I use Glade all the time. Why? Because it leaves my home smelling absolutely wonderful. Whether I am having company over or just sitting at home with my kids, I love a clean-smelling home 🙂
*This post includes my Amazon affiliate link.
Glade Spring Scents
Glade came out with their new Spring line and I got to review a candle and room spray! Couldn’t say no to that 🙂 I received the Bring on The Blossoms Premium Room Spray and a fun and colorful/springy Glade Scented Oil Candle Decorative Glass Holder (with a tea light candle).
I really really really like the scent of the Blossoms room spray. Talk about a fresh, springy scent. It is so yummy smelling and I use this in my whole house. The candle holder is beautiful, as you can see in the picture. It is fun, springy, and colorful. The candle inside, when lit, did not smell to me.
I could not smell it at all. And it only stayed lit for about an hour then quickly went out on its own. I am not sure if I received a bad candle or what, but I was not impressed with it 🙁
Besides the candle not living up to my expectations, the room spray does! And, I just wanted to say, I have never had a problem with Glade before, ever, which leads me to believe it was just a bad wick on the candle or something.
How to Step into Spring
In order to help other women rejuvenate their look and surroundings, Rancic shares her top five tips to stay on-trend and feel fresh and exhilarated in time for spring.
- Reinforce Ruffles. Spring is all about feeling pretty and feminine, and designers are pumping up the volume with ruffles. Whether on a throw pillow, journal, or jacket, this season we’ll be seeing gorgeous fabrics and textures draped and ruffled into fabulous creations.
- Revitalize Home Fragrance. Glade Limited Edition Spring Collection fragrances refresh the home and wipe away the doldrums left behind when winter fades. “I love the Glade Sparkle of Spring™ Premium Room Spray,” says Rancic, “because the hints of citrus create an energized vibe during the day and the fresh scent is a simple way to make my home more inviting for family and friends.”
- Bright Colors, Fresh Look. Cheerful citrus is perfect for those bright spring days. Take advantage of the season’s uplifting hues and make lips pop with orangey-pink lipstick.
- Wake Up Happy. Start the day with colors that awaken your senses. Make your bedroom environment happy with a bright, cheerful new duvet or throw.
- Go for Geometric Jewels. Cool, geometric shapes are everywhere this spring. Clean, straight lines and bold color accents make a perfect pair. Best of all, you don’t have to spend a lot to achieve this look. “I love a good bargain and recently found a pair of bold emerald green earrings for just $8!” says Rancic.
About The Glade® Limited Edition Spring Collection
The Glade Limited Edition Spring Collection is available now through July in the air-care aisle of food, drug and mass-merchandise stores such as Target, Walmart, and many more. The manufacturer suggested retail price for the Glade Limited Edition Spring Collection is:
* $3.49 for Glade Candle 4 oz. Jar
* $2.99 for Glade Premium Room Spray
* $3.49 for Glade Scented Oil Candle Decorative Glass Holder
* $3.49 for Glade Scented Oil Candle Refills; contains four refills
* $3.49/$5.49 for Glade PlugIns Scented Oil Refills; available in 1- and 2-count
Celebrate the season with these Glade Spring Scents in bright, fun packaging that looks as good as it smells:
- The sparkle of Spring™ – Fresh and citrusy with zesty lime, ginger, and vanilla notes.
- Bring on the Blossoms™ – Fruity and floral with a medley of jasmine, rose, peony, and sandalwood.
Gianna says
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Gianna says
I clean it a lot. Also I like baking things like pies and cakes.
Lisa L says
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Lisa L says
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Lisa L says
I make my home smell clean by opening the windows to let fresh air in
Chris N says
I open the windows and let the spring winds blow all of the the stale winter air out. Not tonight, of course, we are having 70 miles an hour winds. The would blow us away.
ezmerelda at mail dot com
Jennifer J says
I use candles quite a bit.
Jacquelyn Cannon says
I make my home smell clean and fresh by placing yellow daisies in a vase and the allowing the fragrance to spread throughout the house.
[email protected]
Diane Baum says
I open windows and light candles
Diane Baum
[email protected]
melissa says
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melissa says
I have the glade plug ins in my house that and open the windows to let in some fresh air,
melisa0072 at gmail dot com
Ashley Tharp says
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atayner0183@yahoo. com
Ashley Tharp says
I like to use a TON of candles while Im cleaning!
