*I am a Biz Ambassador. This is a sponsored post. Opinions are my own.
Having little kids means lots and lots of laundry to do! Seems like I am washing their clothes ALL the time. All parents can relate, I am sure! Some days I feel as though that pile of laundry is growing, not downsizing. It is crazy! The never ending battle of dirty clothes, gah!
I loved that I was contacted to be a Biz Ambassador because I seriously needed Biz in my life! Up until now, all my kid’s clothes had stains on them even AFTER I washed them. I finally gave up on it and let them have stains on their clothes! Now that I have tried Biz, things have changed a bit around here.
Getting stains out of my kid’s clothes is no longer a battle I can’t win. Now all I do is put Biz in my wash, just like I would laundry detergent, and then I add my regular laundry detergent on top of that and set the washer. That is it. You can also just use Biz as a stain remover and laundry detergent. It works great and removes those hideous stains from grass, sweat, chocolate and more.
How To Get Out Tough Stains With Biz
Biz is proven to beat Oxy Clean and BIZ not only cleans up to 80% better than detergent alone but… Biz has more stain fighters than other brands! Biz has some great tips and tricks and find out How To Get Out Tough Stains With Biz!
I am excited to be a Biz Brand Ambassador and be able to share my experiences with this brand/product. Stay tuned for some posts about Biz and our never ending battle of dirty clothes!
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Have You Ever Used Biz? Why Or Why Not?
Trisha McKee says
This is definitely a product I will be trying! Thank you for sharing a product I had not previously known about.
tiffany dayton says
We used it years ago then it started breaking me out. I’m allergic to many things.
Richard Hicks says
We used this a long while back. I want to try it again.
jesse johnson says
I have the most problems with grass stains. It would be nice to find a product that works. If biz did the job then I would buy it.
Danielle Ernst says
So excited stains suck
Laura says
I haven’t tried this yet. It sounds like a great product though. I’ll have to try it!
Carrie says
I haven’t tried it yet, but with my toe stain master boys I need to!
vickie couturier says
yes we use biz all the time on the grandsons football pants and top
Julie Waldron says
Thanks for sharing, I will have to try it out.
kim s says
I’m going to have to try this! I have some stubborn grass stains on my jeans that’s been a nightmare to get out! Thanks!
shannon fowler says
I haven’t even heard of this yet. I will have to see if its in stores here.
Edye says
Biz sounds great! Thanks for sharing.
Maryann D. says
I never tried BIZ as of yet. But I do need a better stain remover and hate when I ruin clothing with stains on them. It is worth a try.
Mia says
I like using Biz to get out tough stains and like saving money with coupons.
Cheryl says
I haven’t used Biz yet. I’m not sure it’s available in our stores.