If you grew up with siblings, you’ll know that being teased, irritated and in an almost constant state of readiness comes with the territory. Who knows whether your next interaction with your sibling will be one of love or complete frustration! It’s completely natural for siblings to squabble, in fact, they’re probably enemies one minute and then best friends the next! However, if you’re a parent who is getting a little fatigued with the constant need to break up fights, and to mediate between them, there’s nothing wrong with changing your approach and finding other ways to reduce their squabbles.
Ways How to Reduce Squabbles Between Siblings
In this post, we’ll look at some interesting ways that this can be done, read on to find out more.
Update Their Sleeping Arrangements
If your children are currently sharing a room and their latest battle is all about which part of the room belongs to them, then why not quell this source of quarreling by updating their sleeping arrangements. If you’re looking for a cool bed for kids, then updating to a bunk bed system can give them the room they need and reduce arguments about who’s-on-who’s side of the bedroom. This approach forces your children to share and be more equal about things.
Gently Remind Them of The House Rules
Watching your children argue can be exhausting and incredibly frustrating. While it’s tempting to raise your voice and banish them to their room, it’s more important that you remain calm and try to be as empathetic as possible. Firmly, but calmly remind your children of how they’re expected to behave at home and how we need to treat each other with respect and kindness. Consider phrases such as “use words, not your hands” or “I understand you’re upset and cross, but we never hit each other.”
Ensure They Have Their Own Interests
As parents, we can expect a lot from our children without even realizing how much pressure we’re putting on them. For example, we always expect our children to share without question and constantly limit their ability to play by themselves or even have toys of their own. This can lead to frustrations and anger which can manifest as squabbles and sibling arguments. Ensuring that they have their own interests and ways to express themselves can help combat this. This makes them feel like individuals and less angry.
Teach Them How to Solve Conflicts
Sometimes, it’s a good idea to let them argue. While physical violence should never be permitted, parents could encourage their children to work on their conflict resolution skills and to be more communicative with their feelings. This approach can help them resolve squabbles in the future, peacefully and also help with their emotional development as they grow.
Give Them 1-2-1 Time
As a sibling, they’re used to sharing you with their brother or sister. And although it’s not intentional, children can feel jealous or feel that attention from mum and dad isn’t as great as their siblings’. To avoid these confrontations from rising, ensure that each child gets plenty of 1-2-1 time with you. This will keep your children calmer, as less likely to let out their frustrations with petty squabbles.