We live in an extremely bitter COLD and snowy area. It is October and we have already had several snowfalls and freezing episodes. We never really get a fall or a spring!
The weather gets super cold around here starting at the end of September and stays until mid-April or May. I LOVE it though! Snow is so beautiful! It is the bitter cold that I can do without!
During these super cold months, there are times when I need to wash my car, but it is so dang cold out that I oftentimes put it off until the weather changes. That can lead to a very dirty vehicle during the cold months and I hate driving a dirty car! Don’t you?
So the question here is ‘Can I Wash My Car In The Winter?’ And, the answer is yes! If you don’t mind a little (or a LOT) of cold, then you certainly can pull it off!
Can I Wash My Car In The Winter?
Obviously, if it is bitter cold out, that is not the best time to start washing your car. But that is an obvious reason. If you do ask yourself this question: Can I Wash My Car In The Winter?
The answer is yes, yes you can! However, if it is fairly decent outside (no frigid temps, no snow falling down or winds blowing), then you should be able to wash your vehicle!
I would start at the top of the vehicle and spray off the soap. Then do the body of the vehicle and spray it off with clean water. Then tackle the wheels.
If you only want to do the most important areas, like the windshield, windows, and mirrors, I would most likely just do those important areas during the winter.
If you want to have your whole car washed, then do it. However, do it quickly! You can always go into town at a later time and get a car wash to get off all the places you missed.
It is important to keep your vehicle clean in the wintertime because if you live in a place where you get a lot of snowy weather, the salt/deicer from the roads cake on the sides of your vehicle. If not washed off in a fair amount of time, it can cause rust on your vehicle, underneath. Not good!
Also, entering your vehicle with that salt and snow from the ground can cause a huge wet mess inside of your vehicle. This might lead to mold and if not cleaned up in a timely manner, then it can seep into your carpet and cause rust there too! So, it is also important to keep the inside of your car clean too.
If you find that the carpet in your vehicle is getting damp and not drying out properly I would suggest pulling your vehicle into a shop or garage and putting a fan near it to help dry out the carpet area.
So, as you can see, it is important, to some extent, to keep your vehicle clean in the wintertime. Like I said above, if you don’t want to do a FULL car wash, just focus on the important areas and when you go to town later, you can get a car wash that will get the spots you missed.
Do you wash your vehicle in the wintertime by hand or do you go to a carwash in town?