[email protected]
Melanie says
I febreze or use glade air effects
kathy pease says
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kathy pease says
i usually spray with air fresheners and as soon as it warms up i want to open all my windows when my gardens start to bloom
mistysunrise says
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
mistysunrise says
shared on facebook as misty sunrise
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Kelly Grant says
posted on FB http://www.facebook.com/k.catlin.grant/posts/206319309389377
kgrant77 at gmail.com
Kelly Grant says
tweeted @ http://twitter.com/#!/CullenSalvator/status/61679259340648448
kgrant77 at gmail.com
Kelly Grant says
I open the windows when it is nice out.
kgrant77 at gmail.com
ashley says
if the weather ever gets good enough – we throw open all of the windows, and do a good spring clean with dr. bronners lavendar soap.
mistysunrise says
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
Kim H. says
To make my home smell nice with spring I open the windows in good weather. I also bring in some lilac sprigs. They smell wonderful! Buying hyacynthsl also perfume up the house.
Erica C. says
I like to do a lot of cleaning and have the windows open to let the breeze come into the house.
Martha Payne says
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Martha Payne says
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Martha Payne says
I open the windows in the Spring time to let the spring breeze in and keep my home smelling fresh. Thanks for the contest! codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
Miss Spoken says
Twitter follower @gkstratos
Miss Spoken says
GFC Follower
Miss Spoken says
A nice clean house (and then some incense)
kittycardero says
kittycardero says
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kittycardero says
I open the windows to make my home smell fresh for Spring.
angie says
I use candles and plugins.
al says
Ruby Pena says
I put freshly cut flowers from the yard on the kitchen table.
Becky says
I usually open my windows and doors 🙂
Terra Heck says
follow you on twitter, partymix25
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follow your blog via GFC
Terra Heck says
I clean my house thoroughly, use candles, and open up the windows. Thanks.
Monique Rizzo says
I buy fresh cut flowers once a week.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
sherri crawford says
i usually use airsprays i like orange coconut and pineapple scents usually
MistySunrise says
shared on fb as misty sunrise
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
MistySunrise says
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
nan says
gfc nannypanpan
nan says
i do a good spring cleaning and i will soon bring lilacs in
nannypanpan at sbcglobal.net
beth shepherd says
fresh flowers
thank you
[email protected]
Denise B. says
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Denise B. says
I open the windows everyday for at least 30 minutes no matter what the weather or temperature is.
Tina Renee says
Tina Renee says
Like Shop with Me Mama on Facebook; Tina Renee Barker
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Follow Shop with Me Mama on Twitter; @warp65
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following publicly via GFC: Tina Renee Barker
Tina Renee says
I make my house fresh by spraying Glade Fabric & Air refresher
on my couches, beds, throws, etc.!
Stephanie Phelps says
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Stephanie Phelps says
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Stephanie Phelps says
I love to buy fresh cut flowers to brighten and smell good in the spring
my4boysand1 at yahoo dot com
jakell m says
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have your button 2X @ http://www.smileadaygiveaways.blogspot.com
jakell m says
have your button 2X @ http://www.smileadaygiveaways.blogspot.com
jakell m says
I have scentsy warmers all over the house 🙂
Jocelyn says
To make my home smelling fresh… I bake! yes, bake! Baking bread, cookies, whatever else smells home-y =) ([email protected])
crystle tellerday says
Debra Hall says
i follow on facebook
Debra Hall says
i open the house up and let fresh air in
Ms. T says
I like to use candles, plug-in scented holder like Glade/Oust..
Kathlean Owens says
I bring in the Spring by opening the windows, airing out the house, bring in some flowers from the garden. In the evening, I love the smell of the Hyacinths & Honeysuckle in the evening.
Kelly says
I love Glade products – the Hawaiian one is my favorite!
nicole says
I am a GFC follower (coliebear).
nicole says
I like to have fresh flowers in the house whenever possible to help the house smell like spring.
Renee @ Made By Renee says
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Renee @ Made By Renee says
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Renee @ Made By Renee says
i open all of the windows.. put in new lavender/vanilla plugins and do some spring cleaning 🙂
MistySunrise says
your button is on my blog
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
MistySunrise says
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MistySunrise says
I make my home smell clean by burning candles and tarts
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com