Many people find the fall a tricky time. Although the weather turns all the leaves golden and yellow; the kids return to school; Halloween and Thanksgiving are around the corner and there’s a little bit of a bite in the frosty air; it is still a difficult season for most.
With the end of summer comes shorter days, colder weather, and a general sense of gloom. Millions around the world even suffer from SAD, standing for Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is a form of depression that sets in during the winter months.
Even if you love this time of year, we could all do with a pick-me-up after this crazy year of 2020. It has been a rough ride for all, and moms are often the last on the list when it comes to taking care of everyone before themselves. Here are 3 Pick-Me-Ups For Moms This Fall!
3 Pick-Me-Ups For Moms This Fall
1. Visit The Spa
This is an age-old piece of self-care advice, but after so many establishments closed their doors due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the spa is even more enticing than usual. As a mom, you might find that you put everyone’s needs before your own. Well, not today, sister. Today is all about you.
Take a spa day all by yourself and get a beautiful facial, a much-needed back massage, and even a treatment like a laser hair removal. Laser hair removal means you will never wax or shave again, with baby-smooth legs and underarms for life! Go on – treat yourself today. You are worth it.
2. Revitalizing Your Home
You can revitalize your home without breaking the bank. We aren’t talking about a full home renovation with builders involved – just some minor changes which will totally revamp your domestic environment.
Psychologists say that changing the layout of your space can boost your mood and help you be motivated. You could rearrange your living room or bedroom space; get into house plants and populate your place with gorgeous greenery, or even simply invest in some high quality scented candles to create a delicious fall atmosphere in your home.
3. Start A New Hobby
Once you reach a certain age, many people stop trying new hobbies altogether. This is a sad reality which leaves a lot of people feeling bored with their routines, but afraid to try something new. Well, stop right there! Who says you can’t try a new thing?
You could attend dance classes for a fun, laughter-filled workout; you could take up sewing or knitting, or you could even start a book club for all the local moms. It is important you have a hobby which is just for you, so you can take time each week to just focus on yourself. Plus, you never know what you’ll learn along the way.
As a mom, don’t let fall slip by without taking the opportunity to indulge in a pick-me-up. Take the time to celebrate yourself, and have fun along the way! I hope these 3 Pick-Me-Ups For Moms This Fall has helped you!