Just wanted to let all my viewers know about this auction for Penny. She is the little girl I blogged about last week, with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. She has spent the last 3 weeks in Rady Children’s Hospital here in San Diego. She has a private insurance policy that will only cover 60% of her very expensive treatments.
This weekend, they are having a fund raising auction to help raise money for her care. Please visit Pennies4Penny.com beginning Friday morning (6am) to have your chance to bid and win on some amazing products. The outpouring of love and support for this little girl has just been amazing. They have secured donations from over 30 companies and individuals. Several of these sponsors have donated more than one item!
It is not only wonderful, but amazing when strangers online and off, come together to help support this little girl and her family! Truly wonderful!
For future reference, these are the auction terms (they will also be posted on each individual auction item):
Pennies 4 Penny is in the process of securing a non-profit tax ID number. So when you win a bid, you will be able to deduct it on your taxes. You’ll be getting some awesome deals and donating to a wonderful, feel-good, warm and fuzzy cause:
So please stop by this weekend and have a good time out-bidding your friends, all while helping this little angel beat her cancer!
Brought to you by Rhea, from Mommy 2 3 Monkeys (Penny’s cousin) and Pennies 4 Penny