Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side. ∼Unknown
As much as I treasure each of my children, I cannot stop them from growing up and leaving the nest. I think about it all the time and it makes me so sad! However, I will still have my hubby by my side, thank heavens! I don’t know what I would do if we were not together.
For those of you who are working on your relationship with your significant other, I have some wonderful tips for you! Tips on how I keep the romance going in my relationship. I hope it helps some of you! This post is written by my sister.
Tips On How I Keep The Romance Going In My Relationship
In about ten years, my husband and I will be empty nesters. I can let myself be broken-hearted about it, or I can choose to devote all of my time and energy into my marriage. This coming August, my husband and I will celebrate 25 years of marriage.
Sometimes relationships can go south. Many couples find that they don’t have much of a spark left after raising children. When parenting is no longer on the front burner, some couples find that they really do not have much in common with their spouse anymore. If you are going through troubles in your relationship and divorce is on the horizon (after trying hard to work it out first!), then I recommend contacting a Tampa divorce lawyer to help you with that process.
Some couples find that they need to re-ignite their flames of passion. You will definitely be spending more time together when children are not taking up every moment of your time. One thing that I have found to help keep the passion fresh in my marriage is to be constantly changing things up. Another little suggestion – it’s always a good time to open a gift, check some romantic jewelry pieces on Moon Magic site.
In addition to keeping things ‘interesting‘ in the bedroom, I also try to show an interest in his favorite hobbies. For instance, my husband loves camping. (Throughout the years, I have kind of been a high-maintenance indoors kind of girl. Poor husband.)
So, lately, I have decided to try to take a genuine interest when I find him outside working on our camper or his beloved boat. I bring him a coke and offer to help him get the gear ready for our next camping trip. Or I ask questions and let him talk about his favorite camping memories that he had with his grandparents.
I am showing him enthusiasm, which is something I had never done before. I am even trying to learn to love camping and backpacking! Heck, we are probably going to be doing that a lot more in the future now that we have fewer children to take along.
A long, healthy, happy relationship can be a reality if you work on it. Never give up on the person you love. No matter how many years go by, you can re-discover each other again and again. That person that you fell in love with is still there. Through patience, determination, and creativity, you can definitely recapture that spark you once had.