*Affiliate links included
Any little girl loves princesses and dolls, right? My little girl really does! She loves castles too 🙂 So when the Disney Princess Ultimate Dream Castle from Mattel showed up on our doorstep, my little girl was soooooo excited!!
The Disney Princess Ultimate Dream Castle is amazing and HUGE!!! It stands 3 feet tall! We also received two Disney Princess Dolls to grace this castle! My little girl could not have been happier 🙂
First, the castle. This thing is ginormous, really it is! It comes packaged in a huge heavy box and within the box is a huge mess of goodies! Since it was kind of overwhelming for just one person to put it together, I called up grandma and grandpa to come over and we had a party and we all put it together! Grandpa worked on castle while me, grandma and my son worked on the furniture and accessories!
After about 45 minutes, with all three of us working diligently, we had the castle and furniture/accessories put together and the castle was ready for play!!
This castle features a themed room for each Disney princess doll! From Tiana’s kitchen for perfect pretend cooking to Belle’s dining area with magically dancing friends and Ariel’s bathroom with a bubbling seashell tub, or ride that magic carpet with Jasmine! Each area of the three-story castle is decorated to cater to each princesses lifestyle!! It does require two AAA Batteries that are not included.
The batteries go in the bedroom, by the window, see below:
With all of these luxury rooms, my daughters favorite by far is the bathroom! Why? Well, it has a fun bubbly bathtub and when you press the button on the top of the toilet, it makes bubbly sounds! It is a very cool room and that is why my daughter chose that room to live in, if she were a princess!
We certainly cannot forget about Cinderella!! She has her own elegant winding staircase and when she goes down it too fast, she sometimes loses her shoe!! There is a special step that she can step on and her shoe will be lost! There is also a fun twirly dance floor on the top floor for all the princesses to dance on! This castle has it all and will keep your little princess fascinated for hours! It did mine!
This is a durable castle, it can be picked up by two people and moved from room to room if necessary. It is girly and magical and everything a little princess could ask for in a castle! It has a big front door on it and a little doorbell that you can press to let the other princesses know you want to come in! Too much fun!
The only thing for me was the setup of this castle. Like I said it is overwhelming, but if you have family or friends that can come over, you can make it a party and have them help you put it together! It has lots of little pieces that can get lost, so I put those pieces in little ziplock baggies when they are not in use. This really helps to keep everything together.
Now onto those princess dolls! We received Jasmine and Cinderella with our castle! They are absolutely gorgeous dolls. Their dresses are reversible, so you can open the backs of their dresses and open them up and fasten them on the back and you have a new gorgeous dress! These dolls bend at the knees and are just so pretty!
Castle Features:
- More than 50 different play pieces included
- Three stories of princess glam and fairytale fun
- Dolls not included
- Dimensions (assembled): 45″ height x 41″ width x 11″ depth
The Disney Princess Doll Collection includes: Cinderella, Jasmine, Belle, Ariel, Snow White and Tiana. Girls can play out their favorite Disney moments or create their own magical new stories with the Ultimate Dream Castle and princess dolls! The dolls all include glittering gowns and gemstone tiaras! The dolls are not included with the Ultimate Dream Castle, they are sold separately.
You can purchase the Disney Ultimate Dream Castle and Disney Princess Dolls online on Amazon.com! It retails for $349.99.
I am a Disney Mattel Insider and I get sent products to review. These are my own honest opinions. This post includes my affiliate links.
Ashley Brauer says
The beautiful bathroom…although really, that might be MY favorite! 🙂
shirley pebbles says
My daughter would live in any room with cinderella because she loves her.
Liza says
Sleeping beauty bed room cause it’s her favorite princess!
Melissa Shirley says
Probably in my living room.
barbara hunt says
Thanks for the great contest!
[email protected]
Kellie Conklin says
I definitely think it would be Tiana’s kitchen because they are always eating! Thanks!
Lisa L says
My daughter would love Sleeping Beauty’s bedroom since it’s so pretty
Nicole Larsen says
The beautiful bathroom! I could live there forever 🙂
Jessica Hilliard says
my little girls would live in snow whites cottage in the woods, they love the outdoors and all the animals! snow white is their fav!
carol lewis says
The kitchen because my two little grandkids love to help cook.
spcale at yahoo dot com.
Lentil says
I think Tiana’s kitchen because she loves playing at cooking and fussing around the kitchen
Storm, the Psychotic Housewife says
My daughter would love to live in the dining room.
melissa miller says
the bathroom
Ann Marie Walker says
My daughter would love to live in the bathroom cause she loves big tubs with lots of bubbles and always pretends she is a mermaid.
Amber says
Belle’s dining area! Because she LOVES Beauty and the Beast. And her name is BellA.
Emory Brooks says
My foster daughter would love the bathroom, just for the fact that it makes noises. Thanks for entering me in the giveaway!
