Have you ever been to the Great Wolf Lodge? You know, the place where you stay and they have a huge indoor water park? We went to the Great Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound Washington a couple of weeks ago! I also got to meet other bloggers 🙂 This is the best waterpark in Washington!
We received an awesome discount to stay at Great Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound Washington, so we could not say no! We left on Friday and stayed until Sunday morning. The first night we were there, the kids went trick-or-treating. We received a little map for each of my kids and we followed the map and the kids got some candy! We brought their costumes, so this was so much fun for them!
The Best Waterpark In Washington
After the Trick-or-treating, we got ready and went to the indoor water park for a few hours! Oh, what fun this was!! There is a wave pool, a kiddie pool, water slides, and more! We could not decide what to do first!
So, I and the kids went into the kiddie pool and my husband ventured off to the water slides! The kiddie pools have lots of fun things for the kids to do, like spray each other with water while sitting on cute little animals, or sliding down a little slide (there are two of those!). Or the kids can run around in a little area where they can walk through waterfalls and spray others that walk by too! They had so much fun! Me, I just loved to sit and watch my kids laugh and play!
After the water park, we ordered pizza and went to our room to relax! We rented a movie and oh it was nice just to be away from home and to relax 🙂 In the morning was the blogger breakfast, at 8 am.
We got there kind of late, but I am so glad that we made it!! The breakfast was sooo delicious! What a wonderful assortment to choose from! I even got a swag bag for attending 🙂 I always love those! I met some great bloggers too.
After breakfast I stayed back with the bloggers, while my hubby and daughter went up to the room to relax. I stayed about an hour then left because my son (who was with me) announced VERY loudly that he had to go poop! LOL. So, off we went.
The day went on like the day before, we played in the water park again and just walked around and had fun in the wonderful lodge. It was so nice and the lobby and rooms and everywhere was so nice! They have a great arcade room, where we played in the first day we got there, for about 2 hours!! The kids loved it and so did my husband 🙂
We left Sunday morning. What a wonderful experience this was for us! We needed to get away so badly and this was perfect!! I highly recommend the Wolf Lodge to any family. They are kind of spendy, so if you sign up for their newsletters, they will email you discounts or when they will be having better rates. I recommend doing this!
Also, for December, Wolf Lodge is having a Santa Claus jump from a plane and float down to all the excited kids!! It will also be SNOWING in the LOBBY!!!! Did I mention this is FREE for you to come and see? Yep, it is! So, this sounds like an event you don’t want to miss out on!! Look at their site for more details and what is going on at a Wolf Lodge nearest you!
I also wanted to add that Great Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound Washington has amazing and BIG conference rooms available to rent. The one we had our breakfast in, was big and could have accommodated many people. You can even get married at the Wolf Lodge! I was told that a couple did just that!
They got married at the top of the slide and slide down together!!! What a memory that would be!!! So, there is so much you can do at the Wolf Lodge!! Such a wonderful vacation idea for all!
I was given a great discount for me and my family to attend the Howl-o-Ween festivities at the Great Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound Washington!! This is definitely the best waterpark in Washington!
Ashley Ruzin says
That looks like so much fun!! You have a gorgeous family! God Bless!
XmasDolly says
Well, this place is really special. We’ve been by there, and the place is huge from the outside, but we didn’t stay. It’s just my husband and myself,and that’s a place more for families with kids. Maybe one time when we take the grandkids. Thanks for sharing though.
Jan says
That sounds so awesome! You have such a beautiful family! sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
Regina T. says
would love to go to one of the lodges one day…have heard really good comments.
Traviett Jernigan Ford says
That sounds like it was a cool place to get-away and with some modern amenities. I like that there’s something for the entire family to do, no matter the age. I can appreciate that. My husband and I are planning our annual anniversary trip. Now I can add The Great Wolf Lodge to our list of places to visit! Thank you for sharing!
Aline says
I hope there’s one of these out East. This place sounds like a blast for kids.
Nancy says
I have heard wonderful things about the Great Wolf Lodges. What a fun family place to stay and play!
Bobbie says
This looks amazing!! We have a similar place here that we are staying at for CHristmas!! Can’t wait
Beeb Ashcroft says
That sounds like so much fun!!
Brandy says
That sounds amazing! Glad you had a good time! Love the pics!
Natalie J. Vandenberghe says
Looks like fun. I’ve wanted to go ever since it opened. My daughter was up at Ft. Lewis on a med-hold for three years and I kept hoping I could fit in a visit to Great Wolf when I’d go visit her. Unfortunately, it never worked out. I have a question, tho: I thought the only people who could go to Great Wolf were registered guests (in reference to the snowing in the lobby–is that open to the public?)
Thanks for your time.
Kim says
Yes, it is my understanding that if you only visit the lodge part you can be a part of the Christmas thing, or any event they are doing!! You can also eat in the restaurants too!
Sam says
That looks like so much fun! There is a Great Wolf Lodge fairly close to us and I have always wanted to go.
Sarah says
What a fun weekend! I didn’t realize they had a location on the West Coast, will have to keep that in mind.
Stefani says
Sounds like you had a great time. I sure could use a getaway sometime soon!
Alison says
Our family has always wanted to go to the Great Wolf Lodge! We will be actually going to the one in PA for the Reviewers Retreat in May. I am super excited. Your post just made me even more excited. 🙂 Looks like a great time for the whole family!
Tired Mom Tésa says
That sounds like a wonderful trip. We’ve never been to Great Wolf Lodge and have one only an hour away. I’ll be looking into a trip here in the near future, my two preschoolers would love it!
Their Christmas events are so neat! I’m going to look into the one near me and see if they are doing something similar.
Rob says
Sounds and looks like everyone has an awesome time. there is a Great Wolf Lodge in the Poconos that we would like to go to. They are also having a 3 or 4 day blog conference in May 2011 that we are thinking about going to.
Nichol says
Sounds like a great time, great photos. Love the family photo! I’m so ready for a weekend away. Glad you all had a great time.
TRICIA @Nightowlmama says
There is one in Wisconsin and we’ve never stayed this one looks really nice we may have to check them out Thanks
glad you’s had a great time
Abby Approved says
Oh, that looks like so much fun! My son would love to go there! I will have to keep that in mind for a weekend getaway.