Looking for a daily dose of relaxation at home like an Aromatherapy Diffuser for your shower? Then keep reading! What parent could not use some ‘me’ time during the day? If I don’t get my time during the day, I can be grumpy. I need a chance to regroup and just zone out for a few. When do I find time to do that though?
It is usually when my hubby gets home from work. I have him take the baby, watch the kids and I go take a shower. That is MY time and I look forward to it each day!
Recently too, I have gotten into that whole ‘Essential Oils‘ thing. I bought a kit a while back and have used it quite a few times already.
I was very intrigued with what I heard about these oils, so I had to try them out. Let me tell you, the peppermint Essential Oil really does work on getting rid of a headache, pronto. Love the stuff. I am still experimenting with the others, but so far, I like them a lot.
*This post includes my affiliate links
So, when I heard about ESSIO aromatherapy for the shower that is supposed to Turn Your Shower Into A Spa, I had to try it out! These are essential oils and since I had been using them already and knew of their powers, I was so happy to try this!
The kit comes with the hardware which is simple to hook onto your shower head hose part. No tools required! It also comes with three Essential Oil blends to make your shower time, heavenly!
It also comes with a booklet to let you know how to install it in your shower and how to add the oil pod to the hardware and other tips for a great experience! This is the world’s first Aromatherapy Diffuser for your shower!
The ESSIO Starter Kit comes with the following Essential Oil blends:
Breathe (decongests and opens)
Passion (awakens desire)
Unwind (relieves stress)
Their pod blends are 100% organic, pure and sourced from the finest oils in the world. No harsh chemicals, synthetics or additives are used to make their signature blends.
Once you choose which blend you want to experience in your shower, you attach it and then quickly turn on the shower so you don’t have oil dripping on the shower floor (that can be slippery and dangerous!).
Once the water flow is on, adjust the water flow on the oil pod opening and get in! Soon, you will be able to smell the oils. If you want the oil to stop dripping or you want to control it, simply push the pod holder up, making the oil turn up so that the oil does not come out or make it come out slower.
I counted how long in between each oil ‘drop‘ and it was about 40 seconds or so. So it comes out slowly anyways, but if you want slower, just turn the hardware up, like I suggested above.
When you are done with your shower experience, turn off your shower and twist the pod out of the holder and put the little lid back on the top and pop it back into the pod holder with the other oils! That way, you won’t have to waste any of it and you can use it again! Yay!
You can purchase similar Aromatherapy Diffuser for your shower on Amazon.com.
Lily Kwan says
I haven’t tried essential oils before.
Sarah L says
The last time I used essential oils was 5 minutes ago. Tea tree on a cut.
Thanks for the contest.
Sand says
Yes, I have!
Laurie Emerson says
I have tried Lavender and Peppermint Essential Oils.
Buddy Garrett says
We haven’t tried essential oils.
lea says
No I haven’t used them
Sue J. says
Years ago, I used to wear oils as fragrance – especially patchouli, jasmine, sandalwood!
Angela W says
No I have not tried them
Lisa says
I have only tried Tea Tree Oil
Candie L says
I have never tried them before. Thank you
Angela Cash says
I have used Lavender oil as a sleep aid and to soothe sunburn. I would love to try some other essential oils.
amanda whiltey says
i havent tried essential oils.
Susan Climan says
I’ve only tried them during massages, but never on my own at home.
Lisa L says
I have not used essential oils before
Barbara Stenby says
Rafflecopter isn’t retaining my entries I completed 18 out of 32
Barbara Stenby says
No. But I want to. I work at a very heavy lifting job. I am very sore and stressed at the end of the day. I would LOVE this!
sheila ressel says
I love to use essential oils. I like to use lavender in the bedroom to promote sleep and I use jasmine and gardenia oils in my living room to make the whole house smell nice.
jackie says
I’ve never tried essential oils, but I’ve been hearing a lot about them lately.
Sarah says
No, but I keep seeing friends post about them on Facebook with favorable reviews.
rose says
I have been using essential oils for a while, and am continually learning new uses and benefits!
Nicole Lancaster says
I have tried Essential oils. I use Lavender oil all the time to help me sleep.
Darlene Carbajal says
No, never.
Lisa V. says
I have not tried the oils but would like to.
Carol says
I have not tried them.
Shaymaa says
I haven’t tried them
Amanda Alvarado says
I’ve used them randomly. I just don’t know enough about them to use them all the time!
RONDA says
Awwwwwwwww cute hats for the kiddies in the home
RONDA says
I have not tried essential oils
RONDA says
Dole products are the best
Kristi C says
I have not tried essential oils.
Karen says
I have not tried them.
deana c says
I have not tried essential oils.
Tamra Phelps says
I’ve never tried essential oils. I’ve heard a lot about them, they sound relaxing.
shaunie says
Never tried but would for sure love to
Virginia Rowell says
I have not tried them but they sound amazing.
Suzanne Denys says
I have not tried them.
Mary Casper says
No I have not tried them but I have wanted ot
Becca says
I bought my first essential oil kit a few months ago and I really like it!
Leigh Anne Borders says
I have not used essential oils but would certainly be itnerested in beginning.
latanya says
yes, I have
Maryann D. says
I am starting to us essential oils. I love lavender at bedtime to relax and I love the scent peppermint too.
Jane Thomas says
I love essential oils, i use them all the time.