If you read my blog, then you know I love me some sunless tanners! I have tried just about everyone there is out there and I keep coming back to FakeBake, because it looks the most real, to me. Don’t get me wrong, there is many wonderful sunless tanners out there, there really is, but…Keep Reading
Bronzed Envy: Tan in a Can Review
Have you heard of Bronzed Envy, “Tan in a Can?” I hadn’t and so when I came across their website, I needed to know more! I was sent the Tan in a Can to review and try out for myself. There is such awesome reviews about this self tanning spray, that I was…Keep Reading
beautisol Skin Care-Self Tanning Review & A Coupon Code!
During winter, my skin not only is dry it is PALE! Ugh! The last color of summer faded by the end of October and by the time January is here, I am white and want some color. I was very excited to be able to try outbeautisol Skin Care Self Tanners! I have used every…Keep Reading