*School Is Right Around That Corner. This is a sponsored post.
Oh heavens to Betsy, school is right around the corner for both my babies! My little girl will be starting kindergarten (BIG SADNESS HERE!!!) and my little boy will be starting 2nd grade! EGADS!!!!!
Why on earth do children have to grow up so dang fast and leave us parents looking and feeling so OLD??? WHOOOSH! Not my idea of fun times!
Now that I have two in school soon, I will have to think quite a bit about what to put into their school lunches! I know they need healthy, but heck they love their sweets too!
They really enjoy donuts and pastries, so I will have to probably become a pastry chef in order to fill their donut/pastry needs on a daily basis!! Hmmm..
Then, for their healthy stuff, I usually give them yummy sandwiches, veggie, and some fresh fruit. But what to drink? I guess I could give them milk, but that gets BORING! Even my son told me that! So, I will spruce the lunch up a bit with maybe some fruit juices??
I know this year will FLY by too, like all the other years, but I really want to be prepared with the school lunches because that is always my most anxiety filled time, making my kids lunches. Isn’t that crazy? I get anxiety over making school lunches, sigh.
Anyways, I would love some inspiration on how YOU make your kid’s school lunches. Any suggestions or fun ways to make the school lunch I give them every day, LESS boring? Remember, I don’t have oodles of time to prepare it, so EASY and FAST ideas appreciated!!!! TIA!
Heavens to Mergatroit!!!!!!
Ashley says
Check out hashtag #BentoDay on twitter and instagram! Cutest lunch ideas ever.
Whitney @ It's Gravy, Baby! says
I feel like I can never get the lunch thing down even though my kids are home with me. That’s one of my goals over the next few weeks!
Penelope (NYC Blogger) says
I’m not ready, I’m not ready! My son starts in a couple weeks, soooo sad about it 🙁
Hanan says
This is my first year making lunches. I already have a ton of bento style boxes, and have looking for non-sandwich ideas!
Brett says
i use the thermos foogo a lot- my kids love soup and leftovers a lot- and you can warm that up in the early morning, put warm food in and it stays WARM when they go to eat later. chicken fries, kielbasa, beans and rice, mac n cheese, soup…
we also do kebabs a lot. i found toothpicks that are like 3 inches long? perfect fit in sandwich containers. more fun than a sandwich.
Terri K (@tkharmonic) says
I think kebabs work really well for my son, fruit kebabs especially. My son likes pinwheels, and he’s not a big bread eater, so I will take deli meat and cheese, roll them up and I use those plastic swords like go in cocktails instead of toothpicks.
Themed food is fun, and that trick of using a toothpick to write a message on a banana skin. When my son was a toddler, I used a Sharpie marker to write on the outside of the bottom on a plastic container, sometimes drew faces, so when he got near the end he would actually finish instead of just leaving it almost done.
Becca @ Mama B says
This year, I am going to try bento lunches. I love love #bentoaday on Instagram and Following in my shoes blog always posts great ones!