CONTEST OVER! THANKS TO ALL WHO ENTERED!!! Congrats to Jenna, comment #28!! Woohoo!
My body, especially my butt, use to be firm (yep, it really was!) and my thighs did NOT jiggle or wiggle. But, since becoming a Mommy, twice, my bum and thighs and everything else in between, has gotten a bit “wiggley” (sometimes I think I should
create the “butt bra” my bum wiggles so much, sigh…) So when I came acrossSkin Deep III, I was a bit excited. For their products were something I desired and really wanted to try!
Skin Deep III is not only skin care products, but much more than that! They have everything from Skin, Body, Hair and Spa to Gifts! It is truly a great website for all your beauty needs.
I asked Skin Deep III, if they would be interested in me reviewing their product, and they got back to me and said they would! I was very excited!!! I was sent the Mama Mio Shrink to Fit Cellulite Cream and two of their Weight Loss Body Wraps. Oh, now I was very eager to try these two items out together! The first night, I used the wraps. I used one on each leg. Now, when you use these wraps, it says to make sure you have either saran wrap or ace bandages to go over the actual wraps in order to keep them in place. YOU WANT TO DO THIS!!! I made sure I had the saran wrap already out and ready to go! I took out the body wraps and opened them up. They are a bit messy and slimy, but for a GOOD cause! I gently wrapped the first one around my quivering thigh
and once in place, put on the saran wrap to secure it. Don’t think for a minute you can do without the saran wrap or ace bandage, or it will come off and it will be a waste of a good thing! After I had the second one on and it was secure, I was good to go! Now, it is recommended that you sleep in it, or leave it on for at least 45 minutes. I chose to leave it on for about 3 hours, at night, after the kids went to sleep. I did some dishes and laundry so I did not have to sit down. I did not want to jeopordize it’s working potential by sitting down and squishing it all up, so I stood and kept busy for three hours! The things I do when I am DETERMINED!! So, after the three hours, I removed the wrap, threw it away and rubbed in the remaining lotion left on my thighs. My thighs have NEVER been so smooth feeling in all my life! Oh my gosh! Silky smooth
we are talking! I WISH I had a few more to use, as I can totally see where this would be going if I had! When I get some money, I am investing in four more for sure. The Body Wraps, for a set of four, costs $49.00, and so worth it I am sure of that now.
Here are a few things about the “It Works Herbal Body Wraps” (taken off their site):
All-natural ingredients that help you lose inches and firm cellulite in less than an hour! Detox your body and lose pounds by doing a few wraps a week. It REALLY works! See progressive results over 3 days as the natural extracts go to work under the skin to detoxify your fat and cellulite so your skin looks firmer, more tone and younger. These slimming body wraps contain lotion with natural extracts that are absorbed into your fat and cellulite cells through your skin, much like a birth control or nicotine patch. After absorption, the extracts help to release fatty deposits from cells and remove waste products.Are you embarrassed of your cellulite? Would you like a treatment you can do in the privacy of your own home?
Lose weight in as little as 45 min with It Works! Body Wrap and body slimming products. In just 45 minutes you can see INCHES taken off your thighs, arms, buttocks and stomach! With continued use, you can go down multiple dress sizes and
keep it off.
-All-natural extracts and antioxidants
-Absorbs through the skin in 45 min
-Tones cellulite
-Cleansing herbs detoxify fatty areas
-Washes out toxins and detoxes naturally
-Dramatically changes your body shape
-Is NOT water loss, you are encouraged to drink more!
Simply apply wrap to body and secure with tight clothing or saran wrap, leave on for at least 45 min (it’s recommended you sleep in it if you can!) and measure your results.
For more information, please visit our informational site on It Works Herbal Body Wraps.
It just is too neat to not try it Mama’s! The next day, I tried theMama Mio Shrink to Fit Cellulite Cream. I first have to say that they have MANY wonderful products for Mama’s from the Mama Mio Product Line! K, now back to what I was sayin… 🙂 I tried it in the morning and at night for two weeks straight, no skipping out on it, I used it! The first thing I liked about this was the bottle. It lets you see how much is left, and I love that! That way I can plan ahead and get more when it is near depletion! When I put it on my thighs and tummy, I noticed a nice scent and a tingly sensation, a “cool” , tingly sensation! It was wonderful. Almost like I could “feel” it doing its job and nibbling up all that cellulite I have hangin’ around! Very cool, no pun intended! So, did it take away my cellulite? Well, I have to say I am indeed impressed with what it did do! That was make my skin appear less “orange peel-y” and much, much more firmer! I truly believe that my skin is firmer and a lot more smoother then it was to begin with. I have always enjoyed using skin firming lotions, and I have always felt that they did “something” to my skin. But, the Mama Mio Shrink to Fit
Cellulite Cream has gotten my attention a lot more than the others I have used in the past. If anyone wants to have a smoother, firmer behind and thighs or even stomach,
then you should try this Cellulite Cream for sure. A bit about Mama Mio Shrink to Fit Cellulite Cream, taken off their site:
Aids in reducing the appearance of cellulite – a not-so-glamorous side effect of pregnancy. Shrink to Fit helps to reduce water retention and increase firmness.
Contains Adiposlim™, an ingredient shown to stop fat cells from even forming, now THAT’s a miracle. Use twice daily on problem areas for at least 30 days to see results. A 3.4oz bottle is $70.00.
Skin Deep III is offering Free Shipping on all orders over $99! Just go to and find wonderful products that work for you.
Skin Deep III has a wonderful blog too! Sign up for their feed and learn all about skin care and get wonderful tips on how to better your skin today!
You can also share tweets with Skin Deep III, they are on Twitter!
Now for the Giveaway!!
Skin Deep III has offered to give TWO Body Wraps to ONE LUCKY Shop with Me Mama viewer! Woohoo!!
Easy! Just head over to Skin Deep III and pick out an item that totally intrigues you and come back here with the link and what it is!
Extra Entries:
Follow Skin Deep III on Twitter AND tweet this contest!! Come back and tell me with the tweet link!!
Subscribe to Skin Deep III Blog and come back and tell me you did and with what name, so I can check!
Comment on one of my other blog posts and come back and tell me which one!
Make up a song about your wiggly thighs or bum or tummy in a comment below! Have fun with it 😉
Contest ends on July 17th, 10 pm, PST. Winner will be chosen by and will have 48 hours to confirm their win, or a new winner will be chosen. Contest open to US only. Please leave a valid email address so I can contact you if you are the winner.
“Thank you, Skin Deep III, for letting me review your wonderful firming skin care products!”