Checking your car’s fluids and doing regular oil changes on your vehicle is imperative to a smooth running and happy vehicle. You should the oil in your vehicle every 3 months or every 3,000 miles. This, of course, depends on your vehicle and driving habits. Many people are afraid or think that changing the oil in their vehicle is hard to do, but it isn’t, I promise! Hey, if I can do it, so can you!
How Do I Change The Oil In My Car?
Below, are tips my hubby taught me when I changed the oil in our vehicle for the first time. I hope it helps you! your vehicle onto a flat surface and jack it up.
2.Make sure the vehicle you are working on is safe and steady before you get under it to start the oil change.
3.Drain the old oil from your vehicle into an oil pan
4.When the oil is done draining, replace the oil plug.
5. Replace the old oil filter with a new one.
6.Add new oil. You can find out how much your vehicle will need, by checking out the owners manual.
7. Check the oil levels before driving your car to ensure you added enough oil.
That is basically it. I am sure there are a ton of little things I left out, but that is the jest of it all. I have changed the oil in my car 2 times. But, since my hubby is around to do it, I have him do it now. But, at least I KNOW how to change the oil in my car.
If you don’t have the patience to change the oil in your car (hey, I can relate!) then you can take it into a trusted car dealership like Newark Chrysler Jeep Dodge. Let them do it for you while you relax! I have done this a few times too 😉
Do you know how to change the oil in your car? Any tips you want to share?
*Partnered Post.
Leela says
I used to know, but haven’t done it in a long time.
kathy pease says
I do not know how to change my oil but I probably should learn
imaclutz89 says
I have never changed my own oil, but my husband does change it for me.
Lisa Walker says
I have never changed the oil in my car. Thanks for the tips! I may try doing it next time!
ncjeepster says
My Father taught all the kids how to change our own oil. He said “you never when you may need to do it”, I did change my own for a while and then when I got married, my husband started doing it for me.
Haya says
I’m way too chicken to even try changing the oil myself, though you make it look pretty easy. I’m just too scared to do something wrong and mess my car up. Lucky for us, oil changes are complimentary at the dealership so I don’t have to worry about it.
gracefulcoffee says
Very informative! I had no idea, haha!
Ronnell says
I can’t count the number of times I’ve changed my oil. I have changed the oil of at least 1000 other peoples cars.
Melissa Storms says
I do know how to change the oil in my car and how to check and fill all of the fluids. I think these and also how to safely change a tire are important skills to have. For both men and women.
Katie Bellamy says
I know how to check my oil. Not change it. 🙂
Brenda W. says
At my age I am unable to do it.
Jessica W. says
I’ve never changed the oil in my car. I never thought I could, however, these tips make it seem easier.
Lesley F says
Great tips but we always take our cars in to have the oil changed
Lula Ruger says
Great tips but i think doing it at home is not worth it
Karley Moore says
My vehicle has to have oil changed at a mechanic, but I do like the tips!
patty.wright says
We do ours at a oil change place
Barbara Riffe says
My son changes all the oil in our vechicles.
Mia says
I have never changed the oil in my car and will probably keep relying on a mechanic do it. I always look for deals and coupons.
vickie couturier says
no i have never changed the oil in my car ,my husband does or we wait till they are having a good deal on oil changes
tat2gurlzrock says
I have never changed the oil in any car I have had. I just always took them somewhere and had it done. These are great tips!
mami2jcn says
I have no idea how to change the oil! I’ve been with my husband since college and never had to do it because he always has.
Nidhi Chauhan says
We haven’t changed our car’s oil by ourselves. These are some great tips. I think we need to try this at home.