Today, we talk about the common bad habits of busy moms and how to break them! Most moms would agree that in order to take care of their children, Mom’s often sacrifice their own health and well-being in the process. It’s not an intentional act, however, it is instead something that happens over time.
You start neglecting your physical and emotional well-being as a means of prioritizing your children’s needs and spending time with your kids. These actions quickly turn into bad habits which then start to eat away at your health and happiness.
Common Bad Habits of Busy Moms (And How to Break Them)
Taking care of yourself may seem selfish and even impossible as a busy mom, but the truth is that it’s not. When you put yourself first and practice self-care, you put yourself in a better position to continue being there for your kids. As old habits die hard, the first step is to identify your bad habits and learn healthy ways to break them.
Skipping Breakfast
How many moms are guilty of skipping the most important meal of the day? Your mornings are packed with getting the kids ready for school and yourself ready for work, that there’s little time to get the proper nutrition.
Busy moms often grab a cup of coffee and try to make it until lunch before they eat something. Doing this, however, starts your mind and body off on the wrong foot. Without the proper nutrients, your body does not function as efficiently.
Start making breakfast a priority. While you may not have time to prepare a huge breakfast every morning and sit down to consume it, you can’t skip the most important meal of the day. There are quick and easy breakfast solutions that are filling, delicious, and good for you.
Some yogurt and granola, a piece of fruit, a bowl of cereal, a protein bar, a bran muffin, or even a breakfast smoothie are all easy to prepare and eat quickly or eat while dropping the kids off at school.
Eating Out for Lunch
How is it that you make sure your kids have a well-balanced lunch to take with them to school each day but you can’t seem to manage to bring your own?
Believe it or not, most moms prep lunches for their children but opt to eat out during their lunch break. Eating out too often is not only costly but unhealthy for you.
Meal prep isn’t just for dinner. You can prep your lunches in advance too. When you make sandwiches, soup, salad, or other delicious meals for the kids, make enough for yourself. Then, purchase the best meal prep lunch box for easy transport.
A meal prep lunch box is ideal in that it’s a sizable bag large enough for both your lunch and some healthy snacks throughout your workday. It also contains various sized containers to make storing everything from soup and sandwiches to fruit and crackers a lot easier.
Trying to Do it All
Here’s a really bad habit that busy moms tend to develop overtime – trying to do it all. Every mother wants their child to be happy, but it should not come at the expense of her own health and sanity. When you add too many responsibilities to your plate eventually, you break down both physically and mentally.
Moms are super, but they’re not meant to do and be everything for their kids. There are lots of people that can help you to raise happy and healthy children.
Allow your spouse, parents, siblings, cousins, friends, and even religious leaders, teachers, and coaches to be there for your children as well.
Getting them to pitch in with day to day tasks as well as big events and occasions takes some of the load off your back while still giving your children the upbringing they deserve.
Giving Up on Personal Relationships and Interests
Last but not least on the list of bad habits of busy moms are giving up on your personal relationships and interests. Sure, having children does change the dynamics of things, but it doesn’t mean you give up on things that bring you happiness. Doing so will only cause you to resent your children in the long run and can also lead to mental illness.
Whether it’s painting, sewing, reading books, traveling, dancing, spending time with friends, going back to school, or starting a business, never give up on things you enjoy. Instead, iron out time for you to be able to indulge in these things.
Schedule time in the mornings or after the kids have gone to sleep to indulge in your hobbies, find a weekly class and learn something new, look into online college courses, start a side hustle, or pencil in some time for you and the girls to hang out.
Wanting to take care of your children is a common feeling amongst mothers. Be that as it may, when taking care of your kids causes you to develop habits that are harmful to your own health and well-being, it’s imperative to break your bad habits.
Allowing it to go on will only worsen your ability to parent your children the way they deserve. Use the above-discussed suggestions to improve your overall health and be the best mom you can be.