When you spend more money in a month than you earn, you may find yourself needing loans, credit cards, or an overdraft to keep yourself afloat. While these may work in the short term, excessive overspending on a frequent basis could see you struggling with mounting debt. This can lead to higher monthly payments, accrued…Keep Reading
6 Effects Debt Has on Your Emotional Well-Being
In 2020, consumer debt reached more than $14.56 trillion, increasingly growing in areas of the home, auto, student loans, and credit card debt. Whether “good” debt or “bad” debt, borrowing money and needing to repay it can be overwhelming and cause a number of negative effects on your physical and emotional well-being. You must remember…Keep Reading
Paying Off Debt And Becoming Financially Free
When we get paid, the last thing we want to do is put it toward debt. As consumers, there are so many alluring things to purchase, but when it comes down to it, that debt isn’t going to disappear without some significant effort on our part. Recently, I’ve come to the harsh reality that debts…Keep Reading