I remember when I was younger, my family and I traveled to Hawaii. I was out in the sun all day long and was swimming the whole day. I had sunscreen on but did not get out of the pool to drink any water. I would regret that later!
Later on that night, I was so sick. I had heat stroke or something and was vomiting like crazy. It was horrible! Thank heavens its past and the next day I was feeling a lot better and could do fun things again.
But, I should have known I would get sick because I wasn’t drinking water and staying out of the sun. I asked myself, How Do I Avoid Getting Sick When I Travel? Well, in this case, it was just common sense! Don’t hang out all day in direct sunlight AND stay hydrated.
Now that I do know this, I am very careful with my kids when we travel. I keep my kids and myself hydrated when outside in the heat and when traveling in a hot car.
Plus, there are many other things that can happen when traveling. Anyone can get sick and to prevent that (or try to), I like to bring a few things in the car with us.
Of course, have air conditioning in your car is always a plus! There are so many beautiful cars at Patrick Volvo that have air conditioning.
How Do I Avoid Getting Sick When I Travel? Well, for starters I like to have bottled water on hand. Hats are also great to have when it is sunny/hot outside and you are walking around in the heat. Sunglasses are also another necessity. Even the kids should have sunglasses.
Stay healthy with nutritious foods such as apples, bananas, trail mix, etc. I like to have healthy options on hand when we are on the go. My kids appreciate it and I like that they are eating healthy when we are away from home.
Make sure to also have a little first aid kit on hand. It doesn’t have to be real big, but big enough for the necessities like bandages, alcohol wipes, ointment for cuts or scrapes, etc. It really takes the stress out of a parent when they have these things on hand! Trust me!
These are just a few suggestions on how we stay healthy when traveling. Do you have any suggestions or tips you want to add? It is no fun getting sick when on vacation or on the road!