Did you know that May is National Pregnancy Awareness Month? It is! If you are a loyal reader of my blog, then you know of all of the trials I went through, trying to conceive our third child.
When I did find out I was pregnant again and knew it was going to ‘stick‘, I was so excited, scared, happy, tearful, and just plain in awe! Man, that was a good day!!!
When I was preparing for labor I prepared about 1-2 months in advance, that way I knew I would be prepared and could then just wait for the baby to make his/her appearance!
One of the ways to prepare for labor and delivery is with a nice bag filled with things you can use in the hospital. Dr. Elizabeth Chabner Thompson is a medical expert who is devoted to new moms’ ease into the labor and post-natal periods. She came up with an awesome hospital duffle bag, the Mommy/Delivery BFFL Bag, that she specifically designed to provide comfort, convenience, and care for women preparing for childbirth, and a great gift for moms-to-be!
I received one of these hospital bags to check out and I was so impressed by all of the wonderful goodies nestled inside this bag. It has everything a mama needs, to keep her comfy and cozy (well as cozy and comfy as any laboring mom can really be, lol) during delivery!
First of all, the duffle bag is absolutely adorable. You can reuse it time and time again, after the hospital. I love the bright stripes on it and fun colors. Inside the bag, is necessities that any mama would appreciate in the hospital. This is definitely the ultimate hospital bag! It is chock full of all the essentials for C-section or traditional birth.
The bag is made of lightweight, stain-resistant pack cloth and has metal feet to keep the bag off the hospital floor (genius!!!), and is roomy enough room for clothing and other essential personal items.
What Is Inside???
*specially designed axillapilla® pillow for recovery and nursing support
* a collapsible water bottle; perineal ice packs
* soft, washable nursing pads
*wound/incision care pack, toiletries, amusements
* KIND healthy snack bar (SO delicious!!!!)
*Expandable folder for important papers from the hospital
*Each bag is accompanied by a handwritten notecard
and more!
The only thing I would have added to this already fabulous bag? Would be a small robe or cute nightgown and when the person ordered they could choose a size. Otherwise, this is truly the perfect hospital bag for any mama to be!!!! Love it!
The Mommy/Delivery BFFL Bag retails for $120.00. 15% of the net profit from your purchase will be donated to the Harvard School of Public Health Women’s and Health Initiative!
Here are some Post-Partum Recovery Tips by Dr. Elizabeth Chabner Thompson:
*Do Your Kegels
Strengthening your pelvic floor by doing Kegel exercises is a must. It helps maintain urinary continence and the functioning of your back end.
*Avoid the Stairs
If you live in a multi-story home and must walk downstairs, try going carefully down them backward to reduce stress on your incision or sore areas. (Not sure if I would walk anywhere backward, but to each their own!)
*Go Nuts for Nuts
After giving birth it’s important to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet to help the body heal. Not only are nuts a great source of protein & fiber, they are also rich in zinc and selenium which help to boost your mood and prevent postpartum depression. Dr. Elizabeth recommends carrying diaper-bag compatible KIND bars, made primarily of whole nuts, whenever on the go as an easy way to get these essential nutrients.
*Return to Romance
When you’re ready for sex, and you’ve held off for the recommended six weeks, go for it. Just don’t forget the Astroglide or other personal lubricant, because after childbirth and while breastfeeding, you’re low in estrogen, causing a thinning of your cervical mucous, which can lead to dryness and discomfort.
Were you prepared when your little one made his/her entrance into this world? What sorts of things did you bring with you to the hospital?
hannah says
oh my your baby is so gorgeous. the bag looks like it would be a terrific gift!
Lily Kwan says
These recovery tips are very helpful. Thanks for sharing!
laurie says
i know it ruff getting over having a baby
Shelly Boyd says
Forwarding this to my very pregnant little sis… her first!
Jamie C. says
Your Daughter and Baby are just so Adorable! These Post-Partum materials look comfortable and relaxing.
Maria J. says
I Don’t have any children but I can say this looks like these products look effective against post-partum
Maryann D. says
I love the idea of Mommy/Delivery BFFL Bag. This is terrific and I do wish I had that when my children were born. I love the baby picture, so adorable.
Jen LF says
Wish I had that bag when I had my daughter! That looks great!
stephanie says
great gift bag!
Michele P. says
that is a really awesome bag! Its been a long time since I’ve had my children, so I am glad that they are providing much needed supplies and fun things for the new mom-we have a niece that is expecting soon and your post will help me put a few things together she might need.
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
Great post on preparing before and after for baby. I’m not having any more babies but this bag is a great idea for a gift I will have to keep this in mind.
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
Awesome tips. I hardly remember what it was like when I came home with each of my boys from the hospital. I think I was too dazed & confused both times, but we’re all still alive, so I guess I did something right 🙂
Brie Snyder says
You sound so organized and prepared lol I hope I’m that way when the times comes! These are great tips and I have a friend who is due in September. I will definitely use some of this info!
Natalie Finch says
What a great gift. The “perineal ice packs” are a must have! I will have to keep this in mind when my next friend is ready to deliver, I would have LOVED one of these.
April Yedinak says
I did not prepare by packing a lot before going to the hospital. Mainly I packed a couple of changes of underwear and socks and a coupled of nice nightgowns and an outfit to wear home. Oh, and my hairbrush and toothbrush. I relied on my parents to bring everything for the baby after each one was born. We kind of have a weird superstition in our family where we do not buy anything for the baby until after it is born.
Sandy Cain says
I was prepared. The most important thing I brought to the hospital with me was tennis balls. I had back labor, and my husband pushed them against the pain, and it helped some.
Tammy S says
This bad sounds like the perfect gift. I like the tips also. Not so sure about going down the stairs backwards either. I would be so afraid I was going to miss a step and fall. Thanks for sharing!