with airlines and embassies to achieve the necessary results when it comes to repatriating a body back to the USA.
They will also have tangible experience in helping foreign nationals repatriate their loved ones to the country of their choice.
It’s reassuring when you approach a funeral director to find they have ready answers to all your queries. In a globalized world, we’re more likely than ever to be far away from home when the worst happens. Repatriations will involve differing costs depending on which country you’re dealing with.
In addition, if you require funeral services along with the repatriation, you should expect to pay separately for that. Experienced funeral directors will make clear what is involved in the fees of repatriation and advise you accordingly. Their goal should always be to ease your burden at a difficult time.
Cremation Choices: Pre-planning Your Funeral
You may be feeling at a bit of loss regarding planning a cremation service, which is why it is a good idea to hire one of the best funeral directors.
They will talk you through all of the options available to you. In most cases, cremation services last around 45 minutes. This is enough time to hold the service, and for people to enter and exit the chapel.
However, some people want a longer ceremony, and this is absolutely fine. You will have to pay an additional fee, but, of course, this depends on the crematorium in question.
Another decision is whether to have a religious or non-religious cremation service. You also need to consider how you want the service to go. For example, you may want a religious service, with hymns and readings from the bible.
Or, you could personalize the service by having a big screen showing a slideshow of the person’s life? This is a lovely touch, which really celebrates the person’s life. There are other ways to personalize funeral services, including involving family and friends, videos, and special readings.
I hope you found this article on pre-planning your funeral helpful in some way. It is NEVER an easy time when losing a loved one, I know. But hopefully, my tips have made planning the funeral a bit easier.