Substance abuse in any form can be life-altering and, if not addressed, even deadly. From alcohol to drugs and everything in between, substance abuse is becoming more and more prevalent due to the ease of access to illicit substances.
When most of us were younger, it was hard to get drunk or find drugs. Aside from stealing from your parent’s liquor cabinet, using a fake ID, or finding that one shady kid in the hall who always had weed for sale, it was tough to find a way to get high.
Today, however, with the rise of prescription medication abuse, it’s easier than ever to get your hands on stuff that should never be in weak hands.
Drugs that can potentially change your life forever are now just a prescription away from someone that you might consider to be your trusted healthcare professional. There are also special drug rehabilitation centers (AddictionResource provides a full list) where you can get the help you need.
It’s this aspect of trust that often gets people in trouble. We trust that our doctors will give us things that will make our lives better, and yet, these substances can actually make matters a lot worse.
Substance Abuse In Any Form Can Be Life-Altering
It always starts so innocently. Typically, prescription drugs are given to patients recovering from an injury or surgery. These innocent little devils are then taken to ease the pain and boy, do they ease the pain!
Not only do they ease the pain, but they also often give a sense of carefree euphoria. This addictive quality makes prescription pills a very serious and very real responsibility. You have to ask yourself: “What is worse? The pain, or the potential addiction?”
If you are a strong person, then, by all means, take your pills as prescribed. But, if you’re at all prone to addiction, you might want to rethink your period of healing. I am NOT saying that medication is inherently bad.
I’ve known people that maturely take their medication as prescribed and it does wonders for their quality of life. Just like all things, moderation is important. Taking something all the time is never a good idea and can lead to very bad things.
If you lack the discipline to administer a healthy dose of moderation when given such a powerful substance, you might want to opt-out of ever filling your prescription.
After all, just because a doctor prescribes it doesn’t mean you have to take it. However, there are places like The Recovery Village Washington, that can help you if you think you may have an addiction. There is plenty of help out there, you just have to seek it.
Do you know anyone who has a drug addiction? Have they sought out help for it?