*Products were received. Opinions are our own.
Back-to-School with EyeBuyDirect.com
When my daughter went in for an eye exam a few years back, we had no idea how bad her eyes were! I felt like the worst mom in the whole world, because I felt I should have caught it before then! My poor little love button!
But, her eyes were really really bad and she had to go in weekly to have her eyes exercised and to do little exercises to help her eyes get better. We did that for about a year.
She has one pair of eye glasses and they are all scratched up now and just don’t fit like they used to. Plus, she recently went in for a new eye exam and her eyes have improved SO much that her old eye glasses no longer were her prescription! Yay!
So, we had to order her new glasses for the new school year. Plus, I found out earlier in the year, I needed glasses too! Gah. So, me and my daughter ordered our glasses from EyeBuyDirect.com.
I had never ordered eye glasses online. I thought the process would be very time-consuming and that I would get irritated with the process. But, it was not like that at all. It was actually kind of fun to order our glasses online!
We downloaded our pictures to the site and then we were able to virtually ‘try on’ our eye glasses to see if they fit our face and to see if they looked good on us. This made ordering them really fun and quite easy. I found a pair that I really liked in no time and so did my daughter.
We then had to put in our information and our prescription, which was a cinch to do. Just make sure after you order a pair for someone else, that you go to a completely NEW form and page for yourself. Otherwise you won’t be able to fill in certain things and you will get really confused! I learned this the hard way!
Anyways, the process was easy enough and fun. Once our order was placed, I received an email saying they received my orders. I also received several other emails, throughout the week, letting me know the status on my orders, what they were doing and when the glasses were shipped out. So I was not left in the dark about anything and knew exactly when my glasses would be sent to me. I really like that.
When the glasses did arrive, they arrived in a little box and inside was a case and then the eye glasses. The eye glasses come with a little cleaning cloth, which I thought was great!
The only thing I would suggest is that since we ordered two pairs of glasses (even though they were different colors, etc..), that they come with a slip of paper inside, saying our prescription on it so I know whose glasses were whose. Just in case someone was to order identical glasses as someone in their family, the slip of paper saying the prescription inside, would be very helpful!
All in all, my experience with EyeBuyDirect.com was very nice. The whole process was wonderful and easy. I like easy!
EyeBuyDirect.com has so many eye glasses to choose from. So many different styles! I love that they carry different brands and has so many styles available. They also carry sunglasses.
You can purchase all your eye glasses and sunglasses at EyeBuyDirect.com.
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Do You Wear Glasses? If So, How Long Have You Been Wearing Them For?
Beas D Maria says
I would love to have a pair of those amazing glasses.
Richard Hicks says
I have bought glasses there before and they were perfect and shipped fast
Thalia H says
ooh yes, i tried contacts once and i am not great with them. i have problems trying to put something in my eye so i stuck with the glasses, ive been wearing glasses since i was in third grade(9yrs)
Lesley F says
I need new glasses so I will have to check this out
Dagmar M says
I thankfully don’t need glasses!
Marnie G (Derrick Todd) says
This sounds like a great site to use to order glasses online. I like that you can virtually try them on.
ColleenMarie says
Yes, I have worn glasses since I was in Kindergarten.
Sarah Hayes says
super cute for both of you! I don’t wear glasses and I hope I never have to. glad there are great options for ppl that need them
Betsy says
I would have expected that buying glasses online would be difficult because you cant try them on. Being able to upload your picture and then try them on virtually would definitely work. I will have to checkout the prices and see for myself. I need to get a new pair too!
Lisa Coomer Queen says
This sounds like a great company. I will have to check them out. Thanks!
rosannepm says
They look great and glad to hear your little girl’s eyes are getting better.
Natalie says
Those rims look great on you both! I will have to check this out.
Carolyn Massey says
Didn’t know about this site. I wear glasses and so does my daughter. This would be so helpful and I’m sure has so many glasses to choose from.
Mia says
I love that glasses now can be so stylish and fun to wear. I have been wearing glasses since I was your daughters age but have yet to buy any online.
Janet W. says
I’ve been wearing glasses for distance for many, many years now. Looks like an easy way to buy glasses!
James Robert says
Not seeing my comment from earlier so not sure it went through.My twin daughters both have glasses. One broke hers shortly after getting them so I need to get a new pair for her. Maybe this is the place to check out for them
Dorothy Boucher says
this is such a great idea, I love that you can download an image of yourself and be able to try on different glasses before you buy them 🙂