*Want to mention that I bought these The Best Tattoo Eyebrows with my own money. This post is NOT sponsored. I just loved these Realistic Temporary Eyebrow Tattoos much that I wanted to share them with you all. This post does include my Amazon affiliate links though.
Ever think about how much time you spend applying your makeup every day? A makeup routine takes a lot of time and energy to make sure that everything is perfect. Of course, there are days when we just don’t have the energy or want to put in the effort. For those times, these The Best Tattoo Eyebrows might be just what you need!
They are the perfect brows for people with hardly any eyebrows (hello overplucking in the ’90s!!), patchy eyebrows, thyroid conditions, and a wide array of reasons for eyebrow loss. Now my morning brow routine is simple!! I am wearing them in the pictures below and in my profile picture in the right sidebar (take a peek!).
Great for over-plucked brows from the ’90s
If you know me personally, then you would know my story about my damn eyebrows. It all started way back when I was a teenager growing up in the ’80-the ’90s. Thanks to overplucking my eyebrows, I now have hardly any to work with.
My whole life after the ‘overplucking‘ era, my poor eyebrows have NEVER been the same. So much hair loss! I have been SO self-conscious about my eyebrows ever since. I wish so badly that I never participated in the ‘thin eyebrows‘ trend, but I did. So, here I am!
If you think you have heard it all, along comes these Realistic Temporary Eyebrow Tattoos! They have the look of real eyebrow hairs! Are they for real? Apparently, they are and I am HOOKED on them.
I Am Wearing The Best Tattoo Eyebrows In The Picture Below! (Actually, In ALL Of My Pictures Now Because I Wear Them ALL The Time!)
Got My Eyebrows Tattooed And It SUCKED!!!
About 8 years ago, I decided to get my eyebrows tattooed. I think this was before microbladed eyebrows were popular and I thought my only way out was to get my eyebrows tattooed on. BIG mistake!!!!
I thought I did my research on cosmetic tattooing and on the lady who said she was a ‘brow artist‘, that was going to do them.
I should have run at my first gut instinct NOT to get them done, but I ignored my gut feeling because I wanted my eyebrows to be ‘normal‘ again and I wanted to actually have some eyebrows again!
After she was done eyebrow tattooing my eyebrows, I will NEVER forget the first time of looking in the mirror at them. They were absolutely HORRIBLE and they were completely different from one another!
The final result was horrible! They did not match AND they were SO dark I wanted to crawl into a hole and never emerge from it. All I wanted was fuller-looking brows, geesh.
I cried the whole way home and tried to scrub off my newly tattooed eyebrows. When my hubby got home from work he brought me back to the lady who had done them and demanded she fix them immediately.
She kind of did, but I have had to live with these messed-up eyebrows for years now. So, once again, I am SELF CONSCIOUS of my eyebrows. I should have them lasered off! But then, more money!! Ugh.
I spent so much money that I had saved on that woman who destroyed my eyebrows. And, I was back to square one of hating, absolutely hating my eyebrows!!!
I really should have sued that woman because I found out she was not even certified to do eyebrows!!! But, the last thing I wanted was for my face/eyebrows to be plastered everywhere for the world to see if I did sue her.
So, I quietly disappeared. I did not want to be ridiculed or called names by strangers who saw my pictures, so I just went away quietly.
Doesn’t it suck that because of horrible and cruel humans I had to keep my mouth closed??? If we could all be kind, what a thought, huh?
I Tried So Many Different Eyebrow Tools
So, I went back to what I did before getting my eyebrows tattooed with permanent makeup and just used eyebrow pencils or powder brows EVERY single day.
Again, I was self-conscious and just hated my brows. And, to top it off, my left eyebrow is darker than my right eyebrow so penciling them in is difficult because one is ALWAYS darker than the other. Another thing for me to HATE and be self-conscious about, yay!!!
I tried those tattoo pens that you can buy. They made it look SO damn easy with their videos. I bought several different types of tattoo pens and they absolutely did not work for me.
