How To Have The Best Movie Night Ever!
Not sure about you, but me and my family love having movie nights together! Whether it is raining outside or not, we have to have our movie nights once a week AT LEAST.
A family movie night is one way the family can really get together, relax, have fun and eat! I look forward to these times with my sweet family and I know my kids do too!
How do we make our movie nights extra special? I make sure we have lots of snacks and of course, Pop Secret Popcorn! We then season our popcorn with the Kernel Season’s. We love the ranch one because it tastes SO good!
My kids and I love eating our perfectly popped popcorn on movie night! Nothing beats a hot bowl of popcorn and a warm, fuzzy blanket, a few pillows, and of course, each other! That makes for the BEST movie night EVER!!!!
Do you have any tips you want to add to my post about How To Have The Best Movie Night Ever? Please leave me a comment below! Thank you!
Beth McIntire says
Pop Secret is our usual brand and everyone loves it, including guests. It’s so easy and quick to make.
Toni says
I love that they have an app. Who knew technology would help us pop the perfect popcorn
Shannon (The Mommy-Files) says
I love Pop Secret Popcorn! It’s my favorite brand! Sounds like you and the family had a great movie night!
Chrystal @ YUM eating says
We have an air popper for our popcorn. It has been ages since we used the microwave kind. I sure would get mad when we burned our popcorn, which seemed like more often than not.
Chrysa says
This has to be the hottest app right now! I’m seeing it all over the place. It is amazing at home many people love popcorn, especially Pop Secret! Say NO to burnt popcorn.
Maria Oller says
That app is such a a great idea for people like me my popcorn is always burnt or half didn’t cook properly
Pam says
I love Pop Secret popcorn. This will make it even easier now. I will have to download this app and try it this week.
Rosey says
Pop Secret does make good popcorn, nice and fluffy and flavorful. And the app sounds fun/cool!
Tami says
We don’t have Pop Secret here in Trinidad (as yet), so I have to stick with the other brands. I’ve heard so many great reviews about Pop Secret…come to think about it, my aunt is going to the States in a few weeks. I will ask her to bring some packets down. 🙂
fancygrlnancy (Nancy Partin) says
YUM!! I love some popcorn while watching a movie, but hate when its burnned or not all the way popped.
melinda says
that burnt popcorn smell is horrible. I’ve been making homemade in tiny batches to avoid the guessing game
aimee fauci says
I do not have an Iphone but if I did I know my girl would love it. We love to eat popcorn that is not burned and watch movies.
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
That burnt popcorn smell is the worst! And it’s so hard to get out of your house!! This sounds like an awesome app!
Janeane Davis says
This has to be the craziest app I have ever seen. The phone tells you when the popcorn is ready!
Debbie L. says
In our house popcorn makes our Movie Night complete! I plan to download the app tonight!
Jaime says
We eat a lot of popcorn in our house. I’ve not downloaded the app yet, but I’m planning on doing that tonight!
Dawn says
This app was made for me! I’m so bad about burning popcorn, but not anymore! Now my popcorn will be perfect every time.
Terry says
I am the popcorn maker in the house and am the one to stand by the microwave waiting for that last pop. I don’t even eat popcorn!!