In The Mood Color Changing Nail Polish Review! My fingers don’t usually have a mood. I mean I suppose they could be a bit slow and sluggish at times, especially when I am pluggin’ out these blog posts, but generally, they don’t have a “mood” they get in.
*This post includes my affiliate links.
But me on the other hand, ya, I get into “those” moods, like once a month, sometimes a bit more. And when I do, a cute polish that can tell others to LOOK OUT is just plain genius!
In this picture, we used Guilty…I and my daughter are wearing the SAME polish!
I had to look into these polishes before agreeing to review them, after my nails would be showing whether or not I was in a good mood or not, by changing colors on me, so I HAD to research it a bit…
And after researching In The Mood Color Changing Nail Polish, I so wanted to try these out with my little girl! I received a few shades to try out. I painted my nails, toes, and my daughters’ nails and toes. They come in some gorgeous colors, wow. My favorite is the Guilty color. but all of them are so dang pretty, they really are.
The color below is Ditzy…
What is neat about these polishes, is not just the colors, but how the colors change when you have them on your nails. They change color based on your body’s temperature, your mood, or what you are holding (cup of coffee, iced tea, etc..). Since your normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees, the polish will change color when it is 91 degrees, your fingertips are always cooler than your hand.
For example: running your hands under warm/hot water, going outside in hot weather, or even mood changes, will cause the nail polish color to change. Cool right?!
All you do is apply two coats of the polish to your natural nails. Then apply a top coat for a nice glossy finish. You can use any topcoat or In The Mood’s topcoat: Super Shiny Topcoat.
Ya told you! Now my thoughts on this Mood Color Changing Nail Polish. I love it! It goes on shiny and does dry matte, so if you do want shiny nails, definitely add a shiny top coat, like mentioned above. I personally love matte, so I am good!
It takes a while for my nail color to change because my fingers/hands are ALWAYS freezing, same with my feet. I think I have what my mom has, her fingers actually turn BLUE, she has bad circulation, and I *think* I will be inheriting that from her if it is inheritable.. my fingernails are always purplish, the nails, so the nail polish does not work so well on me. As you can see in the picture above, with my nails and my daughters, her nail color changed to blue, super quickly, mine did not. I still LOVE the color!!
One thing I have noticed is that these polishes do seem to chip or come off easily, so I do recommend the top coat!!!!
So, I really like these. They are totally neat and would be a very cool gift for anyone this holiday season, whether you stick them in a stocking or gift them under the tree, they are sure to make any tween, teen, or mama happy! This polish is so unique!
You can purchase In The Mood Color Changing Nail Polish on
Rosey says
The Violet to Blue is my favorite!
Bonnigene says
I really love the Naughty color. Thanks
Desiree Dunbar says
I love this product…very cool.
Claire McKeon says
I am a Ditzy girl!!!
Angela Michels says
This stuff looks really fun! I use to have lipstick like this back in the 80’s that went from purple to pink with mood changes. 🙂
amie falls says
I like flirty
Evin Round says
My favorite color is Guilty.
Adalia says
Guilty is my favorite
adaliadelcompar at gmail dot com
Cassie says
egle says
blissful is my favorite color of them all.
kelley wood says
guilty is my fav!
Penny W says
forgot to put my rss address!
pkbw28 at gmail dot com
Bonnie Tarr says
I like simple, so “FLIRTY” I like
but they all look awsome….
I get cold hands to, but being in a great mood might change the look!!
Christine says
Joyce Grubb says
Kristina says
My favorite color is the flirty! I love pink and so does my daughter.
edq143 says
i love this polish
Amanda Alvarado says
I forgot my email in the Subscribing via RSS entry. It’s tvpg at aol dot com
Kenda says
These are really cool – I may have to get a bottle just to see what color it turns while I’m drinking my coffee!
Penelope says
Flirty and Mellow look like hot shades! What a cool concept for polish.
Kelly says
How cool! I really like that purple!
HilLesha says
Pretty colors!
Marcie W. says
These look AWESOME!! Although, I don’t think my nail polish would be the first indication of my mood LOL
Louise says
Oh those are adorable. Zoe would love to wear these, I know what I’m getting to put in her stocking.
Jessica says
This is awesome! My 4 year old would LOVE it!
1stopmom says
This is such a cute idea! My girls love to do their nails and I think they will get a kick out of these 🙂 I am going to have to grab a few bottles.
Kathleen says
How awesome is that? One more thing to put on my to buy list. This is too cool not to own lol.
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy says
Super cute! I totally want some.
blueviolet says
That’s fun, and I used to have a mood ring so I’m all over this!
{Not Quite} Susie Homemaker says
Cuuuute! I suck at painting my own nails or else I’d get this!
Dee says
That is so cool.
Anne says
my 15 year old wants this