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Yes, you read that correctly. I Got My Eyebrows Tattooed And This Is What Happened…
I was SO nervous the day I was getting my eyebrows tattooed. Oh, my goodness, so nervous but SO excited too. You see, when I turned 30, my eyebrows started going away. I do not really know WHY they did, but they did. I did not notice it so much until I looked at pictures of myself throughout the years. My goodness, my eyebrows are just gone!
I absolutely HATED having no eyebrows and always having to put them on with an eyebrow pencil. It was SO time-consuming because I am a perfectionist when it comes to ME. Some days I would put on my eyebrows then have to wipe them off and put them back on because I did them wrong. It was a HUGE and time-consuming process that I just could not stand. It really depressed me…
When I got out of the shower and my husband was in the same room, I would cover my eyebrows with my hand and run to the mirror and put them on. I would NEVER allow my husband or anyone to see me without my eyebrows, EVER. So, it was really depressing having to ‘hide’ my eyebrows at times. It just SUCKED.
I also would ALWAYS have my eyebrows penciled on, always. At night, in the morning, during the day, after my showers, when I went swimming, etc. They were always on.
I started researching about eyebrow tattooing and decided that is what I was going to do. I could not go on living like this, always being afraid that my damn eyebrows would ‘wipe’ off or melt off in the heat… Ugh. I even had to instruct my hairdresser when she washed my hair, to be careful not to get near my eyebrows because they will wipe off… ya, that was so embarrassing..
I picked the first business/place I Googled and made an appointment quickly.. That is a BIG no-no when doing something PERMANENT.
I did not really know what I was doing I just knew what I wanted. I went to the appointment and it was a pleasant place at first glance. The lady that was going to be doing my eyebrows, was older than I thought, but that was okay.
I filled out a bunch of paperwork and then me and the lady talked for a while about the color I wanted and what to expect. The lady was so friendly and me and her quickly became buds. She was super talkative and so am I so we were getting along so well!
First, she put numbing cream on my eyebrows and I waited for about 20 minutes for it to really get into my eyebrows and numb them up. Then I laid down and she started to tattoo my eyebrows. I was a bit confused because I thought I was supposed to draw how I wanted my eyebrows and then she would follow, but no, my eyebrows were wiped off because of the numbing cream, so she really had no ‘outline’ to work with which kind of scared me a bit… How would she know how I wanted them? But, I let her continue because she was the pro, not me. I knew NOTHING about this stuff!
When she did the first eyebrow and handed me a mirror to look, I was leery. I was not so sure I liked it, but she assured me it would be fine, it is just swollen and it will get lighter with time and peel off as a scab. Then, underneath would be the color I had chosen, lighter looking.
So I let her continue with the second eyebrow
After the second eyebrow (which HURT like a &*%#!), it was done and she handed me the mirror again. I looked and was NOT happy with them AT all. I was pretty much horrified at what I was looking at. I had one eyebrow that I liked a little bit and the other one was so far off and not the same as the other one that I just wanted to cry! I was NOT happy…
I told her that I did not really like one of the eyebrows, but again, I was assured it was just swollen and it would get better with time. Just give it a couple of weeks, she said..
I drove home in tears. When I got home I called my husband and he was upset for me. He asked if he could call the lady who did my eyebrows and tell her I was not happy with them and if she can fix them. I was way too nice and did not want to call her. So, I agreed and gave him her number.
My husband called me back and said I can go back to her right now and she will fix them. So, I went back to her and she tattooed in salicylic acid to remove the unwanted pigment that was tattooed on my skin. Then I went home to wait for it to scab over and peel off. Thank God it took about three days and sure enough, I was able to peel off the unwanted tattoo part of my eyebrow.
My next appointment with her was in 6 weeks, so I just waited it out, filling in my eyebrows with eyebrow pencil to make them somewhat match.. Ugh.. back to the eyebrow pencil..
After the 6 weeks passed and the appointment came, I was excited to get the rest of the work completed. I went in and she took off a little bit more of the eyebrow I was not happy with and made a line going down where it should have been going down in the first place, to match the other eyebrow.
Though my eyebrows still do not match, I am semi-happy with the results. I am happy that I do not have to hide my eyebrows anymore when I get out of the shower. I am happy that I can get out of bed and wash my face and brush my teeth and be done with it. I am happy that I can rub my face or itch my eyebrows and they do not come off. I am happy I can sweat, swim or have my little kids rub their mama’s face and my eyebrows are still there. I am happy I do not have to tell my hairdresser to please watch out for my eyebrows because they might come off… I am HAPPY.
That is ALL that matters. I am fine with the outcome of my eyebrows. I won’t be complaining about this lady or her services. She is a sweet lady and I wish her all the success in the world.
My advice to you?
But, if I could do it over, I would have researched my options and not jumped at the first business/place I came across. I would read reviews and look at the pictures on their website. Just RESEARCH, talk to people.
How Much Does It Cost To Get Your Eyebrows Tattooed?
This cost me $350 to get it done. That is the going rate at many places.
Does It Hurt To Get Your Eyebrows Tattooed?
Hell YES. And when she tattooed near the bridge of my nose, I wanted to sneeze! Oh my goodness, it hurt. But, that is MY experience, yours may be different.
The End.
Want more? Read about my Botox experience and check out my before and after pictures! (The Botox is NOT from the same company/person, just wanted to clarify!!)
Do You Know Anyone Who Has Had Their Eyebrows Tattooed?
tannawings says
The older I have gootten the thinner my brows and honestly I haave rarely plucked my brows. I like the way you look. I also like the ones you ‘put on’ too.
Robin says
I am so sorry that you had to go through so much to get it right, but I think they look awesome and you look just as gorgeous as ever. I don’t know anyone who has had their eyebrows done, but my aunt and her sister both had eyeliner tatted on. I thought they were nuts but it turned out great. That was over 20 years ago and my aunt is now 75 and still has the best eyeliner in town. I’m so jealous but I don’t think I would ever have the nerve to do that. Eyebrows…yes. Eyeliner…no way.
Penelope says
Woah, I didn’t realize how uneven they originally were made! In another pic it wasn’t as clear, but in this pic, it was so lopsided! One goes straight up like an angry face eyebrow! I’m glad you were able to fix it.
Kim Delatorre says
Yes!!! Exactly! I was a bit horrified with the first set :/ pretty happy with the results now though!
Rosie says
I know some ppl who have had this done! A good amount of eyebrow is more youthful, if you don’t have your own, this is a good way to go. Since you are using darker eye makeup, the darker eyebrow color looks good. I didn’t know they could fuss with it and change it up a bit. Good to know!
Kim Delatorre says
Yes, I was so happy that they could correct it too!! Lifesaver for me 🙂