Emory Brooks
[email protected]
Heather H says
My niece would love Sleeping Beauty’s bedroom
hendymartin1 at yahoo dot com
Angela Cisco says
I think the dining room because of the tea set.
Patty White says
My daughter would love the bedroom the most
Jill Myrick says
My daughter would love ariel’s bathroom.
She loves taking a bath and playing in the tub.
brittney says
my daughter would love ariels room
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
Daisy says
in the bedroom because of her princess bed
Faride Hale says
They’d love to live in the kitchen cause they love to cook!
faithful1104 at gmil dot com
Nicole C. says
My daughter would want to live in Ariel’s Bathroom because she is obsessed with Ariel and mermaids.
Lauren says
the bathroom because that is one cute, fancy bathroom and she loves a good bath. 🙂
Russell Moore says
the dressing room with the big mirror. My granddaughter is kind of a princess herself.
Jennifer Rote says
My daughter would love to live in the bathroom because of the tub.
Amy B says
Belle’s Dining Room!
Emillie says
the vanity room!
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
Lorie Bradley says
Now she’s growing up and play with Disney Princess. Maybe not live in (haha) but I think my daughter would love the bathroom because she loves taking baths and would love a real seashell bathtub! My kids would love to be in the bathroom the best they love tub time and would think its neat that the playhouse had one too! Our daughter likes the vanity room, because she likes to play dress up.
Alena Telford says
the bathtub
Melissa says
the kitchen because that’s belle’s room! be our guest!
sonia garcia says
the bedroom she likes sleeping
Nicole Sender says
Forgot to add why to the favorite room. Please add because of the bath tub.
Nicole Sender says
The kids would love the bathroom!
Michele P. says
my daughter would love to live in a SUITE lol… a bedroom fit for a princess with a huge walk in closet and an adjoining room where she can have friends over and play video games, computer games and have fun
Julie Grimberg says
my daughter would want to live in the bathroom because thats ariels room
Ashley says
my little sister would love belle’s kitchen because she loves to cook!
alsvegas says
Our daughter likes the vanity room, because she likes to play with wigs and make up.
Jeniffer says
My little daughter loves Princess Disney so much. Princess Cinderella is her favorite. She would love to play with any Cinderella doll, especially in this wonderful castle.
She was playing with Fisher Price My First Dollhouse when she was 2. Now she’s growing up and play with Disney Princess.
alana lutkowski says
I have two little girls that would love this
Yidi T says
Snow white
nan says
she loves cinderella so the staircase, plus the whole up and down funof it all
nannypanpan at gmail.com
Marcie W. says
My girls would love the kitchen, since it’s Beauty & The Beast themed!
BusyWorkingMama says
My daughter would love the balcony.
Cynthia R says
bathroom, loves splashing around
Kristie says
My daughter would like Sleeping Beauty’s bedroom because Aurora is her favorite princess 🙂
Denise Blados says
Our daughter likes the vanity room, because she likes to play dress up.
Christina says
Maybe not live in (haha) but I think my daughter would love the bathroom because she loves taking baths and would love a real seashell bathtub!
April G says
Belle’s tea/dining room, for sure!
Stacy M. says
My daughter would love the bathroom because of the bath tub.
Jacqueline Griffin says
My daughter would love Ariel’s Bathroom!
[email protected]
Thank You!!
Connie G says
My Granddaughter Emma would live in the bathroom and swim in the tub all day!!
Connie G
CGruning at aol(dot)com
crystle tellerday says
the bathroom to live with Ariel
Kathy S says
Who wouldn’t want to live in a shell bathtub.
Sammi says
the bathroom – ours is so small!
Marysa N. says
I think my daughter would like the bedroom the most – she’s always talking about how she wants a princess theme room!
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
Debbie jackson says
snowwhite’s bedroom or dressing room
Heather says
Definitely the dining room with Belle.
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
michelle mattioda says
my daughter would live in the bathroom, she LOVES bathtime!
[email protected]
Stephanie Hamilton says
If there was a game room, the boys in my house would live in there, followed by the kitchen
Samantha C. says
My daughter is a Snow White fan! She would love the bedroom!
Cynthia Pickett says
My daughter would like the bathroom!
melissa norton says
My daughter would love the bathroom. she loves her bathtime and love a nice tub.
Cindy Ray says
My kids would love to be in the bathroom the best they love tub time and would think its neat that the playhouse had one too!
green_eyed_princesss at msn dot com
Amanda Mclemore says
Ariel’s bathroom is where my daughter would be:)
Miss Chastity Williams says
I have a son, but would love this dollhouse for my neice. She loves Princesses.
Lisa says
My daughter would love the bathroom, though she would probably try to put water in the tub!
Christina Gould says
My daughter would love to live in the bathroom because it’s got a nice tub. Thanks for the giveaway!
Jody Sisson says
She would want to live in Tiana’s kitchen because she plays at cooking now.
Adreanne Fitschen says
We have a huge princess fan that would truly love to win this!!! 🙂