In this blog post, we will talk about effective saddlebag exercises and exercises for cellulite. I have always had ‘saddlebags‘ for as long as I can remember.
Even when I weighed only 93 pounds in high school! Yes, I was so thin, but I always had those damn saddlebags I guess it is just my body type (pear-shaped body)!
Yes, skinny people can have those too! Since I have been battling saddlebags and cellulite (yep, that too! Yay!), I started doing some easy exercises for saddlebags and cellulite and working out my lower body. I started these exercises on February 28, 2020, and only take ONE day off a week.
I am SO proud of myself because I haven’t given up and now it has become a habit for me. I work out each day for at least an hour, some days are over an hour.
If I can do it, OMG, ANYONE can do it. I am the absolute LAZIEST person ever when it comes to exercise. Trust me, I am!
I am going to give you everything I do, each day, for exercise. I will list the videos I use (FREE on Youtube!!) and walk you through my daily workouts, so you too, can work out, lose extra fat and get rid of this problem area. Might as well!
We are in quarantine, so might as well do something proactive for ourselves, right? I have no excuse not to work out, so I choose to!
*This post includes my Amazon affiliate links
Since my saddle bags and cellulite are my biggest concerns, I wanted to find the best exercises that are LOW cardio (oh, how I despise cardio SO freaking much!). Exercises I can do LYING down that target saddlebag fat! Ha! I told you I am LAZY!!
The only way I would exercise is if it was simple enough. The Saddlebag Exercises I found, below, have proven to be very effective for me so I wanted to share them all with you!
I also wanted to work out my arms because my arms are super easy to get toned and they have always been nice-looking to me.
So, I wanted to do some toning up on my arms. I use 5-8lb weights for all of my arm workouts. Soon, I will be doing 10 lbs because the weights I am using are just too easy for me now. It took me a while to get here though!
I will list the videos I use on YouTube for my arm workouts too! So, you don’t have to go searching for them.
I am going to make EVERYTHING simple for you, so you can work out with me on a daily basis! Yay! Workout buddies!! This is a great way to get fit for summer and for life!
Effective Saddlebag Exercises (And Cellulite Too!)
Effective Saddlebag Exercises here we go! All you will need is a pair of dumbells (3lbs, 5lbs, 8lbs, 10lbs, or whatever lbs you want), a yoga mat, and a pair of ankle weights which is OPTIONAL.
I use 1.5 lb ankle weights on each ankle (but will be moving up to 3 lbs soon because these are too light for me now). You can also use a resistance band for added resistance.
Again, it took me over a month to get here. If you don’t have ankle weights, do not worry about it. The videos I post below don’t even use them! I do, just to get an extra weight going in my legs and to build my thigh muscles up a bit (you know, the side of your thigh? Ya, that part!).
The best way to get started on your fitness journey is to just start doing it! You do not need a personal trainer, you can do this all on your own like me!
First, Butt And Thighs: Effective Saddlebag Exercises
The following exercises below are for your butt and thighs. I will then list the videos I do for my arms after I post these workouts first. So, scroll down for arms!
The first exercise I searched on Youtube was butt raises on the floor. I had no clue they had a name for that workout! They are called ‘bridges‘!
I pulled up those exercises and absolutely fell in love with Bailey Brown’s Bridges workout because I had JUST started out and wanted EASY, but still wanted the burn.
I went with her 5 MINUTE Bridges workout! That is where I started! For best results, I try to do this one at least one time a week, but sometimes more.
Here are two of Bailey’s Bridge workouts that I still use occasionally, but this is where I started! Doing ONE of the videos below, 7 days a week.
Of course, you can start 3 days a week or whatever fits your lifestyle. Subscribe to Bailey Brown’s Channel HERE.
First video:
This is a 5-minute exercise routine butt workout and is the most effective way to lift and tone the glutes. This workout targets all the muscles in the glutes creating a lifted peachy booty.
It also helps you lower any excess fat you might be storing in your hips and butt and the appearance of saddlebags.
I LOVE this quick, yet effective workout! It really works out your butt, thighs, and all those lower body muscle groups.
Next Exercise Video:
This quick workout is the PERFECT workout to add to the end of another butt workout or is effective for those days when you want a quick and effective workout.
