Let’s face it; the coronavirus pandemic has left most people feeling a little lonely. Or at the very least, we are far less social than before. Therefore, the companionship of a dog is a highly attractive prospect at this time. However, you should only consider getting a pup if you accept that your furry friend is for life.
If you have been thinking about getting a dog for a long time, there’s no doubt that this is one of the best times to do it. After all, you will be in a position to spend more time with the pup than usual while the joy they bring to your world will be more noticeable.
Nonetheless, you need to prepare for the transition in a way that will bring the best results. For the new addition as well as yourself and family members. Here’s how.
#1. Research different breeds
When looking to create a more comfortable situation as a pet owner, the first step is to find a dog that is matched your preferences. Therefore, conducting the necessary research into different dog breeds is pivotal. After all, the contrasts between them are huge.
Several factors will influence your decision. Do you like a big or little dog? An energetic dog? A working dog or a guard dog? Moreover, you may need to consider the dogs that are best suited to living with young children, disabled family members, or other pets. Similarly, you should consider your surroundings, work commitments, and lifestyle.
A dog that has the personality to match your lifestyle will fit into your life with greater ease. That smooth transition can make all the difference.
#2. Get a pup that’s less trouble
In addition to choosing the right breed for your lifestyle, you need to find the perfect pup too. All dogs are unique. Their personalities and behavior traits are significantly influenced by their pasts. Overlooking this feature could result in choosing the wrong dog.
Rescuing a shelter dog is admirable, but may result in difficulties. Conversely, trained pups can complete the transition far easier and won’t display behavioral habits. Lucky labs, for example, are bred and trained in a caring and responsible way. Therefore, they can brighten up your home with instant results.
#3. Prepare the home for everyone
Introducing a new pet to the home is a significant change for your family and an even bigger one for the dog. Given that a happy home environment is more instrumental in our lives than ever before, you must prioritize it. For the pandemic and beyond.
A winning home environment should welcome the pup into their new home without disrupting the family or other pets. Designated areas for the dog bed and toys are vital. Meanwhile, you should put any barriers in place before your dog arrives. Otherwise, using new rules after a few weeks can be confusing.
Crucially, you ended to ensure that the human members of the household can retain their privacy and relaxation. Adapt the home for your dog, but don’t let it take over.
#4. Use the pup to achieve personal goals
A dog can naturally light up your world in many ways. However, one of the most effective ways to strengthen the bond is to make the pup your secret weapon for achieving another life goal. This has supported millions of dog owners over the years.
Perhaps the most obvious example is to use a dog for increased fitness. Walks and runs with the dog will provide great cardio while you can build fun games that naturally boost both of your strengths. If nothing else, the increased physical activity enjoyed with the dog provides a nice break from always hitting the gym.
The personal goals needn’t be linked to fitness, though. Starting a business focused on dog-based products or becoming a pet photographer are just two examples.
#5. Think about your dog’s comfort
Aside from building a better home environment, you need to ensure daily comforts are in place. This can be as simple as knowing what laundry products are safe for your pet to ensuring that the pup isn’t alone for too long. Similarly, finding a bathing routine that’s comfortable and convenient for the pup pays dividends.
Essentially, working together with your dog rather than facing daily battles will create the best situation for both of you. Moreover, it will encourage sustained happiness in the process.
#6. Put financial precautions in place
The dog’s value to your life is greater than any monetary figure. Nevertheless, you cannot ignore the impact of financial implications. If the pup becomes too expensive, you will have to give it up. Whether you like it or not.
Beyond the excitement of shopping for toys and treats, you’ll need to consider the necessary preventative shots, routine check-ups, and possible health complications that may arise. Additionally, you’ll want to create a safe and comfortable environment for your pup, which may require adjustments to your home and purchasing a cozy bed.
But don’t worry; with Pet Secure‘s help, you can prepare for medical expenses and reduce the cost of your vet bills. Furthermore, it is essential to consider the costs of end-of-life care for your furry friend. Saving up while your dog is happy and healthy can help reduce financial stress when their health declines. This can also allow you to make pricier decisions, such as home pet euthanasia, so your pup can pass on in the comfort of your home.
There’s nothing worse than having to make a difficult decision due to financial problems. With the right safety nets in place, this won’t need to happen.
#7. Introduce pets to each other
If the puppy is your first pet or the only pet currently in your life, you won’t need to worry about this point. If you already have another pet that will interact with the dog, it’s vital that you take this relationship into account.
The bond between cats and dogs is notorious for being the difficult one. The key to success is to invest in the relationship from day one. However, cats aren’t the only other animals that should be considered. Rabbits, tortoises, and virtually all pets other than fish will be affected by having the dog enter their home.
#8. Manage your reactions
Dogs share a lot of attributes with children, not least in terms of learned behaviors. As such, it’s vital that you learn to avoid emotional responses that can cause anxiety or stress in the dog. Otherwise, you will enter a vicious cycle.
This concept is particularly important in the early phases of owning a dog. It probably won’t require professional training. Instead, you simply need to pay greater attention to your body language. Meanwhile, developing the ability to take a step back and relax when stressful situations surface is vital. It’ll usually pass in a few seconds.
Even when the pup isn’t the source of your stress, they will pick up on negative responses. Besides, this conscious change of mindset will enhance your world too.
A dog can provide a source of smiles that lasts for over 10 years. However, this will only happen when you start your life as a dog owner in the right manner. From finding the perfect pup to embracing winning habits, the steps above will lead you to greater success. As long as you are focused on cultivating long-term bonds, you won’t go far wrong.