*A Natural Remedy for a Miserable Teething Baby. This is a partnered Guest Post.
It’s not easy being a parent to a baby. When your baby is upset, all you want to do is make it better. All you can think about is how you can make him happy. You try everything, and nothing works. You go to the doctor only to be turned away with the advice of giving him some Tylenol or Motrin.
A Natural Remedy for a Miserable Teething Baby
If you’re like me, you don’t exactly feel comfortable giving your baby Tylenol and Motrin every day, especially if he is teething. They are drugs, and if baby doesn’t absolutely need them, why take the risk, right?
That’s why I decided to find a natural remedy for my teething baby. I tried the teething rings, but they didn’t seem to last long. It works for a few minutes, and then he didn’t want to put them in his mouth anymore. I can’t blame him. Who wants to have something like that in their mouth all the time?
The Other Natural Remedy for Teething
My friend told me about amber teething necklaces. I’ll admit that I was skeptical at first. How could amber help my baby with her teething?
Instead of prodding her with questions, I did some research, and this is what I found: Amber has been used by Europeans and Middle Easterners for centuries. It’s made of fossilized tree resin, which has Succinic Acid in it. This treatment oil is what helps treat aches, pains, inflammation, fever, colds, the flu, and so much more.
I never knew how beneficial amber is to people’s health, not just teething babies. As I read into it more, I found out that not all amber is the same. Some doesn’t have enough of the treatment oil inside of it. It’s important the amber is sourced from places where the concentration is the highest.The Baltic areas of the world are the best, such as Lithuania.
I searched for companies that sell amber beaded necklaces that have been sourced from Lithuania and found http://www.balticwonder.com/. The site provided a lot of information and had a nice selection of necklaces. They even send a certificate of authenticity with every necklace. I was sold. I ordered a necklace and anxiously waited for it to arrive. It only took three days.
My Experience With the Amber Necklace
It wasn’t until three days later that I started to see a difference in my baby. At first, she just fussed less, but I didn’t really know if that was just a good day or if the necklace was working. The next day, she was acting much better and even had a better appetite. By the third day, her fever was gone, she wasn’t drooling so much, and she was so much happier. I was so happy.
It’s been a few months now, and she’s been fine ever since I’ve used the necklace. She’s cut three teeth since I started using the amber necklace. I would have never believed the necklace would have been so effective, but it’s been a lifesaver.
If you’re looking for a natural remedy for your teething baby, consider a Baltic amber necklace. Just make sure you buy it from a company that sources their beads from a Baltic area, so you get amber beads with the highest concentration of the treatment oil.
Dianna says
We have kept the necklaces on our babies a very long time— One Gma got into a little trouble because she kept trying to take it off Addy who has had hers own since she was 3 months old. She will be 2 in March. Catherine is 4 in a few days and has just recently in the last couple weeks taken her of–She has had hers since she was two months old. We wouldn’t live without out it. And we have found the same information aS YOU WERE SAYING– nOT ALL AMBUR IS EQUAL. and you cannot share,one necklace with another different child.. It doesn’t work out well.If a child looses or breaks the necklackyou just have to go an reorder a new one preferably from the same place as before if you can.
Kim Delatorre says
Glad to hear they have worked so well for your littles!! <3 Thank you for sharing!