They were way too hard to get the hair-like strokes right and I hated them. It was just easier to pencil them in over my natural hair (or what was left of it)!
Then I tried the henna tint for your eyebrows. You are supposed to ‘paint‘ the henna tint on your brows and then leave it on for about an hour or longer.
I left mine on ALL night long. I woke up and then ‘peeled‘ off the henna tint and it barely did ANYTHING to my eyebrows.
Given, that I don’t have hardly any hair it is supposed to dye the skin too and it just did not work at all. So that was a waste of money too!
The Best Tattoo Eyebrows
I was literally just going to accept that I would be drawing on my eyebrows for the rest of my life, whatever. Then, on Facebook, I saw an ad for those temporary tattoo eyebrows that are supposed to be Realistic Temporary Eyebrow Tattoos.
So, I decided to research it a bit. I went to their site and I read everything I could about these Best Tattoo Eyebrows. Then, I laughed really hard and ordered some! Ha, why the heck not? What do I have to lose??
Aren’t They The Most Realistic Temporary Eyebrow Tattoos You Have Ever Seen!??? These Are Truly The Best Tattoo Eyebrows EVER!
I ordered from Brows by Bossy. It was really easy to place my order and very surprisingly, the Best Tattoo Eyebrows arrived by the end of the week. That was unheard of for a product I ordered from a Facebook ad.
Usually, things take FOREVER to arrive at my home when I order something from a Facebook ad, but, here it is! So, that was impressive.
It comes in a flat cardboard envelope and inside there are 11 pairs of arched eyebrows. However, it depends on what style of eyebrows you choose which will determine how many pairs you receive. I received 11 because I ordered the arched eyebrows.
I LOVE these temporary eyebrow tattoos SO much that I buy them all the time… (see the pic below for proof!). I might as well take stock in them…
Well, now the number of times I have purchased these is about 50 now lol…
Best Tattoo Eyebrow Styles That Brows By Bossy Sell
I first want to talk about the styles/colors you can buy first. You visit their site and you can choose which shape and type of tattoo you want for their temporary tattoo eyebrows. They all have a very natural look with individual hairs!
The Best Tattoo Eyebrows Selection/Styles:
*Arched (what I bought)
*Curved (I bought these before too, but did not like how the hairs looked)
*Natural (new brow shape)
*Tapered (I also love these because they give you fuller eyebrows or thick brows)
*Variety Pack (they only sell this option on their main site)
Colors of the Realistic Temporary Eyebrow Tattoos
*Brown (the color I bought)
*Medium Brown
*Ash Brown
There were a lot of helpful pictures to help me choose which style and color I needed. The ordering process was simple too. And, as I stated above, it shipped very quickly. So, a great first impression.
How To Apply Temporary Eyebrow Tattoos
When I opened the package of the Best Tattoo Eyebrows, I pulled out the directions on how to use/put on these stick-on eyebrows and I pulled out the sheet with 11 pairs of eyebrows on it.
These eyebrows are seriously SO natural looking and realistic! The fine hair stroke designs are so real looking and look like real eyebrow hairs it was crazy! I was definitely a good candidate for these because of my sparse eyebrows!! Now I can FINALLY have symmetrical brows!
Directions On How To Apply These Realistic Temporary Eyebrow Tattoos
If you have ever done a temporary tattoo, then you KNOW how this works already. Here is how I got the temporary eyebrow tattoos ready for me to apply them.
For the best possible results, follow my easy-to-follow directions below on how to apply the Best Tattoo Eyebrows!
*Prep your eyebrow! I wash my face with whatever facial cleansers I have on hand and then pat it dry with a towel. Make sure you don’t have any dry skin where you will be putting the eyebrow tattoos.
*Cut around the temporary tattoo eyebrow (cut each one, left and right, individually out)
*Before you cut too much of the paper around the temp tattoo, make sure you pull off the top clear paper first. I did not and it was irritating trying to get it off after I had trimmed the paper around the eyebrow. So, that is a helpful tip for you all.
