The Mega Bloks Blok Squad Construction Set is so much fun. Blok Squad is from Mega Bloks and it has some really cool playsets for kids ages 5 and up! Review
Baby Photographers is a comprehensive resource for moms and dads seeking information about baby photography. This highly informational web site helps parents around the world compare and contrast baby photographers to discover the perfect artist for a family’s style, goal and budget. Busy Mom’s are able to locate a local photographer in seconds! The sophisticated…Keep Reading
Pop On Pals Amusement Park Playset Review & Giveaway!!
CONTEST IS OVER! CONGRATS TO Sue Ellison COMMENT #117!! I was really excited to be able to review these new great toys for kids ages 2-4, so perfect for my little ones! We received the Pop On Pals Amusement Park Playset to review and keep. I gave it to my little girl, and let her…Keep Reading
Making Holiday Shopping Easier!
This is just in the nick of time for the busy holiday shopping season! Two new helpful websites for consumers like you! This website provides the information that you need to make the right choices about which toys to buy for your family. From safety facts, free downloadable play guides to recall information, it…Keep Reading
K’NEX Building Toys Review!
I was so excited when I was sent a K’NEX to try out and review with my kids! I have always been curious about K’NEX and what they were all about. When I got them in the mail, I sat my kids down and we started creating! We received the Elmo and Ernie Police Station…Keep Reading