You can even repeat it a couple of times to get great results! This workout targets all the muscles in the glutes creating a lifted peachy booty (just like the video above!). I can definitely feel my sore butt muscles the next day! I love it though!
Third Video:
Effective Saddlebag Exercises (For Cellulite Too!)
This workout I only JUST discovered! Oh, how I will be starting this one today and adding it to my workout routine!
Looks AMAZING! Bailey always knows how to get me a good workout in a short amount of time, that is why she is one of my faves! This booty bridge series for cellulite will be my newest BFF!
Fourth Video:
Effective Saddlebag Exercises
This is another YouTuber that I like. The workout below is for saddlebags and boy does she work out your legs and butt! And, it is only like 9 minutes! That is it.
That is why I love it you get an excellent QUICK workout! This workout will help you to target those annoying and stubborn saddlebags!
Her name is Sanne Vander and you can subscribe to her channel HERE. I do this exercise almost EVERY day. I love the burn it gives my upper thighs and butt!
I do this exercise almost EVERY day. I love the burn it gives my upper thighs and butt!
Fifth Video:
Exercises For Saddlebags And Cellulite
This girl is funny, and I can relate to her so well! I love her quick but effective workouts! She has quite a few! You can subscribe to her channel, Love Sweat Fitness, HERE.
This workout is ONLY 5 minutes long, but let me tell you! It is EFFECTIVE and it burns! You can totally do it though! I promise!
I usually do this workout 3 times a week along with some other workouts! You know the outer part of your upper thigh?
Yes, that. That is where I feel it the most when I do her workouts like the video above. Awesome feeling guys!
Sixth Video:
Another Bailey Brown!! Yay! I love this workout because it really works your outer thighs well the outer thigh fat, and the back of the thigh!
This is a 5-minute workout that is going to slim and tone the outer thighs and shape the hips and side booty! Only FIVE MINUTES! You can totally do this!!
Seventh Video:
Exercises For Saddlebags And Cellulite
This girl works your inner and outer thighs and makes them BURN! But, again, it is a QUICK and effective workout and I love it!
She really works your outer thigh area and saddlebag area. You can subscribe to her channel, blogilates, HERE! I will do this workout with other workouts at least once a week.
Eighth Video:
This is yet another excellent workout for your butt! It is a butt bridge glute workout and it is ONLY 5 minutes!!
This girl works your butt out well and she is funny! This workout gets the back of your thigh while building muscle. Subscribe to her channel Koboko Fitness, HERE!
I try and do this workout at least once a week, along with other butt workouts (see above!). These are awesome for your inner thighs too!!
Ninth Video:
Effective Saddlebag Exercises
This is a 6-minute booty bridge burn workout and it is AWESOME! It is another quick and effective butt workout. You can subscribe to her channel, Lauren Boggi, HERE.
It burns SO freaking good!!! You CAN DO IT!!! I do this one at least 2 times a week along with the other workouts from above. I usually choose 3 or 4!
Now For Arms! Effective Arm Exercises!
Below, you will find ALL the videos I use, on a weekly basis, to strengthen my arms. There is a mixture of shoulders, biceps, triceps, and back mixed in these videos.
So, you get an awesome workout for all those muscles! The videos below are QUICK and effective workouts. No need to work out for hours a day! All you need is dumbells (Any pound will do!).
1st Video:
This is a 5-minute arm workout but don’t let that fool you because it is HARD! But, it is ONLY 5 minutes!!! The burn is real on this one, but so worth it!! Subscribe to her channel, HERE.
If you are looking for a quick arm workout that gives you long, lean, toned arm muscles, this is it! All you need is 2-pound weights.
If you do this 5-minute arm workout 4 times a week you can see results in less than a month. This workout gets those small muscles that other weight lifting can’t.
2nd Video:
Here she is again (see above!). Another arm workout but this time for ONLY 4 minutes! See why I love her so much? QUICK and effective workouts!
Don’t let it fool you though, it does BURN. I will do this workout when I am low on time!
3rd Video:
This girl works your arms like no other, but it is quick! I do this one at least once a week, along with one other arm workout.
My arms are starting to look so good! Just in time for summertime! Yay! You can subscribe to her channel HERE.
