We live in an extremely bitter COLD and snowy area. It is October and we have already had several snowfalls and freezing episodes. We never really get a fall or a spring! The weather gets super cold around here starting at the end of September and stays until mid-April or May. I LOVE it though!…Keep Reading
Environmental Benefits Of Washing Your Car At A Professional Carwash
No, this is certainly not a car giveaway, for heaven’s sake! But, this is a fun one. But first I must inform you of all of the environmental benefits of washing your car at a professional car wash!!!! Yay! Did you know that professional car washes are typically a much greener option for washing your…Keep Reading
3 Simple Tips for Conserving Water
*3 Simple Tips for Conserving Water. It is so funny because my son was recently learning about conserving water at school. I usually always brush my teeth with the water running. My son came in the room and was very upset with me! He told me that when I brush my teeth, I need to…Keep Reading