Come and check out a spooky collection of gorgeous and scary eyes! In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some amazing pictures of eyes that are both spooky and beautiful.
I am BIG on eyes. They are the very first thing I notice on people! I Love how pretty or scary they can look! These images show all kinds of eyes that can give you chills or leave you in awe. We found these pictures from different places on the internet, and we can’t wait to share them with you!
Below, are some of my favorite gorgeous and scary eyes! Enjoy!
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Take A Look At These Gorgeous And Scary Eyes!
This one was HARD for me to look at! OMG! This eye has SPIDER LEGS as lashes!! NOOOOOOOO thanks!
This eye is just gorge! Don’t you think? I love all the makeup 🙂
How beautiful is this eye?! Seriously, gorgeous but the pupil is a bit off…
This picture is just WEIRD!
How would you like to have an eye that looks like the one you see above? Maybe our eyes DO look like this when you look at them VERY up close? However, this one looks like a dried up green olive.
Way too many ‘round things‘ around this freaky eye! No thanks!
YUCK! So much yucky yellow stuff in this eye!
A beautiful green eye with water around it! So pretty!!

Image Source Canva Pro
I am not too sure how I feel about this look! I mean it is great for Christmastime I suppose but would if you get one of those little decals in your eyes? OUCH! But, pretty!

Image Source Canva Pro
I mean, I LOVE miniatures! And, I thought this was WAY too dang cute not to share with you all! How flipping adorable is this?! I really like it!

Image Source Canva Pro
A beautiful, light green colored eye with dark smokey eye makeup. Need I say more? Beautiful!

Image Source: Canva Pro
Oh my! Those eyelashes are a bit LONGGGGG! They remind me of spiders! Ewww! Too long for me! What about you? Do you like the long lashes?
This pic is kinda cool looking, isn’t it? Great idea for Earth Day (April 22nd!). Haha!

Image Source Canva Pro
I would be SO scared of getting those little balls into my eyeballs! ACK! It is totally unique though…

Image Source Canva Pro
This smoky eye look is so pretty! Maybe not for an everyday sort of makeup to wear, but for a fun night out on the town for sure!
Oh! Red devil eyes? Oh my goodness! This is a bit scary yet cool too! Do you like red eyes?
This is downright terrifying! My goodness I would have nightmares for days! Is it a reptiles eye???
This image was created by using AI. I think it is so fun to create images using AI! They take some work but when you get it right, you get it right! Look how pretty the eyes are! LOVE!

Image Source Canva Pro
I know some people have eyes that do this. My youngest son can do this when he puts his eyes up all the way though maybe not as extreme as pictured above… It scares me when he does that!
When I was in my 20’s, I went to a Halloween party and I was dressed up as a cat, lol. I had the black suit and tail with the kitty ears! I also had the cat eye contacts! They were SO uncomfortable but man they looked spooky and good!
Beautiful eyes have a special way of grabbing people’s attention for sure! Though scary eyes can make us feel uneasy, they are still pretty neat to look at.
We learn, in life, that eyes can tell us a lot about a person’s feelings and experiences. Whether they’re beautiful or scary, eyes capture our attention and help us understand the complex feelings that people have inside them.
Which Gorgeous And Scary Eyes above was your favorite and why? Let me know in the comments below! I can’t wait to hear which eyes were your fave!
Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom says
The eighth one down is definitely my favorite!
Alison says
The paint in the eye is icky. Some of those are gorgeous though you are right!
Kim says
I know and I have to look at that every day on my blog until it goes to page two, LOL!
Robin says
Yeesh – a few of those certainly are scary. Ick.
Eileen says
I could never get the eye make up right but my daughters have the most beautiful eyelashes and very pretty color, so they can really play up the eyes. My favorite eye color is the blue-green. I used to work in laser vision correction and in optometry and ophthalmology assisting and it was so interesting to see everyone’s eyes, many very up close for testing. When you look very close up you get to see the patterns of the iris itself. Very cool! You also get to see eye makeup very close up and some got very interesting! Just a note, when women apply to the inside of the lash line, you risk plugging the special oil glands that help moisten the eye and that can result in a sty. Not fun! And make sure you throw your eye make up away, especially mascara and liquid liners, after a few months. They harbor lots of bacteria. Never, EVER share your eye make up either. OK, public service announcement is over. LOL…
Kim says
LOL! But thank you for that info, very important!!!
Marcie W. says
Some of them are creepy but I adore a lot of the makeup looks!
Lyndsey R. says
The one with the gunk in the eyes…seriously look how dirty their nails are YUCK!
Kim says
Sandy VanHoey says
Oh My! There’s a few pretty scary lookng ones in there. The rest look great!
Sarah L says
The eyes have it! I like the one with the whirl off the eye.