4th Video:
This video is about 17 minutes long. So, when I do this workout, I usually only do this arm workout for the day or I will add on one of the 5-minute arm workouts you see on this page, too. But usually, I only do this arm workout.
This at-home sculpted arms workout takes only 17 minutes and all you need is a set of dumbbells to get strong sculpted arms!
Target your shoulders, biceps, and triceps with lightweight and high reps. Subscribe to her channel, Heather Robertson, HERE.
5th Video:
This is another 5-Min Arms Workout with Dumbbells. It works your biceps and triceps really well. I will do this arm workout when I do other shorter workouts. Love how it makes my arms burn! You can subscribe to their channel HERE.
6th Video:
Get rid of those bat wings! This is an awesome tricep workout that is only 5 or 6 minutes long! I do this arm workout at least 3 times a week along with other 5-minute arm workouts.
This is another video of one of my favorite fitness YouTubers! See her other video above!
7th Video:
This is another 10-minute Arm-Toning Workout With Weights. This is an effective, quick workout for your arms. I do this one at least one time a week.
8th Video:
This is a wonderful arm workout video for beginners. I should have put this one at the top, but nonetheless, here it is.
I started my arm workouts by doing this one. This is a 10 Minute Quick and Easy Lean Arm Exercise. Subscribe to her channel, PsycheTruth, HERE.
Caroline Girvan!!!
If you are searching for more brutal workouts, I HIGHLY recommend Caroline Girvan!!! I now do her workouts almost every day and LOVE LOVE LOVE them!
Her Iron Series is my all-time FAVORITE right now! But she has a TON of awesome ones like her Fuel Series which is her newest one!
She provides great exercise routines and workouts for your entire body. Definitely check her out! newest one!
Drink Your Water!
It is SO important to drink tons of water during the day, especially when you are working out and burning those calories! It is easy to get dehydrated when you work out. So, make sure you are drinking your water.
Also, drinking water may help with cellulite. Water keeps you hydrated and reduces the toxins that might lead to fat accumulation.
I bought my oldest son this water bottle to help with his water intake each day. He is REALLY into fitness and is the one who got me started on my fitness journey!
Eat Healthily
Okay, I rarely eat, for real! But, I know I have to in order to be my best, healthiest self, right? I tried Keto for a while and I still follow it but not entirely.
I have cut out a lot of carbs though and feel SO much better because of that. Mainly just watch your caloric intake and maybe make some dietary changes. That is the best way to start.
It is important to eat healthier if you can. Just cut out a few unhealthy things and see how that goes for you. Start SMALL and then go from there. Don’t do anything drastic because nothing good ever comes from throwing yourself into something!
Since February 28, 2020, I have lost 22 lbs. I started off at 148 and now I am 126 lbs! I feel SO good and am excited to see how my body transforms! I actually wore a swimsuit for the FIRST time in OVER 20+ years, at the Boise Waterpark this year!!
I couldn’t believe I did it, but I did and felt COMFORTABLE!!! Very exciting for me!!! My saddlebag fat has definitely gone way down. I just feel more comfortable in my own skin and that is what I was aiming for!
I also JUST purchased the FasciaBlaster Mini 2 as I have heard wonderful things about fascia blasting and cellulite. So, I will update you all when I use it a bit more (only been a couple of weeks so far!). Check out my video of the Mini 2 and stay tuned for more vids of me using it and my results!
More Resources for Effective Exercises!
I actually started a NEW blog (haha!) called ‘My Fitness Routines‘ and I only have two posts on it right now, but it is up!
So, if you are searching for more FREE workout routines, you can check them out! Here is an article for 20 Free Workouts to Help You Get Your Summer Body! That is an easy way to start!
Download Your FREE Exercise Planner!
Here is a free printable exercise planner for you! Download it HERE! Or, click the image below!
Just remember that having saddlebags is not bad! If you want to lessen their appearance of them you can with proper exercise, a balanced diet, and nutrition.
A lot of women have them, so don’t be self-conscious if you do! You are enough and you are beautiful the way you are!!
Please let me know if you start working out! We can help each other along! I want to hear about your weight loss journey!
Let me know if you do a saddlebag workout! And, which saddlebag exercises did/do you like best? Here are hip dips workouts if you are interested in doing those!