*Once the temporary tattoo eyebrows are cut out and the clear plastic is off of them, carefully line them up with your natural eyebrows or eyebrow area. I do it one at a time because it is easier for me.
*Once the temporary eyebrow tattoo is lined up (I WISH these temporary eyebrow tattoos were see-through because it would be SO much easier to line them up with your natural brows!) then you press them on your natural eyebrow and then use a wet cloth and hold it on the temp tattoo until the temp tattoo is completely wet. Takes about 15 seconds to get them fully saturated.
*Then, CAREFULLY pull the paper off of the temporary eyebrow tattoo starting at the end part (eyebrow wings) and pulling towards the bigger part of the brow (towards the bridge of your nose) for best results.
*The eyebrow transfer is now complete! Feel free to add another brow tattoo over the first one if you want it more intense or darker. I don’t do this but it is suggested you can do this.
*Then, do the other brow! I am SO freaking self-conscious to show this picture, but if it helps ONE person, then my job is done. If you are a bully who wants to make fun of me, then shame on you…
*You can still see my effed-up tattooed brow a bit under the temporary eyebrow tattoo but I will take it! Nothing a bit of makeup can’t cover up…
So easy to do and I think I only messed up ONE time (knock on wood). I absolutely could not believe my eyes when I saw my first temporary eyebrow tattoo. They work!
I was just so stoked! And, they looked REAL. As in they actually have little human hairs and fine strokes that look real! Such an amazing experience for me!
I was laughing because who the heck would have thought that THIS would work, lol? So, I went straight to Facebook on my personal page and shared some pictures with my friends. I just couldn’t believe how well these worked! They are definitely the Best Tattoo Eyebrows! I love them!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How Long Do The Fake Eyebrows Last?
I did a test too. The first pair I put on lasted for about 2 days before they started looking gross. I tend to sweat a lot (I work out every day) and my face can get greasy, but these puppies stayed put for 2 whole days! I was so pleased! So, for all you oily skin types, just know it will come off after about 2 days.
How Do I Take Care Of My False Eyebrows Once They Are On?
To ensure they stay put, when you wash your face, just don’t wash your eyebrows. I use a washcloth and wash around my eyebrows. Pretty easy!
How Do I Make The Shine Of The Temporary Eyebrows Go Away?
We all know that temporary tattoos have some sort of shine to them. To make these eyebrows look more realistic and give them a more natural look, a great option is to put a little bit of face powder over them.
This will take that shine off of them and give them a soft powdery finish. There are plenty of powder techniques you can use to make them less shiny.
How Do I Take Off My Temporary Eyebrow Tattoos?
These are SO easy to take off. I just use a wet washcloth and wipe them up. You can also use baby oil or some sort of makeup remover. Dry the area completely and then reapply those temp eyebrows stat! So much easier than drawing on my eyebrows day in and day out!!!!
I am already almost finished with my first sheet of temporary eyebrows, so I bought another sheet of 11 pairs so I don’t run out of them. I really like them that much.
I wanted to really show you the details in these brows so I put one on my hand. You can clearly see how realistic they look! Definitely brow goals!
Check Out The Details! THE Best Tattoo Eyebrows!
Would If The Brows Are Too Big For My Face?
If your temporary brow tattoos are too big for your face then you can trim them! Just cut them smaller. Easy peasy! I did not want to cut mine smaller as they fit my face nicely.
Would If I Am Not Satisfied With My Purchase?
If you are not satisfied with them at all, then Brows By Bossy has an exchange program!
How Much Do These Best Tattoo Eyebrows Cost?
The price is reasonable. They are $12.99 for a sheet of 11 or so (depending on which style you choose). You can also now buy these tattoo eyebrows on Amazon.com! I was so excited to see that!
Dianna Thomas says
Wow– that looks simple enough, I like the way they look on you–very nice. I had to read this first today– because I was wondering how this was for myself– I dont have eyebrows